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NFL Power Rankings and 1st quarter NFL discussion topics
« on: October 06, 2009, 02:37:57 AM »
Who's in your Top 5?

1. Colts
2. Vikings
3. Saints
4. Giants
5. Ravens

Some questions for discussion:

*Does anyone think the Broncos are for real?
What I think...
The Broncos have a good running game and a solid defense, which is a good combo, but I don't think they are more "for real" than the surprising Bengals who actually have some wins against quality teams and just got plain unlucky against Denver in Week 1.

*Rookie of the year: Sanchez or Harven?
What I think...
If the Jets return to the play-offs it would be hard to not give the nod to Sanchez, but Harven has shown enormous potential in so many ways that he's going to make this a close race either way.

*Who gets kicked out of Dallas first, Phillips or Romo?
What I think...
Why did I even post this question? I don't like Dallas and I don't care what happens to them...
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Re: NFL Power Rankings and 1st quarter NFL discussion topics
« Reply #1 on: October 06, 2009, 09:50:32 AM »
My Top 5

1. Ravens (Lost because of two phantom Roughing the passer penalites)  These guys are scarry good and I think the AFC runs through Baltimore this year
2. Vikings  (Favre's MNF should disspel all doubters about whether he still has it.  the only question is can he do it w/o getting seriously hurt this year)
3. Colts  (still weak against the run and the run offense is improving with Brown, but they have Manning so you have to respect that)
4. Saints (they were lower until they won their last two games without Brees throwing an touchdown. being able to win w/o Brees is bad news for the rest of us!)
5. Giants ( I think they are the team to beat in the NFC. Best all around, but Eli's injury drops them a spot or two)

*Does anyone think the Broncos are for real?
Umm, No.  They are as "for real" as the Bengals.  I dont think Kyle Orton can get it done against more powerful defenses and lets see their defensive Stats after they play the Pats, Steelers, baltimore, Colts ....)

*Rookie of the year: Sanchez or Harven?

If Derek Anderson and Massaquoi keep it up, I'm gonna have to go with Massaquoi.  I think Sanchez is going to run into trouble in later games but I could be wrong.

*Who gets kicked out of Dallas first, Phillips or Romo?
 Im with  you, Who cares?!?  I do know that Romo is not the second comming of Aikman though.  That should be obvious by now.
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Re: NFL Power Rankings and 1st quarter NFL discussion topics
« Reply #2 on: October 06, 2009, 10:39:05 AM »
1. Lions
2. Browns
3. Buckaneers
4. Chiefs
5. Rams

Offline crustpope

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Re: NFL Power Rankings and 1st quarter NFL discussion topics
« Reply #3 on: October 06, 2009, 11:40:08 AM »
1. Lions
2. Browns
3. Buckaneers
4. Chiefs
5. Rams

the eternal optimist...
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Re: NFL Power Rankings and 1st quarter NFL discussion topics
« Reply #4 on: October 06, 2009, 11:57:11 AM »
1. Lions
2. Browns
3. Buckaneers
4. Chiefs
5. Rams

the eternal optimist...

Might as well add the Bills to that list  :(

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Re: NFL Power Rankings and 1st quarter NFL discussion topics
« Reply #5 on: October 06, 2009, 12:30:02 PM »
Another question, Which undefeated team will be the last to lose?

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Re: NFL Power Rankings and 1st quarter NFL discussion topics
« Reply #6 on: October 06, 2009, 12:38:19 PM »
I'm not going to rank teams because I detest rankings.  IMHO, it has ruined college football.  But I will break down each NFL division:

AFC East
I think this division is shaping up after only 4 weeks.  The Jets and Patriots will probably go down to the last week to decide the winner.  Miami lost a really good QB in Pennington and Buffalo has T.O., so I think they both will struggle all season being up and down.  Probable winner: Pats (unless the Jets get Shonne Greene in as their main RB   ;)  )
Final note: What happened with the Ravens will only hurt Brady, and all QBs, in the long run.  If they're going to get flagged no matter how much they touch the QB, defenders will decide to just go ahead and smash them to the ground in a mangled mess.

AFC Central
The Bengals will make things interesting for awhile but in the end it will come down to the Ravens and Steelers again.  What is really funny is that each team will probably win most of their games because of their potent passing attack.  Who'da thunk?!  Probable winner: Ravens (and only because the Steelers have a bullseye on them)

AFC South
The past few years there has been so much talk about the up-and-coming teams in this division finally overcoming the Colts.  Not gonna happen!  The Colts will win this thing handily.  The Texans will fight for a wild card.  Probable winner: Colts

AFC West
The Broncos have looked impressive so far and Moreno is the real deal.  But although they like putting themselves in a hole early in the season, I think the Chargers will come back and pass the Broncos for the division.  The other two teams are just awful.  Probable winner: Chargers

AFC Wildcards: Jets, Steelers

NFC East
The Giants are quietly becoming a powerhouse that no one will be able to beat.  If they beat the Saints in week 6, I really think they will be 15-0 when they travel to the Metrodome.  And just like in 2007, even though they'll have their seeding wrapped up the Vikings will use all their starters the whole game.  Probable winner: Giants
Final note: The rest of this division is becoming really bad.  This year the mantle of best NFC division will pass to the Central.

NFC Central
Hey folks, this is the new class division in the NFC!  This is very unfortunate for the Lions who are starting to turn their team around.  Just when they start getting some quality players they'll still go 0-6 in the division.  All the talk in the press this year has been and will be about Favre vs. Rodgers.  But I'm really looking forward to Favre vs. Cutler!  Probable winner: Vikings

NFC South
Last year the Saints players suffered a common malady when in the midst of greatness: they put it all on Brees shoulders.  This year the big question mark, especially after a 2-0 start where Brees was brilliant, was whether the team would step it up when the other team shut Brees down.  Well folks, I think we can safely say this is a TEAM to be reckoned!  Falcons will try to keep up but get a wildcard in the end.  Probable winner: Saints

NFC West
I sincerely think that most teams are struggling against the 49ers defense because they're afraid that Singletary will put on Vernon Davis' helmet and run onto the field if the 49ers start losing.  Go ahead, look at the video coverage.  Opposing teams' players steer clear of the 49ers sideline whenever they can.  Singletary's sheer will and intense gaze will win the 49ers a couple of games they weren't meant to win.  I'm tempering my excitement with the knowledge that their best player is hurt and the QB scares me.  Probable winner: 49ers

NFC Wildcards: Falcons, Bears
Final ANB errata: Return player to game.

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Re: NFL Power Rankings and 1st quarter NFL discussion topics
« Reply #7 on: October 06, 2009, 12:42:36 PM »
1. Colts
2. Giants
3. Saints
4. Ravens
5. Vikings

Percy Harvin is looking good so far, I like his chances.
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Re: NFL Power Rankings and 1st quarter NFL discussion topics
« Reply #8 on: October 06, 2009, 12:59:52 PM »
I like STAMP's picks, except for his weaksauce pick for the NFC Wildcard:  The Bears??!?  The Packers beat the Bears, and will do it again.  :)

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Re: NFL Power Rankings and 1st quarter NFL discussion topics
« Reply #9 on: October 06, 2009, 01:44:17 PM »
I like STAMP's picks, except for his weaksauce pick for the NFC Wildcard:  The Bears??!?  The Packers beat the Bears, and will do it again.  :)

The Packers won't be able to beat anybody if Rodgers gets injured from taking so many sacks...

The Packers have given new meaning to the term "Offensive" line...
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Re: NFL Power Rankings and 1st quarter NFL discussion topics
« Reply #10 on: October 06, 2009, 02:30:43 PM »
Yeah, last night was horrible in that regard.  It doesn't help that their best lineman sat the entire game (injured).  To compensate, they had to change the whole front line around.  Then, mid-game, the replacement was hurt.  When the replacement's replacement is a rookie, and that rookie has to defend against an all-pro defensive end, well, we saw that result last night.

Thankfully, the Packers front line should be back to healthy after this week's bye.  And even if it takes them a while to get back to full health, the Pack faces two softer opponents in the two games after the bye.  I fully expect to see the Packers at 4-2 three weeks from now.

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Re: NFL Power Rankings and 1st quarter NFL discussion topics
« Reply #11 on: October 06, 2009, 04:52:44 PM »
The Packers won't be able to beat the Bears in Chicago unless Cutler throws to the wrong team again all game.  That doesn't seem very likely.

Stamps picks are pretty much right on.  Someone's been paying attention to the NFL this year. ;)

I'm not a Vikings fan by any stretch of the imagination but they have a really good team this year and they're fun to watch.  I just enjoy seeing good football.  They're my pick for the last undefeated team.
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Re: NFL Power Rankings and 1st quarter NFL discussion topics
« Reply #12 on: October 06, 2009, 09:37:47 PM »
1. Packers (Yeah... they're 2-2... and I might be kind of biased because I'm a Packer fan... okay yeah, but still)
2. Vikings (They have the best RB in the league, the #1 running defense, and I think 3rd overall defense, one of the top QBs... I'm not sure they can be stopped)
3. Saints (Drew Brees, is, imo the best QB in the league. Their running game has been decent between Bell, Bush and Thomas, so I think they'll do well)
4. Colts (With The Cheriff on their team, you can never count them out. He reminds me of Brett Favre, he takes risks and wins when you need him to)
5. Broncos (I'm not sure on this... but I have a hunch that they'll go longer then everyone thinks... with a defense that has allowes (31?) Points in 4 games... it's hard not to win, just score once or twice)

Yeah.... I'm always down with rooting for underdogs. Hence Packers and Broncos. Also, These are not in order.

Viking are going to go the longest without being defeated. Their team is... astonishing.

Stamp's picks I pretty much agree with... except the Chargers.
« Last Edit: October 06, 2009, 10:44:27 PM by lightningninja »
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Re: NFL Power Rankings and 1st quarter NFL discussion topics
« Reply #13 on: October 06, 2009, 09:50:53 PM »
1. Packers (Yeah... they're 2-2... and I might be kind of biased because I'm a Packer fan... okay yeah, but still)
2. Vikings (They have the best RB in the league, the #1 running defense, and I think 3rd overall defense, one of the top QBs... I'm not sure they can be stopped)
3. Saints (Drew Brees, is, imo the best QB in the league. They're running game has been decent between Bell, Bush and Thomas, so I think they'll do well)
4. Colts (With The Cheriff on their team, you can never count them out. He reminds me of Brett Favre, he takes risks and wins when you need him to)
5. Broncos (I'm not sure on this... but I have a hunch that they'll go longer then everyone thinks... with a defense that has allowes (31?) Points in 4 games... it's hard not to win, just score once or twice)

Yeah.... I'm always down with rooting for underdogs. Hence Packers and Broncos. Also, These are not in order.

Viking are going to go the longest without being defeated. They're team is... astonishing.

Stamp's picks I pretty much agree with... except the Chargers.

I sense a lack of my Avatar in your post.

Also, it's their, not they're... I couldn't help but notice since you did it twice.  :D

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Re: NFL Power Rankings and 1st quarter NFL discussion topics
« Reply #14 on: October 06, 2009, 10:44:56 PM »
Haha, fixed. And yeah... your Ravens can't beat the Vikings, sorry.  ;)
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Re: NFL Power Rankings and 1st quarter NFL discussion topics
« Reply #15 on: October 07, 2009, 12:06:11 PM »
1. Colts
2. Vikings
3. Ravens
4. Saints
5. Broncos

I'm just going to casually stay away from any talk of the Cowboys...

...stupid Romo...
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Re: NFL Power Rankings and 1st quarter NFL discussion topics
« Reply #16 on: October 07, 2009, 12:39:15 PM »
I agree that the Vikings are great (and I'd love them still even if they weren't). But it will be interesting to see if we can handle a good team like the Ravens in two weeks. Monday's game was fun to watch, but our secondary seriously needs to step up.

Also, I agree that Peyton and the Colts comprise the best team in the league right now.
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Re: NFL Power Rankings and 1st quarter NFL discussion topics
« Reply #17 on: October 07, 2009, 12:39:29 PM »
Okay, folks, re-do your rankings.  49ers just signed Crabtree!
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Re: NFL Power Rankings and 1st quarter NFL discussion topics
« Reply #18 on: October 07, 2009, 01:06:57 PM »
Both manning brothers have been playing great, but Peyton is a legend and looking like he might be the first person to win 4 MVP awards.

1. Colts "Career highs through 4 games, when you say career highs and your talking about P Manning thats incredible.
2. Giants
3. Saints-"where is Drew Brees the last 2 games?"
4. Eagles "not much playing time but looking very good"
5. vikings "Farve is old will start messing up week 12
6. Jets " if they beat NO they would be #3 maybe 2."
7. Pats
8. Ravens "if they beat the pats their in the top 5."
9. Broncos "yikes thatz a nice D, but Kyle Orton?"
10.49ers, Steelers, Falcons, Bengals,- I couldn't decide

Jamarcus Russell- 6 years $68 million, with $31.5 million guaranteed
1 TD  4 INT  YDS 504 RTG 42.4

Lightningninja please don't insult peyton manning by calling him Brett farvish.

« Last Edit: October 07, 2009, 02:48:47 PM by jasonbourne »
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Re: NFL Power Rankings and 1st quarter NFL discussion topics
« Reply #19 on: October 07, 2009, 01:12:38 PM »
Okay, folks, re-do your rankings.  49ers just signed Crabtree!

Crabtree has a lot of catching up to do before he can even think about surpassing Harven as this year's top rookie receiver.
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Re: NFL Power Rankings and 1st quarter NFL discussion topics
« Reply #20 on: October 07, 2009, 01:57:48 PM »
Okay, folks, re-do your rankings.  49ers just signed Crabtree!

Crabtree has a lot of catching up to do before he can even think about surpassing Harven as this year's top rookie receiver.

Very true.  But if he does surpass Harvin, that would be Rice-esque considering Harvin has a legend throwing to him while Crabtree has a journeyman QB.   ;)
Final ANB errata: Return player to game.

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Re: NFL Power Rankings and 1st quarter NFL discussion topics
« Reply #21 on: October 07, 2009, 04:18:29 PM »
Lightningninja please don't insult peyton manning by calling him Brett Favreish.
Please don't insult Brett Favre by misspelling his name. Fixed. ;)

And you're right... the quarterback who has the most TDs, most TDs over eighty yards, has beaten every NFL team, has the most consecutive starts, has the most Yards, Most regular-season wins, Most completions. You're right, Peyton Manning wouldn't like to be compared to that legend. :D
« Last Edit: October 07, 2009, 05:50:09 PM by lightningninja »
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Re: NFL Power Rankings and 1st quarter NFL discussion topics
« Reply #22 on: October 07, 2009, 05:26:57 PM »
Jamarcus Russell- 6 years $68 million, with $31.5 million guaranteed
1 TD  4 INT  YDS 504 RTG 42.4

Yeah, um this is ridiculous.
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Re: NFL Power Rankings and 1st quarter NFL discussion topics
« Reply #23 on: October 11, 2009, 05:13:48 PM »
Peyton Manning is 10x the quarterback Brett Favre is, was, or ever will be.

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Re: NFL Power Rankings and 1st quarter NFL discussion topics
« Reply #24 on: October 11, 2009, 05:18:32 PM »
Peyton Manning is 10x the quarterback Brett Favre is, was, or ever will be.

A Colts-Vikings Super Bowl would be a pretty good way to settle that...  ;D
Fortress Alstad
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