Author Topic: petition to end big deck t2 wanna be decks in t1  (Read 15551 times)

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Re: petition to end big deck t2 wanna be decks in t1
« Reply #75 on: December 15, 2010, 12:56:52 PM »
Wall of Text Alert: If you would tl;dr, just read the red text at the bottom.

Furthermore, this discussion is not about whether or not the rules should be changed to disallow defense-heavy decks. Anyone who's followed my Redemption career even a little would know I favor defense-heavy decks. I've been playing defense-heavy since Warriors, and I've never used a 100+ card deck seriously. I have one to use when other people want to test their 100+ card decks and say so before the game, but I don't use it in ROOT and would never use it at a tournament.

Why do decks have to be 100+ cards to be defense-heavy? Because it's easier to write a good 10-minute speech than a good 2-minute speech. Even still, that's beside the point. The point here is that fat decks don't win big tournaments, with the exception of some fluke outliers. There is also another thread asking why more people don't play ROOT. I've never had the misfortune of getting gypped by a 100+ card deck in a tournament game, but if I had, it may seriously cause me to quit. It's one thing to talk about "styles" and "preferences," but when it comes down to it, making ROOT drastically different from a real tournament in order to facilitate your style is hurting it.

Few people want to play in an online tournament knowing they may have to waste 2+ hours of their lives sitting there across the table from 100+ cards, not being attacked and potentially not able to attack for 10+ turns. To make matters worse, many people with huge decks aren't the fastest of players, so the problem is further exacerbated when each turn the opponent does nothing on takes minutes.
I am not talking about T2 unless I am explicitly talking about T2. Also Mayhem is fine now somehow!

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Re: petition to end big deck t2 wanna be decks in t1
« Reply #76 on: December 15, 2010, 01:25:39 PM »
Pol wins the thread.
Have you visited the Land of Redemption today?

Offline Prof Underwood

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Re: petition to end big deck t2 wanna be decks in t1
« Reply #77 on: December 15, 2010, 02:00:10 PM »
making ROOT drastically different from a real tournament in order to facilitate your style is hurting it.
If this is directed at me, then I don't think it's accurate.  ROOT is not "drastically" different from a real tournament.  The rules for gameplay are the same.  You get matched up with an opponent using a swiss system.  There are at least 4 rounds in a tournament.  There are a LOT of similarities really.  Sure there are differences, but that is part of what makes ROOT unique, and personally I think that's cool.  But those differences are there mainly because it's online, and works around people's schedules NOT to fit any one person's style (especially mine, since I haven't even played in a couple months).

To make matters worse, many people with huge decks aren't the fastest of players
Again if that's directed at me, I haven't played in a couple months, so that shouldn't be keeping anyone away :)

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Re: petition to end big deck t2 wanna be decks in t1
« Reply #78 on: December 15, 2010, 02:20:05 PM »
I think what he is saying is that the format and extensive time limit allows people to build and use decks that they would not dream of playing in a real tournament because they have a much longer time limit to exploit.  Therefore, the "meta" game in ROOT is drastically different from how decks are built and used in face-to-face tournaments.

Offline Mr.Hiatus

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Re: petition to end big deck t2 wanna be decks in t1
« Reply #79 on: December 15, 2010, 02:34:09 PM »
Third place at Nationals was a 70 carder.
Amen brother. If there was a limit to deck sizes in type 1 then I would argue for 100-105 and I can see that happening. I also completely agree, even though I do not play on ROOT, with players playing with large decks online due to no time limit because their time is not as important as their opponent's. I do not play ROOT because I am a full time student/worker and simply do not have time for 1-2 hour long games, plus I am a type 2 player and that can take just as long or longer sometimes. So I would argue for 105 max decks in type 1, 2 of split brigade cards, not multicolor, in type 2, 3 of a SA site, and time limits on ROOT. BUT, if a person makes a competitive, or just for fun larger deck ( as in over 100 cards) then by all means go for it, I have beaten large decks, UTHminister at nationals can vouch, and it was not very long. It's just ratios and playstyle. At a tournament a player makes his deck and plays it, no matter the size. But for online play I would say their should definitely be a time/deck restraint.


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Re: petition to end big deck t2 wanna be decks in t1
« Reply #80 on: December 15, 2010, 02:38:22 PM »
I'll jump back in this discussion as well.

I'll agree that playing a person who does absolutely nothing until the end, and is slow in the process of doing that is quite annoying. I'm guilty of it myself a few years back. However, I've been trying to make 105 carders work quickly as well. I'm trying to avoid playing turtle with 100+, and it can work if done right.

I love playing heavy defense, I'm sure most of you know this. However, why is it that defense heavy players have been around for a while, but never got that much support from cactus? People will continue to play heavy defense, so why not make some cards to allow defense heavy to work within time limits? I thought we want variation and unique decks?

The current time issues pretty much force people to just play offense heavy decks as always, and as seen in this thread, with a LOT of the same cards as other decks.

Here is the main issue I see with 100 carders that FORCE them to be turtles:
A serious lack of GOOD generic heroes. If there were as many worthwhile generics on offense as there were on defense, I'd be playing fully balanced 105 carders. Unfortunately there are not, so you're stuck being forced into turtles, weak generic offenses, or Job offenses which are the only viable one I see at the moment.

Cactus, can we get some more generic heroes that are worth using? Most generics are angels, and they are old cards so their abilities are rather useless now.

Offline Prof Underwood

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Re: petition to end big deck t2 wanna be decks in t1
« Reply #81 on: December 15, 2010, 02:39:44 PM »
the "meta" game in ROOT is drastically different from how decks are built and used in face-to-face tournaments.
In that case we don't disagree.  The "meta" game in ROOT is drastically different from face-to-face tournaments.  This is partly because there is a greater amount of defense played there.  But it is mainly due to the level of difficulty of opponents.

When I'm at a face-to-face tournament, there are usually only a couple people there who I genuinely have concern that I will lose to.  When I play in ROOT, it seems like I could easily lose to half the people playing.

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Re: petition to end big deck t2 wanna be decks in t1
« Reply #82 on: December 15, 2010, 02:42:32 PM »
The problem with too-big decks in my opinion is they're total spoilers. I guarantee you nobody will ever win a major T1 tournament using a 100+ card deck every game. They time out and lose at least once because of their bulk, making it impossible to actually win a tournament, even if your opponents never get to five, making it super-frustrating for the player with a clearly-better deck who got 2 points instead of 3 just because someone was being cute with their deck choice.

But it goes from frustrating to maddening when it's on RTS, and especially ROOT. 100+ card decks are worse than 50-63 card decks. There's basically no denying that. But in ROOT, you're using RTS and playing with a MUCH longer time limit, somewhat mitigating the natural deterrent to playing an awful, bloated deck. And while fat decks will lose 90% of the time, it's extremely frustrating when you're in that 10% for a tournament game and loose because of sheer luck (150 cards in a lot of room for LS's to get lost in).

T1 was not designed for huge decks. That's what T2 is for. I'd be all for lowering the limit to 105 cards for T1, and I'd be for lowering the limit to 98 cards in a ROOT game.

I accept this challenge.  I will build a 100+ card type 1 deck that I will play in major tournaments this season and try to win with it.
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Re: petition to end big deck t2 wanna be decks in t1
« Reply #83 on: December 15, 2010, 02:50:14 PM »
Addendum to my previous message:

I went through and tallied up all of the generic heroes with abilities that have even remotely useful abilities, this is all of them.

White: War Officer, Elders of Jerusalem (Maybe).
Teal: Priests of Christ.
Red: Spy, Recruiting Officer, Army of Sims/Men of Judah.
Purple: King's Daughter.
Green: Midwives, Armorbearer.
Gold: Isrealite Archer, Good Samaritan, Watchful Servant.
Blue: Tribal Elder, Servant Girl (maybe).
Silver: Cherebum, Seraphim (both), Angel of the Harvest, Providing Angel, Guardian Angel.

There's hardly enough in any brigade to build a solid offense made largely from generics. I put such a heavy emphasis on generics because, if you just 2x all your unique heroes, chances are you're gonna waste most of them with the uniqueness rule.

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Re: petition to end big deck t2 wanna be decks in t1
« Reply #84 on: December 15, 2010, 02:55:07 PM »
Quick Question. How would a typical ROOT monthly tourny equal in difficultly against other local, state, and regional tournies?
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Offline Gabe

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Re: petition to end big deck t2 wanna be decks in t1
« Reply #85 on: December 15, 2010, 03:21:57 PM »
Quick Question. How would a typical ROOT monthly tourny equal in difficultly against other local, state, and regional tournies?

ROOT is tougher than any live local/district tournament I've ever played in except for Wild Bill's annual T2 blowout which is technically a local.  That has nothing to do with the size/type of decks people play and everything to do with the caliber and dedication of players willing to participate in ROOT.
Have you visited the Land of Redemption today?

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Re: petition to end big deck t2 wanna be decks in t1
« Reply #86 on: December 15, 2010, 03:23:10 PM »
I would say it's comparable to a regional in terms of the number of highly skilled players playing. This month RooT is a little smaller, but there's still several players who have won at the State and Regional level.
Fortress Alstad
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Re: petition to end big deck t2 wanna be decks in t1
« Reply #87 on: December 15, 2010, 03:33:50 PM »
Further adding to my rant about no good generic heroes....

Good is supposed to be stronger than evil in Redemption right? Why are there LOADS of generic ECs with fantastic abilities, but... only 21 "okay" generic heroes? Really?

Angels and demons have the most generics by far, but why are demons so much better?

Offline adotson85

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Re: petition to end big deck t2 wanna be decks in t1
« Reply #88 on: December 15, 2010, 03:58:41 PM »
I would say it's comparable to a regional in terms of the number of highly skilled players playing. This month RooT is a little smaller, but there's still several players who have won at the State and Regional level.

 +1 I would say the skill set and diversity is equal to that of a regional tournament.
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Offline stefferweffer

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Re: petition to end big deck t2 wanna be decks in t1
« Reply #89 on: December 15, 2010, 04:26:56 PM »
I would say it's comparable to a regional in terms of the number of highly skilled players playing. This month RooT is a little smaller, but there's still several players who have won at the State and Regional level.

 +1 I would say the skill set and diversity is equal to that of a regional tournament.
And I would say this is another reason that ROOT is so small.  A newer player is HIGHLY unlikely to dip into those waters primarily because of the caliber of play. Also, I have seen enough threads complaining about ROOT newbies that it scared me away from it.  It also requires some internet server skills that your average (and also younger) Redemption player might not have.  Don't misunderstand, I'm not on a rant about ROOT, but understand that there are several reasons that it will not have a lot of players besides the huge deck/lost souls drought issue that is being discussed here.

Offline Prof Underwood

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Re: petition to end big deck t2 wanna be decks in t1
« Reply #90 on: December 15, 2010, 05:45:28 PM »
And I would say this is another reason that ROOT is so small.  A newer player is HIGHLY unlikely to dip into those waters primarily because of the caliber of play.
I used to think that too.  But then we split ROOT to take out all those top players, and give the new players a chance to win some games and win some free booster packs even.  But it really didn't work.  The new players that I expected never showed up, and in fact overall ROOT participation went down.  Since putting all the players back together, ROOT participation has gone up again.

Offline christiangamer25

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Re: petition to end big deck t2 wanna be decks in t1
« Reply #91 on: December 15, 2010, 06:07:55 PM »
well i never participated in the split but i think it honestly just caused confusion rather then having one tourney the issues at hand are obvious i just know that i personally feel like i have to do well to prove myself and when i lose it upsets me cause i don't wanna be thought of us not skilled enough or a noob whatever those who know me know what i can do in this game im just trying to use root to explore but i don't want to explore something that when i go to real events is completely diffrent
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Re: petition to end big deck t2 wanna be decks in t1
« Reply #92 on: December 15, 2010, 10:22:22 PM »
::Stands up::
Well, I must confess that I am a repeat offender guilty of oversized deck usage. ::)
I never did this to tick people off. Sorry if I "offended" anyone.  :)
Just wanted to experiment to try and make it usable in a tournament one day. I guess in ROOT I will ask the person I am playing if they want to stick with normal tourney time limits (:45 for T1, 1:15 for T2). Maybe that will make people feel better since it will be more realistic? I try to experiment alot in ROOT. I am a T2 player, and most in ROOT play T1, so I try to make my decks larger since I am more familiar with that format.
I like the idea of control decks, since T1 is overrun with aggro decks.
I appreciate the help some ROOT players have given me to help speed up the bigger decks and I try to implement the suggestions. :)
I really have played with oversized decks in some tourneys over the years with minor success (T1-placed 2nd at a small regionals with a 105er--which I think would not have done well in a normal sized regional; and 2x 3rd places in T2 regionals with 203-252ers), so I really do play with the stuff and try to make them competitive.  :)
I also think RTS is faster than real life since the auto shuffle is wonderful compared to real shuffling which can be lengthy, tho ANB and Gates don't do as well in RTS.

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Re: petition to end big deck t2 wanna be decks in t1
« Reply #93 on: December 15, 2010, 11:08:19 PM »
newer player is HIGHLY unlikely to dip into those waters primarily because of the caliber of play.
I would disagree. When I first joined the board I was eager to join Jacob's Ladder, old school ROOT, and play top players and learn from them. I have seen many players join online tournaments and become a much better player. I will say two of which I personally know; Adotson and Red. Both these players are active on the board and online play and I think most ROOT participants can vouch for their progress.
I think the main issue for ROOT is time, which big decks is really not a factor, it's being online, challenging, accepting and playing the games.

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Re: petition to end big deck t2 wanna be decks in t1
« Reply #94 on: December 15, 2010, 11:11:42 PM »
yeah agreed but big decks also play a factor there both valid componets to the problem no one any bigger then the other and both need a way to be solved
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Re: petition to end big deck t2 wanna be decks in t1
« Reply #95 on: December 16, 2010, 12:40:32 AM »
Why not make two versions of ROOT.... one with short time limits to simulate real tournaments for people who want to practice for tournaments online, and one with longer time limits for people to have fun with random decks.

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Re: petition to end big deck t2 wanna be decks in t1
« Reply #96 on: December 16, 2010, 12:45:34 AM »
Another option could be to have different time limits for Swiss games and challenge/bonus games. That might be a little more confusing, but could make for a good middle ground. Dividing RooT would not really work because there's so few people in it right now anyway.
Fortress Alstad
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Re: petition to end big deck t2 wanna be decks in t1
« Reply #97 on: December 16, 2010, 12:46:15 AM »
Having fun with random decks isn't what ROOT is. ROOT is an official tournament. If you want to have fun with random decks, just play pick-up games.
I am not talking about T2 unless I am explicitly talking about T2. Also Mayhem is fine now somehow!

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Re: petition to end big deck t2 wanna be decks in t1
« Reply #98 on: December 16, 2010, 12:53:20 AM »
agree with pol
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Re: petition to end big deck t2 wanna be decks in t1
« Reply #99 on: December 16, 2010, 12:57:03 AM »
Having fun with random decks isn't what ROOT is. ROOT is an official tournament. If you want to have fun with random decks, just play pick-up games.
Or, play fun decks in officially tournaments. ^_^
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