Author Topic: petition to end big deck t2 wanna be decks in t1  (Read 15550 times)

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Re: petition to end big deck t2 wanna be decks in t1
« Reply #125 on: December 16, 2010, 08:19:17 PM »
I don't exactly know what can be done to correct the problem, maybe add more lost souls to deck building rules (or making a requirement that says you start out win x amount of soul in a territory), still it can be really frusterating and it is hard to feel like having fun or fellowship when you just got anhilated by something you cannot control. Now, I am not opposed to letting newer player win, but on the other hand why should they if they haven't put much time into deck building. Besides that is what type A is for.
The problem with that is when you get a lousy draw and don't get defense.
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Re: petition to end big deck t2 wanna be decks in t1
« Reply #126 on: December 16, 2010, 08:39:09 PM »
I don't exactly know what can be done to correct the problem, maybe add more lost souls to deck building rules (or making a requirement that says you start out win x amount of soul in a territory), still it can be really frusterating and it is hard to feel like having fun or fellowship when you just got anhilated by something you cannot control. Now, I am not opposed to letting newer player win, but on the other hand why should they if they haven't put much time into deck building. Besides that is what type A is for.
The problem with that is when you get a lousy draw and don't get defense.

That is true, there is really no good way to fix it I guess, a possible band aid maybe limiting big decks though. Like Shaef said, it is just the nature of the beast.

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Re: petition to end big deck t2 wanna be decks in t1
« Reply #127 on: December 17, 2010, 02:49:09 AM »
And this is why I said a few pages back to split it. Some people obviously LIKE using turtles and other decks in a tournament setting, while others want to practice for real tournaments.

Make an offshoot called "Realistic ROOT" if this many people say they don't play because its not "realistic." You'd gain all those players back, and then people who actually enjoy using different styles of decks can continue to play in the other half of ROOT.
It's the ROOT with different time limits than a real tournament that should be an offshoot. ROOT is an officially-sanctioned tournament with RNRS points to be had. Why do we think it's ok to give it drastically longer time limits when the medium itself should make games even faster? Why does ROOT get silly house rules but TEAMS can't make Doubt more useful?
I am not talking about T2 unless I am explicitly talking about T2. Also Mayhem is fine now somehow!

Offline Mr.Hiatus

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Re: petition to end big deck t2 wanna be decks in t1
« Reply #128 on: December 17, 2010, 04:04:27 AM »
So the problem isn't with turtle decks or large decks, but with the redemption game mechanic that in a time limit will make most turtle decks time out and almost unplayable in a T1 tournament (and difficult in T2) and also Turtle deck games tend to be even longer (I've had 2+ hour games against my friend who plays defensively)
I know the conversation has swayed to a new topic, but it seems like Matt (christiangamer) is bringing up new "problems'. People like this are never going to be satisfied.
I would say time limit in ROOT is common sense, but hard to factor. Deck size in type 1 also seems kind of fair, type 2 is for the big boy decks, type 1 is for smaller size and having one of everything. The drawing of lost souls is always going to be a factor that no one can control, but you can include cards to stimulate souls. Trust me though, I have not ranked at a nationals in type 2 because of my opponent not having lost souls, so I know just as good as anyone how it feels. But in reality it's hard to say you can't make your deck this size because in reality you are going to make people mad who like using larger decks, UTHminister and slugfencer being two great players who do this. So Matt, try to relax and realize you are playing for fun and when you play someone who beats you b/c of TGT, not drawing lost souls, or because the game was so long you gave up, just remember not every game is like that at all and do not cuss and put your opponent down b/c you lost a game. Learn from your loss and get better and you will do fine. After all it is just an online tournament...

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Re: petition to end big deck t2 wanna be decks in t1
« Reply #129 on: December 17, 2010, 09:19:24 AM »
Why do we think it's ok to give it drastically longer time limits when the medium itself should make games even faster?
#1 it's ok because that was what the players voted for, and the leaders decided to let them have it.
#2 the medium does NOT make games faster.  It speeds shuffling, but it makes about everything else slower.  The cards are smaller, so it takes more time to figure out what your opponent puts on the table.  And motions that are very simple IRL (like putting a card on top of your deck) take longer to do within the RTS program.

Why does ROOT get silly house rules but TEAMS can't make Doubt more useful?
#1 whether the "house rule" of an extended time limit is "silly" or not, is obviously a matter of opinion.
#2 I TOTALLY wish that TEAMS could still have the house rule that made Doubt playable.  But I still support Rob's decision of course.

im GLAD to see a format that fosters a turtle deck...and this is coming from the guy that adheres to a strict policy of 50 card decks!
I applaud MKC for being willing to appreciate the opportunity provided to other deck types / player preferences, despite the fact that he doesn't share them.

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Re: petition to end big deck t2 wanna be decks in t1
« Reply #130 on: December 17, 2010, 01:20:39 PM »
ROOT does consist of highly skilled players and I have seen newer players develop because of it. I do encourage new players to join ROOT for this reason.

Also, there are some problems with ROOT when it comes to its capabilities or lack thereof as Prof U stated Gates of Hell and Susanna...ect. I hate when my opponent has to use Susanna's ability to look at X and place under deck because tschnically the RTS program doesnt support this action. or try to reveal the bottom card of deck, or discard the bottom card of deck. BROKEN.

I supprt turtle decks for the reason of having new decks to play against as well as a good way to practice new decks for physical tournaments.

ROOT Time should not be 2 hours but i agree longer than 45 min. due to lag. Maybe a happy medium of 1 hr 15 min?

This is the way Lackey gave it to me. All hail the power of Lackey!

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Re: petition to end big deck t2 wanna be decks in t1
« Reply #131 on: December 17, 2010, 01:26:48 PM »
#1 it's ok because that was what the players voted for, and the leaders decided to let them have it.
No, it's not. 1 hour got the most votes. Regardless, that was a while ago. Open the polls to current players again and let's see what happens. And while we're being consistent, let's let Redemption players vote for how long the time limits should be at other official tournaments as well. Oh, and let's vote on giving Split Altar an errata. Then let's vote on whether Damsel is a male or female. When we've had all those votes, we can vote for making T1 63 card minimum 6 LS to win. And to cap it all off, let's have a vote on what, if any, gender Faithful Servant should have. To make the voting skewed like it was with the time limit, we'll make the options "male," "female," or "genderless." Then, when Male gets 30 votes, Female gets 20, and genderless gets 10, we'll go with genderless because it's in the middle.

In case you couldn't tell, that rant was split into three parts. First being, the people who supposedly voted the 2 hour time limit into law in ROOT don't play anymore. If we had the vote again, it would be much shorter. Second, since when do we vote for stuff? Third, the original poll was hugely flawed because it had 3 options and the one that got the most votes didn't win. 2 hours was not the median, since the vote was 1, 2, or no limit. 1.5 hours was the median, yet we got 2 hours even though 1 hour got the most votes. I'm not necessarily wanting to die on the hill of a 1 hour limit (even though, as an official tournament, that's what it should be at the very most), but I agree with RTSM, 2 hours is WAY too long, and an 1.25 hours is a tolerable compromise.

the medium does NOT make games faster.  It speeds shuffling, but it makes about everything else slower.  The cards are smaller, so it takes more time to figure out what your opponent puts on the table.  And motions that are very simple IRL (like putting a card on top of your deck) take longer to do within the RTS program.
Yes, it does. Shuffling and searching a deck physically is the longest operation in a real game, especially with a large deck, and RTS makes it take seconds instead of minute+. Many, many other operations are made marginally faster as well, such as D3 (just click a button), return to hand (right-click and select, no need to arrange hand), and even playing cards from hand (double-click, no need to grab with hand not holding the cards, and in bigger hands, sift through and grab). The operations that are made longer are infinitesimally so. Even the slowest players can right-click and select in under two seconds. The only operation that takes significantly longer is revealing top deck to play, and even that still only takes five seconds. As for "time to figure out what your opponent puts on the table," that's bogus because clicking on any card will bring up its text description, on your side of the field, in bigger font than would be in even a normal redemption game, not to mention everyone playing ROOT right now knows all commonly-played cards by art. And if someone plays a card that people wouldn't know just by looking at it, they also wouldn't know it just by looking at it in a real game.

#2 I TOTALLY wish that TEAMS could still have the house rule that made Doubt playable.  But I still support Rob's decision of course.
Let's vote.
I am not talking about T2 unless I am explicitly talking about T2. Also Mayhem is fine now somehow!

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Re: petition to end big deck t2 wanna be decks in t1
« Reply #132 on: December 17, 2010, 01:27:50 PM »
Not quite a ghost...but not quite not.

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Re: petition to end big deck t2 wanna be decks in t1
« Reply #133 on: December 17, 2010, 01:33:05 PM »
I voted 30 mins in that poll and that still stands for me.
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Offline TheKarazyvicePresidentRR

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Re: petition to end big deck t2 wanna be decks in t1
« Reply #134 on: December 17, 2010, 01:38:43 PM »
I voted 30 mins in that poll and that still stands for me.
And honestly, that is completely unrealistic. Normal games don't take that short of time.
Not quite a ghost...but not quite not.

Offline Minister Polarius

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Re: petition to end big deck t2 wanna be decks in t1
« Reply #135 on: December 17, 2010, 01:39:15 PM »
The data in that thread is quite amazing. Almost everyone said they expected games to take 1 hour, yet voted for no time limit. Also, the people voting then are not the people who would be voting now per se. Furthermore, that poll was taken when finding online games was much easier, and possibly the mentality of superturtles that caused everyone to stop playing online will have run its course even with some of the people who remain.

We have a chance to solve two issues at once here. If we have a reasonable time limit on ROOT, more people will be able to play. I have a fairly lax schedule and I even find it difficult being able to play when I know I may have to devote 2 hours to it. A 1 hour time limit is still 15 minutes longer than a real tournament (surely, prof, fast shuffle/search/draw at least mitigates how slow RTS play is in having to point and click down to at least 15 minutes?), and most people can find one hour in their schedule 3 times a week.
I am not talking about T2 unless I am explicitly talking about T2. Also Mayhem is fine now somehow!


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