Author Topic: Options to obtain the new set  (Read 34499 times)

Offline Master KChief

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Re: Options to obtain the new set
« Reply #75 on: May 27, 2009, 06:22:25 PM »
  But at it's heart, Redemption is about playing, not collecting.

yeah, playing with reprints and older cards.

i wouldnt have a problem with this type of set development if more sets were released in a year. and i actually liked the format when it started with foof. i was content with it during roa. but the third time means its stale. essentially charging $5 for only 2 new cards is pretty steep and lacks creativity. 'ooo shiny!' you might say. yeah, thats great...we did that 10 years ago with the yugiohs and pokemons and the mtgs. way to be ahead of the times.

i will be pleasantly surprised the day cactus will actually make a 100% ORIGINAL, NO REPRINTS, NO OLDER CARDS, NO OLDER PACKS expansion set. it looks like that day may never come.
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Re: Options to obtain the new set
« Reply #76 on: May 27, 2009, 06:58:34 PM »
Sets cost money.  Art costs money.  We are in a recession.  I'd much rather have a set with 1/3 reprinted cards than have a year with no set.

Redemption reuses good art on cards that are underused so that we can have better, usable cards with good art.  I'd rather have an Image of Jealousy with quality art on a shiny card and a usable ability and a brand new class of enhancement than have no new set this year.

Further, I'd rather have a game that uses packaging options that get old cards into the hands of new players than have to say goodbye to YET ANOTHER favorite TCG.  

Redemption sets in the second half of 2009: 1
Combined sets for Vs, LotR, Star Trek, Star Wars: 0

"Lacks creativity" is harsh.  What creative way can you think of to produce a that would be as inexpensive?

It seems you are quick to judge a situation when you don't know all the details.

95% of the runners quit the difficult race, and rather than cheer for one of the few remaining runners who is still moving forward, you complain that he isn't sprinting, or finding a more "creative" way to move more quickly.  

I will be pleasantly surprised the day players can accept a set instead of whining about how it is packaged.  It looks like that day may never come.

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Re: Options to obtain the new set
« Reply #77 on: May 27, 2009, 07:00:16 PM »
i will be pleasantly surprised the day cactus will actually make a 100% ORIGINAL, NO REPRINTS, NO OLDER CARDS, NO OLDER PACKS expansion set. it looks like that day may never come.

To be fair, there are different types of reprints. There are "practically the same card" reprints like The Seventh Trumpet and Answered Prayer. Then there are "almost no resemblance" reprints like Image of Jealousy or Mace. I think the latter style is perfectly acceptable.
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Re: Options to obtain the new set
« Reply #78 on: May 27, 2009, 07:02:34 PM »
I think the former is acceptable in one case: if the card is usable and is no longer available.  I wouldn't mind a reprint of Nicholas of Antioch, for example.

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Re: Options to obtain the new set
« Reply #79 on: May 27, 2009, 07:03:27 PM »
Ahead of the times on a gaming genre in decline?  You win the Irony Post of the Week.  I suppose Rob should have announced the cards would ship with a little plastic ball that popped out into a rotund likeness of one of the apostles...

The next time you're looking for a company to cater to your materialism, I recommend choosing one that isn't a one-man operation with a considerably smaller budget than most of the big booths at your friendly neighborhood geek con, and a strong focus on low-cost entry and family-friendly gameplay.

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Re: Options to obtain the new set
« Reply #80 on: May 27, 2009, 07:04:46 PM »
I think the former is acceptable in one case: if the card is usable and is no longer available.  I wouldn't mind a reprint of Nicholas of Antioch, for example.

I'm sorry I see a contradiction, did you just say that Nicholas of Antioch is useful? I must be out of it, or not remembering his ability right, I never found him to be useful, even for his intended purpose.  ;) :D

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Re: Options to obtain the new set
« Reply #81 on: May 27, 2009, 07:18:49 PM »
LOL.  Your are right.  It wasn't the best example.  I switched to thinking of a hard-to-find card rather than "playable."  Maybe I should have said Dragon Raid?

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Re: Options to obtain the new set
« Reply #82 on: May 27, 2009, 07:21:25 PM »
Dragon Raid would be a better example yes, though with the introduction of Pergamum its become slightly less played.

Offline Master KChief

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Re: Options to obtain the new set
« Reply #83 on: May 27, 2009, 07:28:56 PM »
Sets cost money.  Art costs money.  We are in a recession.  I'd much rather have a set with 1/3 reprinted cards than have a year with no set.

agreed: a set is better than no set. i never debated that issue.

Redemption reuses good art on cards that are underused so that we can have better, usable cards with good art.  I'd rather have an Image of Jealousy with quality art on a shiny card and a usable ability and a brand new class of enhancement than have no new set this year.

no one said anything about artwork. priority-wise, art is rather low down there in favor of new cards, new mechanics, new abilities, etc.

Further, I'd rather have a game that uses packaging options that get old cards into the hands of new players than have to say goodbye to YET ANOTHER favorite TCG.  

'favorite' is subjective. and i like your choice of words...'packaging options'...meaning more. old. cards.

Redemption sets in the second half of 2009: 1
Combined sets for Vs, LotR, Star Trek, Star Wars: 0

3 of those 4 games are discontinued. whats your point here? you're comparing a game still in active circulation against ones that are not. why not compare apples to apples...pokemon, yugioh, world of warcraft, mtg, ufs? go ahead, pick one.

"Lacks creativity" is harsh.  What creative way can you think of to produce a that would be as inexpensive?

'lacks creativity' is constructive criticism. cactus is the seller, i am the buyer...its not my job to do cactus'.

It seems you are quick to judge a situation when you don't know all the details.

awesome...enlighten me!

95% of the runners quit the difficult race, and rather than cheer for one of the few remaining runners who is still moving forward, you complain that he isn't sprinting, or finding a more "creative" way to move more quickly.  

comparing apples to oranges...again. to play devils advocate though, yes, i would commend the runner that used the jetpack to get to the end of the race.

I will be pleasantly surprised the day players can accept a set instead of whining about how it is packaged.  It looks like that day may never come.

this made me laugh the most. the creator/manufacturer/supplier releases a sub-par product, gets a windfall of bad feedback and criticism from its customer base, and somehow this makes us whiners? if you release a product, you open yourself to constructive criticism. maybe instead of being defensive and lashing out at a potential customer, you could simply sit back and be a bit more reflective in what kind of product you're trying to push off on us. i guess i'll just keep 'whining' and keep my money in my pocket.
« Last Edit: May 27, 2009, 07:45:20 PM by Master KChief »
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Re: Options to obtain the new set
« Reply #84 on: May 27, 2009, 07:39:54 PM »
Ahead of the times on a gaming genre in decline?  You win the Irony Post of the Week.  

in case that one got past you, it was /sarcasm. its a literary device!

I suppose Rob should have announced the cards would ship with a little plastic ball that popped out into a rotund likeness of one of the apostles...

sadly, thats actually more creative than just pushing old cards off on us for the past 3+ years. this is probably the smartest suggestion i've heard on the boards in a long time!

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Re: Options to obtain the new set
« Reply #85 on: May 27, 2009, 07:46:26 PM »
no one said anything about artwork. priority-wise, art is rather low down there in favor of new cards, new mechanics, new abilities, etc.

Territory class enhancements anyone? Thats a new mechanic if I'm not mistaken.

'favorite' is subjective. and i like your choice of words...'packaging options'...meaning more. old. cards.

Whats the problem with Going back through old sets, taking the useless NO sa cards like Image of Jealousy, and giving them abilities? Its basicly creating a new card with an old title. I'm not seeing the issue

this made me laugh the most. the creator/manufacturer/supplier releases a sub-par product, gets a windfall of bad feedback and criticism from its customer base, and somehow this makes us whiners? if you release a product, you open yourself to constructive criticism. maybe instead of being defensive and lashing out at a potential customer, you could simply sit back and be a bit more reflective in what kind of product you're trying to push off on us. i guess i'll just keep 'whining' and keep my money in my pocket.

Sub-par? I have yet to see them release a truely sub-par expansion the past years.

Honestly, I rarely hear you say good things about this game. You always say the playtesters fail at their jobs, they fail at packaging, they fail at new cards... whats the deal?

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Re: Options to obtain the new set
« Reply #86 on: May 27, 2009, 07:49:40 PM »
I hear that the new holographic cards include a barcode on the left side that can be scanned onto the Gameboy. You get to play two levels of Victory at Hebron, three levels of Ominous Horizons, or you can choose a variety of Bible Trivia games.

If you need the Gameboy scanner, they sell them used at GameStop.
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Re: Options to obtain the new set
« Reply #87 on: May 27, 2009, 07:53:06 PM »
Mr. KChief tends to, in my limited experience, give criticism that would be extremely valid if Redemption were a different sort of game. If Redemption had more mainstream aspirations and capabilities, and the desire for higher competition and collectibility, then the things he points out would often be relevant. As it stands, some of them tend to run counter to the direction the game has and "wants to" go.

And Mr. Thteacher, wouldn't that add negative value?
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Re: Options to obtain the new set
« Reply #88 on: May 27, 2009, 08:00:50 PM »
no one said anything about artwork. priority-wise, art is rather low down there in favor of new cards, new mechanics, new abilities, etc.

Territory class enhancements anyone? Thats a new mechanic if I'm not mistaken.

um, ok? i never said the new set wouldnt have new mechanics? that statement was in reference to bryons post about artwork and how i prioritize it. new mechanics = GOOD. new artwork = can live without.

'favorite' is subjective. and i like your choice of words...'packaging options'...meaning more. old. cards.

Whats the problem with Going back through old sets, taking the useless NO sa cards like Image of Jealousy, and giving them abilities? Its basicly creating a new card with an old title. I'm not seeing the issue

you're not seeing the issue because you're on a completely different tangent. i have no problem with cactus remaking old, useless cards with an entirely new ability. but when we say packaging options here, we're talking about bundling a few new cards with a bunch of older ones, ie older booster packs.

this made me laugh the most. the creator/manufacturer/supplier releases a sub-par product, gets a windfall of bad feedback and criticism from its customer base, and somehow this makes us whiners? if you release a product, you open yourself to constructive criticism. maybe instead of being defensive and lashing out at a potential customer, you could simply sit back and be a bit more reflective in what kind of product you're trying to push off on us. i guess i'll just keep 'whining' and keep my money in my pocket.

Sub-par? I have yet to see them release a truely sub-par expansion the past years.

again, subjective. you're entitled to your opinion, as i am to mine. we'll leave it at that.

Honestly, I rarely hear you say good things about this game. You always say the playtesters fail at their jobs, they fail at packaging, they fail at new cards... whats the deal?

um, i call an ace an ace? it doesnt get any simpler than that.

I hear that the new holographic cards include a barcode on the left side that can be scanned onto the Gameboy. You get to play two levels of Victory at Hebron, three levels of Ominous Horizons, or you can choose a variety of Bible Trivia games.

If you need the Gameboy scanner, they sell them used at GameStop.

thanks for the shameless plug 8) but no, sorry, we no longer carry archaic devices such as the gameboy extra levels for you!
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Re: Options to obtain the new set
« Reply #89 on: May 27, 2009, 08:05:18 PM »
Mr. KChief tends to, in my limited experience, give criticism that would be extremely valid if Redemption were a different sort of game. If Redemption had more mainstream aspirations and capabilities, and the desire for higher competition and collectibility, then the things he points out would often be relevant. As it stands, some of them tend to run counter to the direction the game has and "wants to" go.

And Mr. Thteacher, wouldn't that add negative value?

i suppose this much is true. i mean, i can only go by what standard the CCG industry as a whole has set. pardon if i seemed a bit 'harsh', but i feel its perfectly fine if i explicitly express my opinions and feelings towards what kind of product is being released. i dont know...i might buy the new set if there was a ham sandwich taped to each pack of cards.
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Re: Options to obtain the new set
« Reply #90 on: May 27, 2009, 08:06:26 PM »
And Mr. Thteacher, wouldn't that add negative value?

Are you calling me negative, you warthog-faced baffoon? I was completely serious, you miserable vomitous mass. The only reason that I don't come over to your house right now is because I lack the strength to stand.

But perhaps I have the strength after all....  :maul:

we no longer carry archaic devices such as the gameboy scanner...

I beg to differ. My local GameStop still carries the Gameboy camera and printer.  :o
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Re: Options to obtain the new set
« Reply #91 on: May 27, 2009, 08:08:58 PM »
I beg to differ. My local GameStop still carries the Gameboy camera and printer.  :o you live in the boondocks?  ;)
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Re: Options to obtain the new set
« Reply #92 on: May 27, 2009, 08:11:26 PM »
0 you live in the boondocks?  ;)

Actually, now that I think about it, the only reason that they had them was because I traded them in for some Giratina stickers.
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Re: Options to obtain the new set
« Reply #93 on: May 27, 2009, 08:15:48 PM »
It may mean that Redemption isn't the most lucrative game to collect.
Let's get one thing straight.  Redemption has never been lucrative for the players in any sort of monetary way.  I don't think Rob lives in a 10 bedroom mansion with a pool and tennis court either.

That means not banning cards, and keeping prices relatively low.  This next set is entirely in keeping with that philosophy.
Unfortunately, for people who have the old cards, the price is actually higher.

But at it's heart, Redemption is about playing, not collecting.
And yet, as a long time player who has nearly every card, I'm being forced to "collect" old cards in order to play with new ones.  

This release is really great for somebody who is young in the game because it gives them easy access to the good cards from older sets that, for them, are hard to get.  This allows them to be more competitive sooner and I think that's a good thing.  However, it makes it hard on the players who have been in the game the longest.  Its great to make it easy on the newer and younger players, but at the cost of hurting the older players?  I understand that Cactus is trying to sell older cards to make way for new ones in the future and to put out a product even in hard financial times but players such as myself would be unwise to buy this new set because it isn't cost effective for them.  Buying 2 new cards and 13 cards I already have for $5.00 isn't something that I can do and not feel stupid and gluttonous afterward.  

I disagree with the issues concerning the content of the new set with regards to game play and the like.  Rob and the play testers have been doing a really good job with the new cards for the past couple of years.
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Re: Options to obtain the new set
« Reply #94 on: May 27, 2009, 08:19:03 PM »
agreed: a set is better than no set. i never debated that issue.  ...but you'd rather look at the glass as half empty.

no one said anything about artwork. priority-wise, art is rather low down there in favor of new cards, new mechanics, new abilities, etc.  Ah.  OK.  Good.  I misunderstood what you meant by "reprint."  In that case, there are zero reprints in this set.  It is 100% new!  And you thought it would never happen.  :)

'favorite' is subjective. and i like your choice of words...'packaging options'...meaning more. old. cards.You don't have to buy the cards in the boxes.  You can buy them in complete sets from Ken or others.

3 of those 4 games are discontinued. whats your point here? you're comparing a game still in active circulation against ones that are not. why not compare apples to apples...pokemon, yugioh, world of warcraft, mtg, ufs? go ahead, pick one.Actually, all 4 of the games I listed are discontinued.  I am comparing Redemption to them because they were all games that existed at the same time, and Redemption outlasted all of them.  In order to outlast them, Redemption had to produce the last few sets in an inexpensive way.

'lacks creativity' is constructive criticism. cactus is the seller, i am the buyer...its not my job to do cactus'.No, it is just criticism.  Constructive criticism would be to actually offer a suggested improvement.  HELPFUL constructive criticism

awesome...enlighten me!The economy is poor.  Christian Bookstores are not in the position to buy tons of product to put on their shelves.  It looked like Cactus would not produce a set this summer (it might have been delayed for 6 months or even a year).  This option provided a way to get a lot of things players wanted (foils, new cards, new class of enhancement, better game balance, new "cultures" to use, etc.) while still being cost effective for Cactus.  It really was this or nothing.  Enlightened?

comparing apples to oranges...again. to play devils advocate though, yes, i would commend the runner that used the jetpack to get to the end of the race.  Who buys the jetpack?  Rob is Cactus.  Cactus is Rob.  Rob probably can't afford a risky investment like a jetpack.  Rob is the one with the business.  What you call "creativity" Rob might know better as "debt creator" or even "business killer."  He's been in the game business for longer than you've been playing games.

this made me laugh the most. the creator/manufacturer/supplier releases a sub-par product, gets a windfall of bad feedback and criticism from its customer base, and somehow this makes us whiners? if you release a product, you open yourself to constructive criticism. maybe instead of being defensive and lashing out at a potential customer, you could simply sit back and be a bit more reflective in what kind of product you're trying to push off on us. i guess i'll just keep 'whining' and keep my money in my pocket.First, I am not a creator, manufacturer, nor supplier of the product.  Read under my name over there <--.  I am only a playtester.  Second, you have no credibility if you call a set "sub par" before you have seen it.  Third, 2 whining players does not = "windfall" (further damging your credibility).  Fourth, I am defending a friend and brother, which is entirely different than defending yourself.  Maybe you like to sit back in reflection when your brother is labeled "uncreative" by someone who is ignorant of the details.  I'd rather defend my friend/brother (though he might not care if I do).  Fifth, I am not trying to "push off" product on anyone.  Whether the product sells or not makes exactly zero difference to my pocketbook.  What I buy for my playgroup gets sold at my cost.  Thankfully, for the sake of the life of the game I love, this product will fly off the shelves in spite of your whining.  

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Re: Options to obtain the new set
« Reply #95 on: May 27, 2009, 08:36:28 PM »
Sean, I completely understand that the die-hard, long-time Redemption fans who already have every card will be buying a whole pack for only 2 new cards.  I am in that same situation.  If that is all you got, I could see that having to spend $5 for 2 random "rares" would feel like a bit of a bad deal.  But that is not all you get.  You get 13 cards that you can sell to make much of that money back.  That money you get back can be used to buy the singles of the new set that you are missing.  I understand that means more work for you.  I understand that work is not convenient.  But I hope that you can understand that the extra work you do in selling extras/buying singles (or trading) is a necessity because of the recession, and that it will ultimately help the new player who buys your extras by getting those cards into his hands.

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Re: Options to obtain the new set
« Reply #96 on: May 27, 2009, 08:40:37 PM »
"Lacks creativity" is harsh.  What creative way can you think of to produce a that would be as inexpensive?

'lacks creativity' is constructive criticism. cactus is the seller, i am the buyer...its not my job to do cactus'.

Constructive criticism requires both specifics and ideas to rework the problems.  'Lacks creativity' is very vague, so Bryon is wanting specifics and your thoughts of what should be done (see: constructive criticism), rather than just you complaining.

I will be pleasantly surprised the day players can accept a set instead of whining about how it is packaged.  It looks like that day may never come.

this made me laugh the most. the creator/manufacturer/supplier releases a sub-par product, gets a windfall of bad feedback and criticism from its customer base, and somehow this makes us whiners? if you release a product, you open yourself to constructive criticism. maybe instead of being defensive and lashing out at a potential customer, you could simply sit back and be a bit more reflective in what kind of product you're trying to push off on us. i guess i'll just keep 'whining' and keep my money in my pocket.

What's subpar about it?  The previously released cards being included?  That didn't stop members of this board from rating the FooF tin one of Cactus' top 3 releases.  And Kings made quite a few of the top 5 lists, even considering nearly a third (or was it a fourth...) were reprints.  If you don't like it, it's a fair opinion, and feel free to express some creative criticism (Rob and the playtesters are amazingly cool about listening to what we think), but please don't just complain.

On a side note, the new cards are, to my mind, not far off from being worth the $5 by themselves, especially since they will probably have high-end rare type trade value.  The rereleased cards are just a superb bonus.
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Re: Options to obtain the new set
« Reply #97 on: May 27, 2009, 08:42:22 PM »
I'm actually more excited about this set that any of the previous releases, and I'm what you would consider a veteran who has a zillion cards floating around. I'm vaguely contemplating buying a full set of the new cards from someone, but I'm pretty sure I'll end up just buying a display box. I enjoy the thrill of finally making a trade that brings in that hard-to-find card, and the potential to pull a DoN, a GoYS, and a King David in the same box is, while highly unlikely, too juicy to pass up. This set is poised to be the most fun I've had buying Redemption cards since I started around Priests: just getting a box of 100 or 90 new cards shipped to you and then being done with it isn't nearly as fun as the rush of not knowing what's hiding inside a bunch of packs.
« Last Edit: May 27, 2009, 08:44:57 PM by Tsavong Lah »
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Re: Options to obtain the new set
« Reply #98 on: May 27, 2009, 08:51:13 PM »
agreed: a set is better than no set. i never debated that issue.  ...but you'd rather look at the glass as half empty.

everything in life isnt all cute and fuzzy. its called reality.

no one said anything about artwork. priority-wise, art is rather low down there in favor of new cards, new mechanics, new abilities, etc.  Ah.  OK.  Good.  I misunderstood what you meant by "reprint."  In that case, there are zero reprints in this set.  It is 100% new!  And you thought it would never happen.  :)

i sincerely hope by this statement you do not mean you simply changed one word in the special ability of an older card and called it good.

'favorite' is subjective. and i like your choice of words...'packaging options'...meaning more. old. cards.You don't have to buy the cards in the boxes.  You can buy them in complete sets from Ken or others.

i dont see why i should have to rely on the secondary market to assemble me a complete set of just the new cards whilst weeding out all the ones that are completely useless to me. if the objective is to have older cards more readily available to newer players, why not just lower the price of older packs of cards and say, release a completely new set of just new cards?

3 of those 4 games are discontinued. whats your point here? you're comparing a game still in active circulation against ones that are not. why not compare apples to apples...pokemon, yugioh, world of warcraft, mtg, ufs? go ahead, pick one.Actually, all 4 of the games I listed are discontinued.  I am comparing Redemption to them because they were all games that existed at the same time, and Redemption outlasted all of them.  In order to outlast them, Redemption had to produce the last few sets in an inexpensive way.

thats...great redemption has outlasted all the aforementioned games, im not disputing that. pat on the back for redemption. moving on.

'lacks creativity' is constructive criticism. cactus is the seller, i am the buyer...its not my job to do cactus'.No, it is just criticism.  Constructive criticism would be to actually offer a suggested improvement.  HELPFUL constructive criticism

no...constructive criticism does not necessarily have to be 'helpful' just merely stating my opinion and why i believe it to be that way. saying 'redemption is a pretty bad game' and providing no details as to why would be, as you put it, harsh.
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Re: Options to obtain the new set
« Reply #99 on: May 27, 2009, 08:52:28 PM »
awesome...enlighten me!The economy is poor.  Christian Bookstores are not in the position to buy tons of product to put on their shelves.  It looked like Cactus would not produce a set this summer (it might have been delayed for 6 months or even a year).  This option provided a way to get a lot of things players wanted (foils, new cards, new class of enhancement, better game balance, new "cultures" to use, etc.) while still being cost effective for Cactus.  It really was this or nothing.  Enlightened?

you're really not telling me anything i didnt know before. its pretty obvious cactus is hurting from the economy and this is their 'cost-efficient' gameplan, to put it.

comparing apples to oranges...again. to play devils advocate though, yes, i would commend the runner that used the jetpack to get to the end of the race.  Who buys the jetpack?  Rob is Cactus.  Cactus is Rob.  Rob probably can't afford a risky investment like a jetpack.  Rob is the one with the business.  What you call "creativity" Rob might know better as "debt creator" or even "business killer."  He's been in the game business for longer than you've been playing games.

...but you have to admit, a jetpack would still be pretty cool.

this made me laugh the most. the creator/manufacturer/supplier releases a sub-par product, gets a windfall of bad feedback and criticism from its customer base, and somehow this makes us whiners? if you release a product, you open yourself to constructive criticism. maybe instead of being defensive and lashing out at a potential customer, you could simply sit back and be a bit more reflective in what kind of product you're trying to push off on us. i guess i'll just keep 'whining' and keep my money in my pocket.First, I am not a creator, manufacturer, nor supplier of the product.  Read under my name over there <--.  I am only a playtester. 

i never said you were. i know who you are. when i say 'you' there, i mean cactus in general.

Second, you have no credibility if you call a set "sub par" before you have seen it. 

again, miscommunication. i never claimed this new set as sub par; it was just a blanket statement pertaining to simple economics...if a company releases a bad product, you'll get bad feedback.

Third, 2 whining players does not = "windfall" (further damging your credibility). 

*see above*

Fourth, I am defending a friend and brother, which is entirely different than defending yourself.  Maybe you like to sit back in reflection when your brother is labeled "uncreative" by someone who is ignorant of the details.  I'd rather defend my friend/brother (though he might not care if I do). 

thats awfully big hearted of you. unfortunately, that means little much of anything in the business world. i see a bad product. i do not like it. i will probably not buy it. 'nuff said.

Fifth, I am not trying to "push off" product on anyone.  Whether the product sells or not makes exactly zero difference to my pocketbook.  What I buy for my playgroup gets sold at my cost.  Thankfully, for the sake of the life of the game I love, this product will fly off the shelves in spite of your whining.

thats awesome, great, good job, give yourself a cookie...and i truly do wish redemption the best...but how this game sells to others has nothing to do with me. just give me my ham sandwich and we'll call it a day.

"If it weren't for people with bad decision making skills, I'd have to get a real job." - Reynad


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