Author Topic: PM me with your favorite Star Wars character..Please its for a project  (Read 19404 times)

Offline Carl deuty

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This is for a class project.  I have to get as many peoples favorite Star Wars character and tally them up.  Mine is Princess Leah.  She is so awesome. For some reason i can not view posted material on my home computer, that is why I am asking you to please PM me.  I would really appreciate your input.
« Last Edit: March 30, 2009, 11:34:20 PM by Carl deuty »

Offline adotson85

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PM sent, as if you could read this.
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We should all PM our favorite Star Trek character. We can claim that is what the original post asked for, and the opriginal poster will have no way of checking.  ;)


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That's what I did ;D

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pm sent
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Offline TheKarazyvicePresidentRR

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Pm sent and RE PM'd. My head hurts, I screwed up my first vote. LONG LIVE TARKIN
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PM sent.  Liam Neeson always gets my vote.
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Pm sent and RE PM'd. My head hurts, I screwed up my first vote. LONG LIVE TARKIN
Tarkin ftw But Liam Neeson is a ton better still  :P
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Offline adotson85

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I talked to Daniel today and he wanted to thank everyone for their replies thus far.  He said he still needs a few more PM's, so if you haven't sent him a PM please do.  Thanks
"Don't forget in the darkness what you have learned in the light."


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PM sent.

Offline TheKarazyvicePresidentRR

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Re: PM me with your favorite Star Wars character..Please its for a project
« Reply #10 on: April 01, 2009, 01:51:10 PM »
Pm sent and RE PM'd. My head hurts, I screwed up my first vote. LONG LIVE TARKIN
Tarkin ftw But Liam Neeson is a ton better still  :P
Yes, but his character (as awesome as a borderline dark jedi is) sorta lacked something, like a not lame death.
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Offline soul seeker

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Re: PM me with your favorite Star Wars character..Please its for a project
« Reply #11 on: April 01, 2009, 01:57:27 PM »
Pm sent and RE PM'd. My head hurts, I screwed up my first vote. LONG LIVE TARKIN
Tarkin ftw But Liam Neeson is a ton better still  :P
Yes, but his character (as awesome as a borderline dark jedi is) sorta lacked something, like a not lame death.
Lame?  Clearly Darth Maul was the superior swordsmith.  I think his death was very appropriate and believable.
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Offline New Raven BR

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Re: PM me with your favorite Star Wars character..Please its for a project
« Reply #12 on: April 01, 2009, 02:00:44 PM »
Pm sent and RE PM'd. My head hurts, I screwed up my first vote. LONG LIVE TARKIN
Tarkin ftw But Liam Neeson is a ton better still  :P
Yes, but his character (as awesome as a borderline dark jedi is) sorta lacked something, like a not lame death.
Lame?  Clearly Darth Maul was the superior swordsmith.  I think his death was very appropriate and believable.
actually it wasn't cause he got beat by a padawan XD
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Offline soul seeker

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Re: PM me with your favorite Star Wars character..Please its for a project
« Reply #13 on: April 01, 2009, 02:18:00 PM »
Darth Maul was a padawan about as much as Tyrannus or Vader was a padawan. 
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Re: PM me with your favorite Star Wars character..Please its for a project
« Reply #14 on: April 01, 2009, 04:41:22 PM »
I think he meant that darth maul got beat by a padawan

but that was no ordinarly padawan.. it was the chosen one!  the one who will bring balance to the force...
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Re: PM me with your favorite Star Wars character..Please its for a project
« Reply #15 on: April 01, 2009, 04:45:06 PM »

but that was no ordinarly padawan.. it was the chosen one!  the one who will bring balance to the force...

I hope this is an April Fools' joke.  ;)
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Offline New Raven BR

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Re: PM me with your favorite Star Wars character..Please its for a project
« Reply #16 on: April 01, 2009, 05:22:54 PM »
I think he meant that darth maul got beat by a padawan

but that was no ordinarly padawan.. it was the chosen one!  the one who will bring balance to the force...
it wasn't anikan that beat maul
it was obiwan.and obiwan is NOT the chosen one as discribed in the first 3 movies it indicated that it was Anikan whose the chosen one
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Re: PM me with your favorite Star Wars character..Please its for a project
« Reply #17 on: April 01, 2009, 05:51:55 PM »
I think he meant that darth maul got beat by a padawan

but that was no ordinary padawan.. it was the chosen one!  the one who will bring balance to the force...
it wasn't anikan that beat maul
it was obi wan.and obi wan is NOT the chosen one as described in the first 3 movies it indicated that it was Anikan whose the chosen one
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Offline TheKarazyvicePresidentRR

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Re: PM me with your favorite Star Wars character..Please its for a project
« Reply #18 on: April 01, 2009, 06:01:13 PM »

but that was no ordinarly padawan.. it was the chosen one!  the one who will bring balance to the force...

I hope this is an April Fools' joke.  ;)
actually Obi indirrectly did, if Obiwan had of been like yoda and uptight about the rules, luke would of been a full jedi. Instead of a gray jedi (force choking people = No no for light side)

Pm sent and RE PM'd. My head hurts, I screwed up my first vote. LONG LIVE TARKIN
Tarkin ftw But Liam Neeson is a ton better still  :P
Yes, but his character (as awesome as a borderline dark jedi is) sorta lacked something, like a not lame death.
Lame?  Clearly Darth Maul was the superior swordsmith.  I think his death was very appropriate and believable.
actually it wasn't cause he got beat by a padawan XD
Well, Ironically, Obiwan went dark side to kill maul so...

I didn't mean his death was bad just... Smack in the head normally wouldn't open your guard (to the extent of being stabbed in the stomach) if you were relying on the force.
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Re: PM me with your favorite Star Wars character..Please its for a project
« Reply #19 on: April 01, 2009, 06:53:03 PM »
But if you really think about it, who really was responsible for bringing balance to the force?
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Offline Colin Michael

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Re: PM me with your favorite Star Wars character..Please its for a project
« Reply #20 on: April 01, 2009, 06:57:07 PM »
But if you really think about it, who really was responsible for bringing balance to the force?
αθαvαTOι θvηTOι θvηTOι αθαvαTOι ζwvTεs TOv εKειvwv θαvαTov Tov δε εKεivwv βιOv TεθvεwTεs -Heraclitus


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Re: PM me with your favorite Star Wars character..Please its for a project
« Reply #21 on: April 01, 2009, 07:21:58 PM »
PM sent.  By the way, Anakin was responsible for bringing balance to the force.  In Episode III, he killed all the Jedi but two, Yoda and Obi-Wan, leaving two Jedi and two Sith.  Later, however, he destroyed the Sith, which I think was a bit of a better thing to do! :laugh:  So anyway, Anakin did fulfill the prophecy by turning to the Dark Side and killing everyone but Yoda and Obi-Wan.  Dilemma solved. :)

Offline Carl deuty

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Re: PM me with your favorite Star Wars character..Please its for a project
« Reply #22 on: April 01, 2009, 09:54:48 PM »
Thanks for all the replies guys.  I still need a couple more people to PM me with their favorite Star Wars character to get a large enough test groups.  Thank you to everyone.

Offline soul seeker

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Re: PM me with your favorite Star Wars character..Please its for a project
« Reply #23 on: April 02, 2009, 12:15:49 PM »
Wow!  I have a lot to correct.
@ Crustpope:  Raven had to be talking about Maul because he referenced my post who was referencing RRs post about Liam Neilson's Character Qui Gon Gin having a "lame" death.  If this is not what Raven was referencing then he was wrong from the start because he misread my response to RR.

@ Raven:  Obi Wan was not a padawan when he defeated Darth Maul.  Qui Gon had already released him so he could take Anakin Skywalker on as a padawan.

@ RR:  I do not believe Obi Wan used the Dark Side to defeat Maul...actually when he fought aggressively is when he lost, but when he calmed down:  he was able to force jump while grabbing Qui Gon's lightsaber to defeat Maul.  Plus, if you get smacked in the nose, trust drop your guard, and again, I submit that Maul was superior in fighting skill to Qui Gon which is why it was so easy to kill him one on one. Qui Gon needed Obi Wan's help.  Each jedi has special talent in the area of the force.  Fighting was not Qui Gon's.

@ NotOfThisWorld66:  Actually, more than just Yoda and Obi Wan survived the purge.  That is why Vader had to go and hunt a lot of the Jedi down.  The Extended Universe (books & Video Games) which is approved by Lucas speaks of this, and Vader never did find all of them.  However, there were a lot of force users that Vader needed to cut down which supports Darth Bane's theory of the Rule of 2.  :maul: 
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Offline TheKarazyvicePresidentRR

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Re: PM me with your favorite Star Wars character..Please its for a project
« Reply #24 on: April 02, 2009, 01:44:35 PM »
But if you really think about it, who really was responsible for bringing balance to the force?
You wyn the thread. *Snap*

PM sent.  By the way, Anakin was responsible for bringing balance to the force.  In Episode III, he killed all the Jedi but two, Yoda and Obi-Wan, leaving two Jedi and two Sith.  Later, however, he destroyed the Sith, which I think was a bit of a better thing to do! :laugh:  So anyway, Anakin did fulfill the prophecy by turning to the Dark Side and killing everyone but Yoda and Obi-Wan.  Dilemma solved. :)
Also by the end of episode six all force users who were pure jedi or sith were dead. Only Gray Jedi Luke remained who was balance within himself.

@ RR:  I do not believe Obi Wan used the Dark Side to defeat Maul...actually when he fought aggressively is when he lost, but when he calmed down:  he was able to force jump while grabbing Qui Gon's lightsaber to defeat Maul.  Plus, if you get smacked in the nose, trust drop your guard, and again, I submit that Maul was superior in fighting skill to Qui Gon which is why it was so easy to kill him one on one. Qui Gon needed Obi Wan's help.  Each jedi has special talent in the area of the force.  Fighting was not Qui Gon's.
Maybe it was the face he was making as he jumped and sliced maul but he didn't seem very calm. I agree Maul was very skilled in combat while quigon was a force user (Counselor). I know that getting smacked in the nose drops your guard, but when you are relying on the force to help with combat (which qui-gon woulda been) it seems a little odd that he couldn't prevent that. Not a big deal though, just seems odd that Qui-Gon didn't abuse the force as much as a counselor normally would be(Famous counselor who abuses the force: Yoda). Then again, I have only liked 2 Jedi (Qui-Gon and the old Obi-Wan, Because they both completely ignored the Jedi Code if it came into conflict with what they thought.). I'm more of a sith guy myself.
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