Author Topic: Options to obtain the new set  (Read 34477 times)

Offline Master KChief

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Re: Options to obtain the new set
« Reply #100 on: May 27, 2009, 09:02:50 PM »
"Lacks creativity" is harsh.  What creative way can you think of to produce a that would be as inexpensive?

'lacks creativity' is constructive criticism. cactus is the seller, i am the buyer...its not my job to do cactus'.

Constructive criticism requires both specifics and ideas to rework the problems.  'Lacks creativity' is very vague, so Bryon is wanting specifics and your thoughts of what should be done (see: constructive criticism), rather than just you complaining.

no. a person giving 'constructive criticism' is one who merely offers a reasoned judgement or analysis. wikipedia is your friend.

i'm not opposed to being helpful when i can, but its not my job to baby cactus and do their job for them (especially if im not getting paid for it).

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Re: Options to obtain the new set
« Reply #101 on: May 27, 2009, 09:14:53 PM »
Then Wikipedia will fail fourth grade.  That's simply being a critic.  Constructive criticism requires the compassion to recommend a process of fixing the specific mistakes you see.

[edit] Turns out Wikipedia wasn't wrong, just your definition:
Constructive criticism, or constructive analysis, is a compassionate attitude towards the person qualified for criticism. Having higher experience, gifts, respect, knowledge in specific field and being able to verbally convince at the same time, this person is intending to uplift the other person materially, morally, emotionally or spiritually. For high probability in succeeding compassionate criticism, the critic has to be in some kind of healthy personal relationship with the other one, which is normally a parent to child, friend to friend, teacher to student, spouse to spouse or any kind of recognized authority in specific field. Hence the word constructive is used so that something is created or visible outcome generated rather than the opposite. Participatory learning in pedagogy is based on these principles of constructive criticism, focusing on positive examples to be emulated over precepts to be followed.
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Re: Options to obtain the new set
« Reply #102 on: May 27, 2009, 09:59:30 PM »
Sean, I completely understand that the die-hard, long-time Redemption fans who already have every card will be buying a whole pack for only 2 new cards.  I am in that same situation.  If that is all you got, I could see that having to spend $5 for 2 random "rares" would feel like a bit of a bad deal.  But that is not all you get.  You get 13 cards that you can sell to make much of that money back.  That money you get back can be used to buy the singles of the new set that you are missing.  I understand that means more work for you.  I understand that work is not convenient.  But I hope that you can understand that the extra work you do in selling extras/buying singles (or trading) is a necessity because of the recession, and that it will ultimately help the new player who buys your extras by getting those cards into his hands.
I put up a list of ultra rare cards that I'm wanting to sell now to see how they will sell.  If I don't get a good response then I'm not going to be buying any of the new set because I just can't afford to do that.  If people don't want mint and near mint ultra rares now I don't see them wanting them after Treasures releases in August/September.  If entire sets sold at half their value don't sell then I don't know what will.
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The Schaef

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Re: Options to obtain the new set
« Reply #103 on: May 27, 2009, 10:26:18 PM »
in case that one got past you, it was /sarcasm. its a literary device!

So when you get called out on a nonsensical statement, you run to the "I didn't really mean that they were behind the times, that was just a device" card?  Either you want the game to be more innovative (by your vague, cryptic standard) or you do not.

sadly, thats actually more creative than just pushing old cards off on us for the past 3+ years. this is probably the smartest suggestion i've heard on the boards in a long time!

Ripping off Bakugan is the most creative thing you've heard?

The point was that card games in general have declined to the point where the companies trying to put out new ones have been including gimmicks in addition to the cards.  Wiz Kids, for example, sells Star Wars PocketModel which has little constructable models to go with the cards.  Same with Pirates of the Spanish Main.  Sega/SpinMaster are the ones who did Bakugan.  I could probably mention the Pokemon miniatures that are new out, and then there's the other stuff from recent years like Beyblades et al.

The simple fact of the matter is that card games as a whole are on the downside.  It's why Decipher dumped their line to build Fight Klub with franchise characters as a hook, and direct sales instead of store sales.  It's why the other companies are folding their old card games.  It's why most new card games are either based on movies (which come out, last for about six months, then die), or have some kind of gimmick attached like the ones above.  The only living examples of the old guard are Magic, Pokemon, whatever Upper Deck is cycling this month, and the niche games that have weathered the time (Redemption, Warlord, L5R, Vampyre after the reboot).

As much as Redemption might want to be a mainstream game, it survived as a niche game and grew under the publishing schedules that Rob thought best, even in years when other games were sliding.  The game isn't going to grow by trying to keep up with or even get ahead of trends, because this late in the life cycle, there are none.  You just build on what you have.

And speaking of building on what you have, if this is supposed to be about collectibility, to the point where putting more (already printed and cut) cards into the market is bad because it dilutes value, wouldn't that mean that increasing the playability of older cards would actually increase their value by enhancing their viability?  And as such, finding ways to encourage play of the older cards should be a PLUS for "collectors" instead of a point of criticism?

Offline Mageduckey

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Re: Options to obtain the new set
« Reply #104 on: May 27, 2009, 10:30:40 PM »
A few "things" (just to "lighten" the mood, and to offer what I hope is constructive criticism):

1) Optimists see the glass as half full.  Pessimists see the glass as half empty.  Engineers see that you've got twice as much glass as you need. ;)

2) Last time I checked, the old Image of Jealousy had zero (0) words, while the new one has eighteen (18) words on it - not quite your "one word" difference. ;)

3) I, being one of the "newer"/"smaller pocketbook-customers", greatly enjoy the prospects of this set.  You can pay $150 (the same price, approx., for RoA/FooF in their tins), trade the extras you get for the ones you need, and then sell everything you have.  I'm betting there's a lot of newer players out there willing to buy all your R/UR's for 50-75% of their regular price (sorry 3LG  :( ), and you'll be able to make back all of your money.  By golly - you may even make a profit from this!  :o :o :o :o :o  Plus, who says you have to buy the packs?  Ken and others are offering the set for $90 (which, for $60 more, I'd just go with 30 booster boxes, since you'll get a lot more value), which you can buy to just get the new cards.  Hey, I've got an idea - you can sit this set out!!!  :o :o :o  It's a shocker, I know, but hey, you can always buy a few "select" cards if you really want them.

4) For the constructive criticism (coming from someone who's wanted to be a game creator/seller for most of his life, but can't really start his own business :P ):

A) I think this is a great way to make the set - props to all involved with the planning.
B) Maybe if you had 2 forms of a set made (on the same sheets to cut costs) - one that was geared more towards upper-level players (with maybe a few more new cards - not sure how exactly this would work) and one that was reprints and such that would get cheap, powerful cards into the hands of "newbies".  After all, you need a growing "customer base" to be able to keep going (since we're in a recession).  
C) If people are complaining soooooooo much about having too many older cards, maybe make some special card deals through Cactus that worked off of turning old cards in (that are useful/R/UR) to something similar to Storehouse (but separate), and then this program would get cards out into the new players' hands for a small fee.  Then, the "donors" could use the credit from turning in old cards to get some sort of really good promo of sorts.  This seems like it would "interest" the "vets" while still getting cards to "newbies".

Hope this helps!!!

*EDIT* More of my "silly little 15.5 (:P) yr. old ideas. :D

- Make 2 promos for the idea "C" above.  One would be used by "advanced players", which would have a SA dealing with how many R/UR they have in the deck or something (just for "kicks and giggles").  The one for "newbies" would be something on the side of, "If you have less than X R/UR cards in deck..." (again, just for "kicks and giggles").  I realize this probably won't work, but thought I'd type it out anyways, since my brain likes to share what it thinks.  :laugh:

- Make a "Family Set".  I don't know if that's what you tried to do in the 10th anniversary set or something like that (as at the time I didn't really know about it since I wasn't on here yet), but I think selling a set that is more geared towards family involvement is good.  I know you tried to make one like that before (board game - it's sitting 3 yards/meters from me next to my bookcase), but maybe make a card set that tried to get kids to involve their parents (or vice versa).  This would add to your attempts of having the game be "family-friendly", would possibly get more buyers (since parents inevitably have more money to spend on expansions and such than their kids do  :laugh: ), and could still even give some sort of options towards "advanced" or "solo" players (sorry, but I just got to say it - PROPS, YMT, FOR GETTING THIS GAME INVOLVED IN YOUR FAMILY/SCHOOL!!! ).  If you'd like some ideas for this, I'll PM them to you tomorrow (just shoot me a PM) - I don't have time to type them out now, but I have some finals tomorrow in school that will be a piece of cake, so I'll have plenty of time to work on my ideas some more.

Again, hope this helps!!!

P.S. Sorry for the wall of text - I've had many thoughts on this for a while, and just finally decided to post most of them. :P :laugh:
« Last Edit: May 27, 2009, 10:52:03 PM by Mageduckey »

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Re: Options to obtain the new set
« Reply #105 on: May 27, 2009, 10:39:08 PM »
...You get 13 cards that you can sell to make much of that money back.  That money you get back can be used to buy the singles of the new set that you are missing.  I understand that means more work for you.  I understand that work is not convenient.  But I hope that you can understand that the extra work you do in selling extras/buying singles (or trading) is a necessity because of the recession...

heres what i find ironic. the reason we're getting a bunch of old card bundled in with the new set with a jacked up price-point is because we're in a recession and this is cactus' 'cost-effective' strategy, correct? so, if im understanding this correctly...if we're in a recession, why would anyone BUY these bundled cards on the secondary market? case in point: the boards. 99% of the people here trade instead of buy. the only ones that buy on here are pretty much the ones with secure incomes that have the luxury of toying around with some of their extra cash...and those are usually the hardcore collectors that pretty much have everything. so, by you even stating this, you're essentially suggesting we buy cactus' extra stock and...sell it for them? of which 99% of the time we will never see any monetary returns from this? wow, what a business plan...good luck with that!
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Re: Options to obtain the new set
« Reply #106 on: May 27, 2009, 10:43:14 PM »
May I suggest that this discussion is not beneficial in any way? As people have already mentioned, if you don't like the way the set is being sold, you have options:

1. Don't get the new cards
2. Trade for the new cards
3. Buy the new cards as a set (or individual cards once they're out) from me or anyone else interested in selling them

Continuing the same argument isn't getting anywhere...

Engineers see that you've got twice as much glass as you need. ;)

I guess I should have been an engineer - that's what I've been saying for a decade now! :)

Offline Cameron the Conqueror

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Re: Options to obtain the new set
« Reply #107 on: May 27, 2009, 10:44:31 PM »
May I suggest that this discussion is not beneficial in any way? As people have already mentioned, if you don't like the way the set is being sold, you have options:

1. Don't get the new cards
2. Trade for the new cards
3. Buy the new cards as a set (or individual cards once they're out) from me or anyone else interested in selling them

Continuing the same argument isn't getting anywhere...

Engineers see that you've got twice as much glass as you need. ;)

I guess I should have been an engineer - that's what I've been saying for a decade now! :)

I agree, but since I just wrote my response, I'll post it. ;)

...You get 13 cards that you can sell to make much of that money back.  That money you get back can be used to buy the singles of the new set that you are missing.  I understand that means more work for you.  I understand that work is not convenient.  But I hope that you can understand that the extra work you do in selling extras/buying singles (or trading) is a necessity because of the recession...

heres what i find ironic. the reason we're getting a bunch of old card bundled in with the new set with a jacked up price-point is because we're in a recession and this is cactus' 'cost-effective' strategy, correct? so, if im understanding this correctly...if we're in a recession, why would anyone BUY these bundled cards on the secondary market? case in point: the boards. 99% of the people here trade instead of buy. the only ones that buy on here are pretty much the ones with secure incomes that have the luxury of toying around with some of their extra cash...and those are usually the hardcore collectors that pretty much have everything. so, by you even stating this, you're essentially suggesting we buy cactus' extra stock and...sell it for them? of which 99% of the time we will never see any monetary returns from this? wow, what a business plan...good luck with that!

I totally disagree.  While the hardcore players may not need the extra Rs and URs, this set will be INCREDIBLE to everyone who isn't a huge player.  I know many in my playgroup who I project will go CRAZY over this set.  While I won't buy many, (single foil cards for me), Cactus is aiming for another audience with this set.  I project it will be one of the best selling ever.  However, this set MAY hurt the sales of normal boosters, but I don't think Cactus cares since they make $2 more of these sets.

In a recession, people look for cheap.  This set has MUCH more bang for the buck than any booster (and maybe even any other tin), so I think it will do very well.

Just my  :2cents:

The Schaef

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Re: Options to obtain the new set
« Reply #108 on: May 27, 2009, 10:51:40 PM »
heres what i find ironic. the reason we're getting a bunch of old card bundled in with the new set with a jacked up price-point is because we're in a recession and this is cactus' 'cost-effective' strategy, correct?

No, that's not correct.  You're getting 15 cards, including 2 new foils and 7-13 rare cards for $5.  10 cards in most recent sets sell for $3 and contain exactly 1 rare (and technically, no new cards).  In terms of card stock, yes, it's 50% more cards for 67% more dollars, but at the very least, you're effectively getting a booster pack worth of rares.

To frame it the way you choose to frame it, is not even to see the glass as half empty; you're basically pouring out the glass and shattering it against the pavement, and then criticizing it for being in pieces.

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Re: Options to obtain the new set
« Reply #109 on: May 27, 2009, 10:53:38 PM »
May I suggest that this discussion is not beneficial in any way? As people have already mentioned, if you don't like the way the set is being sold, you have options:

1. Don't get the new cards
2. Trade for the new cards
3. Buy the new cards as a set (or individual cards once they're out) from me or anyone else interested in selling them

Continuing the same argument isn't getting anywhere...

Engineers see that you've got twice as much glass as you need. ;)

I guess I should have been an engineer - that's what I've been saying for a decade now! :)

I agree, but since I just wrote my response, I'll post it. ;)

...You get 13 cards that you can sell to make much of that money back.  That money you get back can be used to buy the singles of the new set that you are missing.  I understand that means more work for you.  I understand that work is not convenient.  But I hope that you can understand that the extra work you do in selling extras/buying singles (or trading) is a necessity because of the recession...

heres what i find ironic. the reason we're getting a bunch of old card bundled in with the new set with a jacked up price-point is because we're in a recession and this is cactus' 'cost-effective' strategy, correct? so, if im understanding this correctly...if we're in a recession, why would anyone BUY these bundled cards on the secondary market? case in point: the boards. 99% of the people here trade instead of buy. the only ones that buy on here are pretty much the ones with secure incomes that have the luxury of toying around with some of their extra cash...and those are usually the hardcore collectors that pretty much have everything. so, by you even stating this, you're essentially suggesting we buy cactus' extra stock and...sell it for them? of which 99% of the time we will never see any monetary returns from this? wow, what a business plan...good luck with that!

I totally disagree.  While the hardcore players may not need the extra Rs and URs, this set will be INCREDIBLE to everyone who isn't a huge player.  I know many in my playgroup who I project will go CRAZY over this set.  While I won't buy many, (single foil cards for me), Cactus is aiming for another audience with this set.  I project it will be one of the best selling ever.  However, this set MAY hurt the sales of normal boosters, but I don't think Cactus cares since they make $2 more of these sets.

In a recession, people look for cheap.  This set has MUCH more bang for the buck than any booster (and maybe even any other tin), so I think it will do very well.

Just my  :2cents:

im not seeing the correlation between the majority of what you said and disagreeing with me. what exactly are you in disagreement about? you fail to speculate. im talking about the fact hardly anyone will pay cold hard cash for the extra bundled cards in the pack (and the fact cactus essentially encourages us to buy into their old stock and resell it for them)...and you go off on an entirely different tangent. i agree with you, newer/'non-huge' players will go nuts over this set because of the proposed sheer value... and i suppose that is cactus' target demographic...but it ultimately leaves the rest of us more hardcore players out to dry.
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Offline Mageduckey

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Re: Options to obtain the new set
« Reply #110 on: May 27, 2009, 10:54:54 PM »
May I suggest that this discussion is not beneficial in any way? As people have already mentioned, if you don't like the way the set is being sold, you have options:

1. Don't get the new cards
2. Trade for the new cards
3. Buy the new cards as a set (or individual cards once they're out) from me or anyone else interested in selling them

Continuing the same argument isn't getting anywhere...

Engineers see that you've got twice as much glass as you need. ;)

I guess I should have been an engineer - that's what I've been saying for a decade now! :)

Sorry - I was not trying to keep this going.  In fact, I was hoping to help steer it a little back on track, if anything.  So, to do that, I guess I'll make this post:

So, everyone out there who is planning on going to buy this set (in mass bulk or selective new cards) - how are you planning on using your new cards?  Old cards?  How do you plan on affording them (tips for those with smaller incomes, or none, for that matter)?  Is anyone here going to go to Nationals just to get the new set?

but it ultimately leaves the rest of us more hardcore players out to dry.

Not really - hang on to them.  Not everything in life is immediate.  We'll come out of the recession eventually, and then the prices of everything will go up (simple supply and demand - though this probably won't be directly tied to the economy, I'm doing it just for simplicity right now).  So, you'll stand to make quite a bit in the long run (and even the "short run").
« Last Edit: May 27, 2009, 10:59:22 PM by Mageduckey »

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Re: Options to obtain the new set
« Reply #111 on: May 27, 2009, 10:58:16 PM »
Oh! Oh! pick me I am! thats one of my main reasons for going!

Offline Master KChief

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Re: Options to obtain the new set
« Reply #112 on: May 27, 2009, 10:58:44 PM »
heres what i find ironic. the reason we're getting a bunch of old card bundled in with the new set with a jacked up price-point is because we're in a recession and this is cactus' 'cost-effective' strategy, correct?

No, that's not correct.  You're getting 15 cards, including 2 new foils and 7-13 rare cards for $5.  10 cards in most recent sets sell for $3 and contain exactly 1 rare (and technically, no new cards).  In terms of card stock, yes, it's 50% more cards for 67% more dollars, but at the very least, you're effectively getting a booster pack worth of rares.

a 'booster pack' worth of OLD rares. useless to those that already have them. to us, this equates to $5 for 2 new cards, whichever way you want to cut it. you can sugarcoat it all you STILL comes down to TWO NEW CARDS FOR FIVE BUCKS.

replace the 13 bundled cards with brand spankin' new rares/ultra rares, then we can talk.
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Offline Mageduckey

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Re: Options to obtain the new set
« Reply #113 on: May 27, 2009, 11:00:22 PM »
So, for FooF and RoA it was $1.50 per new card, and this set has tons of extra R/UR's.  Great deal, IMHO.

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Re: Options to obtain the new set
« Reply #114 on: May 27, 2009, 11:05:56 PM »
maybe thats why with foof and roa i didnt have much of a problem...$1.50 per new card isnt too shabby. $2.50 per card i see as almost a blatant rip-off...almost the same cost as a retail pack of cards, but im getting 9 cards less. boo.
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Re: Options to obtain the new set
« Reply #115 on: May 27, 2009, 11:07:24 PM »
useless to those that already have them.

You keep making the assumption that people in that situation make up ALL of Cactus' audience.  I would guess that those people you refer to are a pretty good MINORITY.  Just because you might not buy them, as I already stated before, that does NOT equal Cactus not doing well on the set.  Cry all you want because you wanted more new cards, but I think it is a great set for everyone, especially newer players.  

EDIT: Also remember, if you buy single cards from Ken etc, Cactus is still benefiting.  Cactus wins either way: single cards or packs.

The Schaef

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Re: Options to obtain the new set
« Reply #116 on: May 27, 2009, 11:09:26 PM »
a 'booster pack' worth of OLD rares. useless to those that already have them. to us, this equates to $5 for 2 new cards, whichever way you want to cut it. you can sugarcoat it all you STILL comes down to TWO NEW CARDS FOR FIVE BUCKS.

It's not sugarcoating anything to present the facts as they are, and not as how you choose to interpret them.  The FACT is that you still pay $3 for 10 old cards including 9 commons.  The fact the rares are "old" does not alter the fact that the value of the pack far exceeds the difference in price, to the point where your claim of the price being "jacked up" is practically untenable.

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Re: Options to obtain the new set
« Reply #117 on: May 27, 2009, 11:14:07 PM »
useless to those that already have them.

You keep making the assumption that people in that situation make up ALL of Cactus' audience.

where do i EVER say this exactly?

 I would guess that those people you refer to are a pretty good MINORITY.  

that would be a pretty good assumption, yes.

Just because you might not buy them, as I already stated before, that does NOT equal Cactus not doing well on the set.  

did i ever imply cactus not doing great on this set? actually, i said the exact opposite...the majority of the player base are those with lesser incomes and will flock to this set because of sheer value. 

EDIT: Also remember, if you buy single cards from Ken etc, Cactus is still benefiting.  Cactus wins either way: single cards or packs.

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Re: Options to obtain the new set
« Reply #118 on: May 27, 2009, 11:16:08 PM »
Do you realize the contradiction you present when saying the pack has "sheer value" that will send people "flocking to" the set, yet calling it a "rip-off" with a "jacked-up price"?

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Re: Options to obtain the new set
« Reply #119 on: May 27, 2009, 11:18:29 PM »
useless to those that already have them.

You keep making the assumption that people in that situation make up ALL of Cactus' audience.

where do i EVER say this exactly?

 I would guess that those people you refer to are a pretty good MINORITY. 

that would be a pretty good assumption, yes.

Just because you might not buy them, as I already stated before, that does NOT equal Cactus not doing well on the set. 

did i ever imply cactus not doing great on this set? actually, i said the exact opposite...the majority of the player base are those with lesser incomes and will flock to this set because of sheer value.

EDIT: Also remember, if you buy single cards from Ken etc, Cactus is still benefiting.  Cactus wins either way: single cards or packs.


...You get 13 cards that you can sell to make much of that money back.  That money you get back can be used to buy the singles of the new set that you are missing.  I understand that means more work for you.  I understand that work is not convenient.  But I hope that you can understand that the extra work you do in selling extras/buying singles (or trading) is a necessity because of the recession...

heres what i find ironic. the reason we're getting a bunch of old card bundled in with the new set with a jacked up price-point is because we're in a recession and this is cactus' 'cost-effective' strategy, correct? so, if im understanding this correctly...if we're in a recession, why would anyone BUY these bundled cards on the secondary market? case in point: the boards. 99% of the people here trade instead of buy. the only ones that buy on here are pretty much the ones with secure incomes that have the luxury of toying around with some of their extra cash...and those are usually the hardcore collectors that pretty much have everything. so, by you even stating this, you're essentially suggesting we buy cactus' extra stock and...sell it for them? of which 99% of the time we will never see any monetary returns from this? wow, what a business plan...good luck with that!

The bold parts seem to disagree....

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Re: Options to obtain the new set
« Reply #120 on: May 27, 2009, 11:19:18 PM »
a 'booster pack' worth of OLD rares. useless to those that already have them. to us, this equates to $5 for 2 new cards, whichever way you want to cut it. you can sugarcoat it all you STILL comes down to TWO NEW CARDS FOR FIVE BUCKS.

It's not sugarcoating anything to present the facts as they are, and not as how you choose to interpret them.  The FACT is that you still pay $3 for 10 old cards including 9 commons.  The fact the rares are "old" does not alter the fact that the value of the pack far exceeds the difference in price, to the point where your claim of the price being "jacked up" is practically untenable.

FACT: $5 for a pack of the new set.

FACT: 2 new cards, 13 old cards.

FACT: I will more than likely not be able to sell the 13 old cards.

FACT: To me, the 13 old cards are worthless.

FACT: Therefore, I have paid $5 for 2 not-worthless cards.

FACT: 5 divided by 2 = 2.5. I KANZ DO MATHS!!!
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Re: Options to obtain the new set
« Reply #121 on: May 27, 2009, 11:22:02 PM »
Do you realize the contradiction you present when saying the pack has "sheer value" that will send people "flocking to" the set, yet calling it a "rip-off" with a "jacked-up price"?

now whos framing it the way they choose? if you were following closely...newer, non-huge players will flock to this set, because it has tremendous value for them...more bang for their buck. it is a rip-off to the more hardcore gathering, those which already have all those older cards. lets stay on track here, k?
"If it weren't for people with bad decision making skills, I'd have to get a real job." - Reynad

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Re: Options to obtain the new set
« Reply #122 on: May 27, 2009, 11:22:29 PM »
I still fail to see why you care so much. If you don't want to buy the new set packaged as-is, buy the new cards from Ken or someone. Or don't at all. But as it stands you're literally just complaining for the sake of complaining; solid options have been presented, and nonetheless they are not good enough for you. Why?
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Re: Options to obtain the new set
« Reply #123 on: May 27, 2009, 11:24:21 PM »

a 'booster pack' worth of OLD rares. useless to those that already have them. to us, this equates to $5 for 2 new cards, whichever way you want to cut it. you can sugarcoat it all you STILL comes down to TWO NEW CARDS FOR FIVE BUCKS.

It's not sugarcoating anything to present the facts as they are, and not as how you choose to interpret them.  The FACT is that you still pay $3 for 10 old cards including 9 commons.  The fact the rares are "old" does not alter the fact that the value of the pack far exceeds the difference in price, to the point where your claim of the price being "jacked up" is practically untenable.

FACT: $5 for a pack of the new set.

FACT: 2 new cards, 13 old cards.

FACT: I will more than likely not be able to sell the 13 old cards.

FACT: To me, the 13 old cards are worthless.

FACT: Therefore, I have paid $5 for 2 not-worthless cards.

FACT: 5 divided by 2 = 2.5. I KANZ DO MATHS!!!

FACT: for quite a bit less, you can buy whatever foil cards you want.

FACT: Cactus will still make money if you do that.

FACT: You won't have any duplicates.

FACT: Everyone wins.

FACT: That is a good business model.


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Re: Options to obtain the new set
« Reply #124 on: May 27, 2009, 11:26:52 PM »
*Agrees with Tsavong*

Oh by the way, on those stupid surveys that you do on facebook or myspace or whatever.... They usually ask if you see the glass as half full or half empty... my response?

"It's totally empty because I spent so much time thinking about it, I got thirsty and drank whatever was in the glass."

And yes, if you buy them from Ken, it comes to... *gasp* $1.50 a card, same as FooF/RoA!



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