Author Topic: Options to obtain the new set  (Read 34505 times)

The Schaef

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Re: Options to obtain the new set
« Reply #125 on: May 27, 2009, 11:32:41 PM »
FACT: $5 for a pack of the new set.
FACT: 2 new cards, 13 old cards.
FACT: I will more than likely not be able to sell the 13 old cards.
FACT: To me, the 13 old cards are worthless.
FACT: Therefore, I have paid $5 for 2 not-worthless cards.
FACT: 5 divided by 2 = 2.5. I KANZ DO MATHS!!!

Fact: $3 for a pack of Patriarchs
Fact: 10 old cards
Fact: you apparently don't have any use for the 10 old cards
Fact: to you the ten old cards are worthless
Fact: Therefore, you have paid $3 for 0 not-worthless cards.
Fact: Division by zero disagrees with your math.

now whos framing it the way they choose?

Nobody, I'm only pointing out your double-talk.

if you were following closely...newer, non-huge players will flock to this set, because it has tremendous value for them...more bang for their buck. it is a rip-off to the more hardcore gathering, those which already have all those older cards. lets stay on track here, k?

I'm on track, all right.  Because this secondary contradiction reveals your primary contradiction.  You acknowledge that different groups receive this set differently, and you acknowledge that the current setup represents a winning value for the seller and the vast majority of players, and yet because it is not of any great benefit to YOU PERSONALLY, you see fit to criticize it as a steep price for a sub-par product, lacking creativity, pushing off cards, killing the market, a rip-off, and I'm sure I've missed some gems.  Which incidentally slides further and further away from any capacity to defend such criticism as "constructive".

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Re: Options to obtain the new set
« Reply #126 on: May 27, 2009, 11:34:52 PM »
*Agrees with Tsavong*

Oh by the way, on those stupid surveys that you do on facebook or myspace or whatever.... They usually ask if you see the glass as half full or half empty... my response?

"It's totally empty because I spent so much time thinking about it, I got thirsty and drank whatever was in the glass."

And yes, if you buy them from Ken, it comes to... *gasp* $1.50 a card, same as FooF/RoA!


true...and probably the best option for most hardcore players out there. i have a couple friends that sell me boxes at close to wholesale though, so this point is moot for me anyways. thanks everyone for the lively discussion! :)
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Re: Options to obtain the new set
« Reply #127 on: May 28, 2009, 12:17:37 AM »
if you buy them from Ken, it comes to... *gasp* $1.50 a card, same as FooF/RoA!
Ken sells sets of FooF for 69.50.  That's only 70 cents per card.
Ken sells sets of RoA for $62.50.  Again, 70 cents per card.
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Re: Options to obtain the new set
« Reply #128 on: May 28, 2009, 12:34:47 AM »
I meant the initial price.

$15 for 10 new cards = $1.50/card


Offline golgotha

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Re: Options to obtain the new set
« Reply #129 on: May 28, 2009, 12:40:56 AM »
I've already expressed my views on the money issues with this set so I won't rehash it. The packaging...I kinda like maybe even a little better than the Tins. But I don't have the packaging in front of me at the moment, I can't speak on it, only its potential. It was once said, that at big tournaments Tins weren't really all that good, cause everyone will use them and it'd be hard to tell your decks apart. That wasn't the case, at least not at Mo State 2008.  The packaging looks to be new and different and even though I have already ordered a full set from 3LG, I might pick up a pack or so just to see the new packaging.
Moving on to new cards vs. Reprints. Redemption strives to be a collectible card game based on the Bible. Have we had characters that were outside of the Bible? Yes. I don't think that there has been an enhancement, dominant, covenant, curse, site, forteress, lost soul or artifact that isn't inside of the Bible. I could be wrong on that, don't have all 2000 cards memorized. If Redemption hopes to continue to be a Biblically based game, we can't have a whole lot of new cards, unless there are new books in the Bible. Which I don't forsee happening. So yeah, there has to be some reprints. But I agree some of the reprints are like new cards, case and point, Image of Jealosy. There is been a discussion amoung the fans about maybe a set being done based off the Apyocrapha. Maybe Redemption could use some innovation or implied things, like creating a Spear for Saph, but both of those would take away from some of the accuracy of the Bible in the game. Just my thoughts on some of this.
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Re: Options to obtain the new set
« Reply #130 on: May 28, 2009, 01:36:49 AM »
Ok, if people don't want to buy these packs, please don't because I want to buy a ton of them, and I need this set to stick around until I can afford to buy the ton of them that I want to buy.

I am absolutely 100% super excited about this set.... and I have almost all of the cards.  UR = UR every time... If you happen to get 13 "worthless" cards, you can always feel free to send them my way.  I'll even pay you $2.50 for your 13 "worthless" cards... that woudld bring the other 2 cards down to $1.25 (which is less than Ken's price)!

Offline Lawfuldog

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Re: Options to obtain the new set
« Reply #131 on: May 28, 2009, 02:04:59 AM »
I'm with Gil on this. I can't wait for this new set to come out! I also think it will be a great addition to Booster Draft. Me being a big Booster Draft player, that's usually the first thing I look for in a new set. Along with new mechanics and whatever other fun stuff Cactus decides to give us.

I also enjoy the reprints. Just sayin'.
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Re: Options to obtain the new set
« Reply #132 on: May 28, 2009, 02:53:25 AM »
you acknowledge that the current setup represents a winning value for the seller and the vast majority of players, and yet because it is not of any great benefit to YOU PERSONALLY, you see fit to criticize it
I think this is one of the 2 keys to this whole discussion.  The new set is good for Cactus, good for almost all players, and not quite so good for the mega-collectors.  The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few :)

The second key to all this is that Redemption is not just a business.  The level of connectedness of the creator (Rob), the leading playtesters (Bryon, Schaef, etc.), the leading resellers (Ken, Bany, etc.), and the common player (everyone on the boards including me) really makes it more like a family.  Or at least like the business of a friend.  And I'm willing to support my friend's business in this kind of situation :)

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Re: Options to obtain the new set
« Reply #133 on: May 28, 2009, 08:51:53 AM »
I like this set Idea  and I think Rob is a genius for his buisness plan.  From Robs perspective, Who cares is you get 13 worthless cards.  If you want the Foils you will pay the price.  Stop you whining and either vote with your pocketbook by not buying them or swallow your pride and buy them.  Its  his buisiness and he is out to make the most money out of the stock that he currently has.

But aside from the pure economics of it, This set meets the needs of several types of players.  For those jsut getting into the game, they get a crack at some rares/UR th at they may not have had as much access too. (especially the warriors cards)  For the collectors, WE NOW HAVE FOILS! YAY!  The price (per card) is in line with FooF/RoA so he isnt gouging us on the collectible foils and if he moved the price point up to $5 who cares?  Inflation happens.

seriously, all this whining is foolishness.
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Offline Sean

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Re: Options to obtain the new set
« Reply #134 on: May 28, 2009, 11:10:50 AM »
swallow your pride and buy them
LOL, this is completely ignorant.  There is no correlation between pride and buying anything related to Redemption.
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Re: Options to obtain the new set
« Reply #135 on: May 28, 2009, 05:06:24 PM »
I well say this I like this bater than tins because:
1. its cheeper than both FooF and RoA

2. in FooF or an RoA tin you get 41 commons/uncommon and only 5 rare or ultra rare, in this set you get 11 rare and 2 foils.   I have more to trade

3. Foils
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Offline YourMathTeacher

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Re: Options to obtain the new set
« Reply #136 on: May 28, 2009, 05:20:32 PM »
Just a thought for Sean and MasterK:

Sell the older cards for dirt cheap and they will sell faster. If you buy a whole case of 24, that would cost $120 retail. You get 13 older cards per pack, so that would be 312 cards. Roughly guessing that one third of those will have good value, you could sell them each for a buck and make $104.

If any of the other two-thirds are any good, that would just be gravy!  ;D
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Offline lightningninja

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Re: Options to obtain the new set
« Reply #137 on: May 28, 2009, 05:56:49 PM »
That's actually a really good idea... Nice! I think I'm gonna do that!  ;D
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Re: Options to obtain the new set
« Reply #138 on: May 28, 2009, 06:06:26 PM »
Even if you did not get 100 good cards, there are plenty of cards that would sell quickly for more than a buck. I'm sure DoN, GoYS, and the like will sell quickly even at $5.  :o
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Re: Options to obtain the new set
« Reply #139 on: May 28, 2009, 08:02:53 PM »

you acknowledge that the current setup represents a winning value for the seller and the vast majority of players, and yet because it is not of any great benefit to YOU PERSONALLY, you see fit to criticize it
I think this is one of the 2 keys to this whole discussion.  The new set is good for Cactus, good for almost all players, and not quite so good for the mega-collectors.  The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few :)

Well yes, but the hardcore players keep redemption going.  I for one like the idea of the box and foils, but I would rather have packs with 10 new cards.

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Re: Options to obtain the new set
« Reply #140 on: May 28, 2009, 08:05:21 PM »
Well yes, but the hardcore players keep redemption going. 

Actually, I think the hosts keep Redemption going. The hardcore players just take all the prizes.  ;D
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Re: Options to obtain the new set
« Reply #141 on: May 28, 2009, 10:37:03 PM »
How about everyone shuts up about the new set being "expensive" and "reprints". Wait until it comes out, if it is not as good as foof roa and priests than say something, but that is hard to live up to. No need to bash the guys that are making it to where this game is still played and in circualtion. At least give the guys keeping the game going the descency to give them "constructive" (which I think half of this was anything but that) criticism til the set comes out and you see the new cards. Buy them from Ken4Christ. Trade for them with all the rares you already have. I have a bunch of cards too and do not need the rares but after seeing all this whining and crying about the cost of obtaining the new set I am disappointed in the guys saying it. If you have so many cards, and if your signature says how many tournaments you won, then you can trade in your redemption cash for them.

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Re: Options to obtain the new set
« Reply #142 on: May 29, 2009, 12:33:52 AM »
Also, be real. In this economy we're lucky to get a new set at all, and this model is perfect for ensuring that our beloved Cactus will weather this storm and come out the other side smelling like 250 card expansions!
I am not talking about T2 unless I am explicitly talking about T2. Also Mayhem is fine now somehow!

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Re: Options to obtain the new set
« Reply #143 on: May 29, 2009, 12:40:19 AM »
Also, be real. In this economy we're lucky to get a new set at all, and this model is perfect for ensuring that our beloved Cactus will weather this storm and come out the other side smelling like 250 card expansions!
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Re: Options to obtain the new set
« Reply #144 on: May 31, 2009, 02:17:30 PM »
How about everyone shuts up about the new set being "expensive" and "reprints". Wait until it comes out, if it is not as good as foof roa and priests than say something, but that is hard to live up to. No need to bash the guys that are making it to where this game is still played and in circualtion. At least give the guys keeping the game going the descency to give them "constructive" (which I think half of this was anything but that) criticism til the set comes out and you see the new cards. Buy them from Ken4Christ. Trade for them with all the rares you already have. I have a bunch of cards too and do not need the rares but after seeing all this whining and crying about the cost of obtaining the new set I am disappointed in the guys saying it. If you have so many cards, and if your signature says how many tournaments you won, then you can trade in your redemption cash for them.

First of no one needs to shut up, stop whining, or to stop crying. It is a matter of opinion and their opinion should be respected. From what I have read from this thread everyone is giving nothing but constructive critisism. The computer is an amazing contraption but not one to show the true demeanor of the one speaking throught it, or the lack there of.

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Re: Options to obtain the new set
« Reply #145 on: May 31, 2009, 02:27:19 PM »
Quite a bit of the language here strays far from anything I would consider "constructive".  A point that I stated previously.

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Re: Options to obtain the new set
« Reply #146 on: May 31, 2009, 02:54:29 PM »
Speaking of construction, won't building booster draft decks from the new set be fun!  ;D
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Re: Options to obtain the new set
« Reply #147 on: May 31, 2009, 03:53:04 PM »
Speaking of construction, won't building booster draft decks from the new set be fun!  ;D


Aghhhhh I can't wait to see how this affects Booster Draft! Though I do question if the back of the Foil cards would be detectable in a non-sleeved deck? For example, you can easily tell where there is a card from Priests in your deck when mixed with Apostles, Kings, etc... Hopefully this won't be true with Foils.

But I'm still UBER EXCITED.
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Re: Options to obtain the new set
« Reply #148 on: May 31, 2009, 04:07:41 PM »
Though I do question if the back of the Foil cards would be detectable in a non-sleeved deck? For example, you can easily tell where there is a card from Priests in your deck when mixed with Apostles, Kings, etc... Hopefully this won't be true with Foils.

I had the same question earlier. I know that with Pokemon cards, the holos were easy to detect.
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Re: Options to obtain the new set
« Reply #149 on: May 31, 2009, 04:36:14 PM »
At Nationals and Regionals that I've been to, sleeves were mandatory anyways.
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