Author Topic: Playing Redemption Online  (Read 8568 times)

Offline rsoneill21

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Playing Redemption Online
« on: May 23, 2012, 10:02:36 PM »

I code and design and websites, and I was thinking about making an online version of the game. If there is anybody that would be interested in help designing, coding, and developing this game please do reply or message. If this is a totally bad idea, please also respond.

Thank you,


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Re: Playing Redemption Online
« Reply #1 on: May 23, 2012, 10:05:42 PM »
There already is one.
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Re: Playing Redemption Online
« Reply #2 on: May 23, 2012, 10:11:16 PM »
There already is one.
Not really, since you can't play redemption on there.


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Re: Playing Redemption Online
« Reply #3 on: May 23, 2012, 10:12:10 PM »
I thought there was some kind of hookup or something.
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Re: Playing Redemption Online
« Reply #4 on: May 23, 2012, 10:14:14 PM »
As it stands you play redemption online through RTS(Redemption Table Simulater) and Redemption connect!
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Re: Playing Redemption Online
« Reply #5 on: May 24, 2012, 08:02:20 AM »
I wish I could... Makes me sad.
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Playing Redemption Online
« Reply #6 on: May 24, 2012, 04:26:30 PM »
RTS needs updated though. It's really outdated, I mean c'mon it was made in 2004!! Maybe a new modern format or something?
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Re: Playing Redemption Online
« Reply #7 on: May 24, 2012, 04:41:04 PM »
What type of coding do you do?

As far as online Redemption programs go, there is RTS (downloadable here).

A work in progress (for the last 4 or 5 years... ... ...) has been Redemption Live (preview here).

And there was also mention of Redemption Online, and if you could do that you would be absolutely awesome. Probably one of the greatest people on the planet (and some of us would probably donate some money). The basic idea was found in the below quote.

Quote from: lp670sv
Would you be willing to take the Magic:Online approach?

A new RTS system that emulates real life in how cards are obtained. You pay $5 for the initial game and start off with the G/H starter decks (or the new ones depending on timing) and One "event ticket" which you can use to enter online tournaments. You can acquire cards in 3 ways 1) Winning tournaments and getting prizes. You have to buy more event tickets after your first free entry however. 2) Buying digital booster packs and tins. Same as real life. 3) Trading with other players, same as real life.

This system has generated millions for Wizards with a very low overheard and would be PERFECT for redemption. On the one hand it would generate low-cost revenue that would in turn allow Rob to make bigger sets. It would also provide new players access to more games than they could play otherwise, since they don't have to have people around them to play games.

However since we already have a free online tournament and program, no matter how awesome I make the new version I doubt many people are going to buy in to it no matter how good it is for the game. Which is why I stopped working on it and never announced that i was working on it in the first place or contacted Rob to talk about revenue sharing from it.   

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Re: Playing Redemption Online
« Reply #8 on: May 24, 2012, 04:59:30 PM »

I code and design and websites, and I was thinking about making an online version of the game. If there is anybody that would be interested in help designing, coding, and developing this game please do reply or message. If this is a totally bad idea, please also respond.

Thank you,

If you could make a new one that works on macs that would be nice.

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Re: Playing Redemption Online
« Reply #9 on: May 24, 2012, 05:07:28 PM »
Yeah, there has been off and on talk about it for years.  At one point I heard that Cactus had something going on in that direction but I never heard more about it. 

I would NOT like a system where I had to buy "packs" and develop a collection like in real life.  I have barely had money to keep up with the physical version and would not be able to afford both so they would be in competition with each other.  I know that the real life version would easily win that competition for me.  I also want to be able to use the online version to test out my decks which is a large part of why I use it.

However, I would be happy to buy a vastly improved Redemption program; RTS works but sometimes barely and can be annoying to deal with.  A fully functional program that didn't glitch, disconnect, wasn't missing multiple features from new card abilities, and was streamlined to make online games play faster would be awesome.  I'd probably pay $50 for something like that.  If it was also a fully playable game with AI, then that would be more incredible or if that came out later as an expansion then I would buy that too.  I might even pay a lower cost $10? for a yearly update.

Here's hoping this finally comes together.

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Re: Playing Redemption Online
« Reply #10 on: May 24, 2012, 10:38:26 PM »

I would NOT like a system where I had to buy "packs" and develop a collection like in real life.  I have barely had money to keep up with the physical version and would not be able to afford both so they would be in competition with each other.  I know that the real life version would easily win that competition for me.  I also want to be able to use the online version to test out my decks which is a large part of why I use it.

what if we did something like the pokemon TCG and you got a AR scan thing (sorry don't know what they are called) and a number code with each pack?
You are buying the packs already.
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Re: Playing Redemption Online
« Reply #11 on: May 24, 2012, 11:46:24 PM »

I would NOT like a system where I had to buy "packs" and develop a collection like in real life.  I have barely had money to keep up with the physical version and would not be able to afford both so they would be in competition with each other.  I know that the real life version would easily win that competition for me.  I also want to be able to use the online version to test out my decks which is a large part of why I use it.

what if we did something like the pokemon TCG and you got a AR scan thing (sorry don't know what they are called) and a number code with each pack?
You are buying the packs already.
Problem being Redemption has lost all value. Part of the benefit of an online program would be to reset all of that.

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Re: Playing Redemption Online
« Reply #12 on: May 24, 2012, 11:59:57 PM »

I would NOT like a system where I had to buy "packs" and develop a collection like in real life.  I have barely had money to keep up with the physical version and would not be able to afford both so they would be in competition with each other.  I know that the real life version would easily win that competition for me.  I also want to be able to use the online version to test out my decks which is a large part of why I use it.

what if we did something like the pokemon TCG and you got a AR scan thing (sorry don't know what they are called) and a number code with each pack?
You are buying the packs already.
Problem being Redemption has lost all value. Part of the benefit of an online program would be to reset all of that.

True, i mean, selling cards at 50% and less than they're trade value is ridiculous. But unfortunately i don't think making something like MTGO where you buy packs and whatnot will work. There's just not enough players and the majority of players are either parents or younger children who don't have jobs. (Not as many teenagers who waste their money on useless stuff like me ;))

I do think though that they should make a new "RTS" Where it does everything automatically for you, rather than you having to all the manual work. (Which is the main reason I hav ventured away from it.) It just seems unprofessional. Now, maybe if they made a mode where you could just get any cards and build a deck with "practice" cards where you could test deck ideas and whatnot, then have "real" cards that you purchase and trade and whatnot. But, like i said earlier, i think one of the biggest problems is getting enough participation to the point where the developer will make money off of this.


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Re: Playing Redemption Online
« Reply #13 on: May 25, 2012, 12:21:00 AM »

I would NOT like a system where I had to buy "packs" and develop a collection like in real life.  I have barely had money to keep up with the physical version and would not be able to afford both so they would be in competition with each other.  I know that the real life version would easily win that competition for me.  I also want to be able to use the online version to test out my decks which is a large part of why I use it.

what if we did something like the pokemon TCG and you got a AR scan thing (sorry don't know what they are called) and a number code with each pack?
You are buying the packs already.
Problem being Redemption has lost all value. Part of the benefit of an online program would be to reset all of that.

True, i mean, selling cards at 50% and less than they're trade value is ridiculous. But unfortunately i don't think making something like MTGO where you buy packs and whatnot will work. There's just not enough players and the majority of players are either parents or younger children who don't have jobs. (Not as many teenagers who waste their money on useless stuff like me ;))
I'm pretty sure many more people are more likely to buy a computer game than a card game where you have to find people to play in your area. This would be a great way to make the game grow and allow people who live in tiny towns to play.

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Re: Playing Redemption Online
« Reply #14 on: May 25, 2012, 12:24:55 AM »

I would NOT like a system where I had to buy "packs" and develop a collection like in real life.  I have barely had money to keep up with the physical version and would not be able to afford both so they would be in competition with each other.  I know that the real life version would easily win that competition for me.  I also want to be able to use the online version to test out my decks which is a large part of why I use it.

what if we did something like the pokemon TCG and you got a AR scan thing (sorry don't know what they are called) and a number code with each pack?
You are buying the packs already.
Problem being Redemption has lost all value. Part of the benefit of an online program would be to reset all of that.

True, i mean, selling cards at 50% and less than they're trade value is ridiculous. But unfortunately i don't think making something like MTGO where you buy packs and whatnot will work. There's just not enough players and the majority of players are either parents or younger children who don't have jobs. (Not as many teenagers who waste their money on useless stuff like me ;))
I'm pretty sure many more people are more likely to buy a computer game than a card game where you have to find people to play in your area. This would be a great way to make the game grow and allow people who live in tiny towns to play.

I agree, but the big problem is about making a quality game. I mean, if it's going to be just like RTS but with more features, i'm definitely not in. If you guys are serious about doing this, do it right. Automatic changes in phases, clicking on cards and using abilities that way rather than manually doing everything for yourself. I truly do hope this turns into somehthing big, but... if your going to do it... do it right. Make it really awesome.

Offline rsoneill21

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Re: Playing Redemption Online
« Reply #15 on: May 25, 2012, 11:25:42 AM »
I am a little confused is there already one available, or is there a need? Thank you for all of the feedback and advice. One of the games that has inspired me to do this was Shadow Era, it is an online game that is now branching out into physical cards. I like the idea of the game doing the work and the users doing all of the fun. One of the things is I need some people how would be willing to help and work with me on this. If anybody knows coding and is able to help with this project message and reply, I will reply back with my contact information on this. Same goes if there are anybody who is good with graphic design and help with the design elements that would be good as well.

Thanks Ryan.

Offline Bap7

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Playing Redemption Online
« Reply #16 on: May 25, 2012, 01:43:20 PM »
There is one already available AND there is a need ;-) RTS is the current available one but its extremely outdated and fairly hard to use (unless you play it often). The Redemption community could really use a new modern version of RTS, that is both streamlined and easy for new ppl to use. I think that if someone did a really cool modern RTS (like all the awesome new games) that it would really help the game grow! I know that I would pay a fee (no more than $20) to play an online version! Also I think an AI would be sweet!
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Re: Playing Redemption Online
« Reply #17 on: May 25, 2012, 02:00:59 PM »
I agree, but the big problem is about making a quality game. I mean, if it's going to be just like RTS but with more features, i'm definitely not in. If you guys are serious about doing this, do it right. Automatic changes in phases, clicking on cards and using abilities that way rather than manually doing everything for yourself. I truly do hope this turns into somehthing big, but... if your going to do it... do it right. Make it really awesome.
I agree entirely, but I would add a lot more to "doing it right" than just that, such as multiplayer capabilities, etc.

I am a little confused is there already one available, or is there a need? Thank you for all of the feedback and advice. One of the games that has inspired me to do this was Shadow Era, it is an online game that is now branching out into physical cards. I like the idea of the game doing the work and the users doing all of the fun. One of the things is I need some people how would be willing to help and work with me on this. If anybody knows coding and is able to help with this project message and reply, I will reply back with my contact information on this. Same goes if there are anybody who is good with graphic design and help with the design elements that would be good as well.

Thanks Ryan.
Again, what coding language do you use? There are several programers on the forums who may be able to help you. I know SomeKittens and lp670sv know Java, Lord_Zardeck knows quite a few, and there are some people from the west coast working with Microsoft Silverlite, though I'm not sure they'd have time to work on a new project.

There is a program for Redemption that is very bare bones. We would like something that works game mechanics into the program, instead of having to manually do everything.

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Re: Playing Redemption Online
« Reply #18 on: May 25, 2012, 02:13:12 PM »
I know your basic web programming languages, HTML, CSS, and Mysql and some scripting languages like Javascript (and jQuery), PHP, and working on Python. I wanted to try to see if it could be done with PHP and MYSQL for the game cards, effects, and rules, and Javascript for the display of the game. Or I was thinking about trying to use Unity, similar to that of Shadowera. The good thing about using unity is that you make one game and you can publish it for the browser, mac, pc, iOs, and Android. I wanted to make it where it costs free but you can pay for the cards, play for the cards. If you pay you can get cards a lot faster, but you dont have to pay for the cards. I was also thinking about a way if you buy the physical card you get the digital card also. Just a thought. I want to do it right and use AI.

Thanks Ryan

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Re: Playing Redemption Online
« Reply #19 on: May 25, 2012, 03:36:00 PM »
I agree, but the big problem is about making a quality game. I mean, if it's going to be just like RTS but with more features, i'm definitely not in. If you guys are serious about doing this, do it right. Automatic changes in phases, clicking on cards and using abilities that way rather than manually doing everything for yourself. I truly do hope this turns into somehthing big, but... if your going to do it... do it right. Make it really awesome.
I agree entirely, but I would add a lot more to "doing it right" than just that, such as multiplayer capabilities, etc.

I am a little confused is there already one available, or is there a need? Thank you for all of the feedback and advice. One of the games that has inspired me to do this was Shadow Era, it is an online game that is now branching out into physical cards. I like the idea of the game doing the work and the users doing all of the fun. One of the things is I need some people how would be willing to help and work with me on this. If anybody knows coding and is able to help with this project message and reply, I will reply back with my contact information on this. Same goes if there are anybody who is good with graphic design and help with the design elements that would be good as well.

Thanks Ryan.
Again, what coding language do you use? There are several programers on the forums who may be able to help you. I know SomeKittens and lp670sv know Java, Lord_Zardeck knows quite a few, and there are some people from the west coast working with Microsoft Silverlite, though I'm not sure they'd have time to work on a new project.

There is a program for Redemption that is very bare bones. We would like something that works game mechanics into the program, instead of having to manually do everything.

Adding all those additional was included in the "doing it right" part ;)

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Re: Playing Redemption Online
« Reply #20 on: May 27, 2012, 10:59:31 AM »
it costs free but you can pay for the cards, play for the cards. If you pay you can get cards a lot faster, but you dont have to pay for the cards. I was also thinking about a way if you buy the physical card you get the digital card also.

I would much rather just buy whatever program you have available, with all the cards included! If it was where you had to pay for cards, or even play for cards, I wouldnt buy it. I don't really think that the digital card thing would work either. Just include all the cards with the program.
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Re: Playing Redemption Online
« Reply #21 on: May 27, 2012, 11:23:21 AM »
If your looking to make it an actuall game but still make it profitable to cactus just make it with all the cards now and charge a little bit for it, and then charge say 10 for a DLC (new sets each year)

But the main problem is redemption doesn't have the largest (or richest) market. It would take a VERY good program to get me to pay to play while I have a lame but manageable free version.
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Re: Playing Redemption Online
« Reply #22 on: May 27, 2012, 01:38:31 PM »
If folk are willing/capable to edit XML files, Lackey CCG should give you everything you need including a decent UI and multiplayer support. Of course, this has been mentioned in the past, and no one was interested in helping.

Also, you are not going to be able to charge for anything at all without a license from Cactus. On that front--unless Rob has changed his mind--the official go-forward platform is Redemption Live!

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Re: Playing Redemption Online
« Reply #23 on: May 27, 2012, 05:22:55 PM »
Lacky would be neat to use for online multiplayer games.  Is it free to/ ok to import the redemption cards to play on there?

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Re: Playing Redemption Online
« Reply #24 on: May 28, 2012, 12:35:33 AM »
How does it handle the rules?


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