Author Topic: New way to make money  (Read 964 times)

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New way to make money
« on: January 27, 2011, 05:12:32 PM »
So my wife buys a nice bottle of Crown Royal at our local liquor store in order to give as a Christmas gift to a friend.  (FYI - liquor stores in Oregon are run by the state.)  It was on sale for $24.95.  For various reasons she ended up getting them something different.  So we decided to return the Crown Royal as we don't drink it.  The cashier gave my wife $27.95.  My wife, ever the good steward, insisted on the cashier taking the extra $3.00 back.  But the store manager came over and said that we had to keep the extra money because it was the store rules as handed down by the state government.  They could only re-stock the Crown Royal at the current price in the system.  Then as we were ready to leave the cashier said, "Don't forget your receipt and Crown Royal."

Fortunately, they didn't have a silly rule about that, too.  :D
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