Author Topic: New set speculation  (Read 14405 times)

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Re: New set speculation
« Reply #50 on: March 17, 2014, 09:39:06 AM »
This is a super lazy and bad complete of my start, but this will get the idea across and saves tons of time. Just ask questions and I can try to more clearly flesh out what I am thinking. Mostly I just didn't include any of the examples of why this idea is awesome in my opinion (like how BTN characters wouldn't exist...).

For those who don’t know, set rotation is removing old cards from tournament legal play to keep the tournament format fresh, healthy, and to encourage purchase of newer cards. It is used in many CCGs. Traditionally it has not been used in Redemption because Rob Anderson, Redemption’s creator, would like any pack purchased to be legal for tournament play so people don’t feel like they are wasting money.

To be fair, what I will propose isn’t technically set rotation because I don’t necessarily want sets to be rotated out consistently (although it might be needed). To understand my point of view, let’s examine some of the problems that Redemption has been experiencing lately from a gameplay perspective.

Currently, the game is in a bit of doldrums. To be honest, it’s fairly bland. It’s incredibly unbalanced, certain cards in the meta limit creativity in deck building, the games last a long time, and there’s a very small percentage of cards that are actually good (a group of cards that hardly ever changes). Many solutions have been suggested to alleviate some of these issues. The most common is a ban list. Many people think that if we just banned a few cards, the game would be much healthier. However, I do not believe that’s the case.

While ban lists are certainly effective in some games, there are several reasons why I believe it would not work for Redemption
-you wouldn’t ever actually ban the most powerful cards (dominants)
-there isn’t a clear way to ban cards since many cards do the same thing (Moses would almost certainly be banned in any list I made, yet Ira never would – they aren’t the same card, but they are close!)
-previous fan made ban list formats have been unenjoyable at best because the games are even slower than they currently are

Regardless of if you agree or not, I’m just going to go right into my proposal. Technically this isn’t really my proposal for the most part, but rather a group thought that developed over the summer, but I’m not at liberty to discuss who it came from. It is important to note that this idea is probably not able to be implemented until another 1-2 set releases.

1.   Create a “new” format. This format would be the rotated format. The format would begin at I/J starter decks. This is the perfect starting point because a new card look was introduced, making  it obvious which cards are legal in this new format. You could also continue to play tournaments in the “unlimited” format with all cards legal for those who would like to do so.
2.   Eliminate multiplayer. I probably enjoy type 1 MP as much as anyone in the world, but it’s broken. It’s just not how the game is designed to be played. Ditto for Teams. As for T2 MP, if the game is played properly, it should never finish in time barring weird draws, so even the better meta still makes for painful games.

What would this accomplish? Well, any abilities not in print as of I/J could just never be printed again. Can not be negated could be effectively eliminated, because very few cards currently have it printed in the ability post I/J. Because the format would currently be fairly small, good card design could create the healthiest format every seen without having to really worry about all kinds of archaic cards like ANB or Moses or BtC ruining a fine card and making it overpowered or modified to such an extent that it’s simply not good anymore. Honestly, the format could become virtually anything. I personally hope it would become a format where games end in a shorter period of time, and card design isn’t flawed at almost every turn due to attempts to properly power new cards. It has so much promise

But I also proposed eliminating multiplayer. Why? Well, with these two actions, the categories would now be as follows:

I/J-on format (T1 and T2), Unlimited format (T1 and T2), Closed Deck (Sealed and Booster)

Look how cleanly that works out for Nationals! Day 1 is closed deck, Day 2 is unlimited, and Day 3 is I/J-on! Wow! Sounds awesome.

It would allow those who oppose the rotation to still be able to play! Unlimited would still be a fine format, albeit with no play testing with newly printed cards. However, it would still have plenty of life to some people, and even to those who disagree like myself, it would allow the format to feel more fresh because it would be markedly differently from I/J-on.

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Re: New set speculation
« Reply #51 on: March 17, 2014, 10:01:36 AM »
I'm 1000% in line with this idea! Heard some guys talking about this at nats last year and agreed with it then and it looks even better right now!
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Re: New set speculation
« Reply #52 on: March 17, 2014, 01:04:26 PM »
Interesting. And it actually makes everyone happy, which is quite an accomplishment.
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Re: New set speculation
« Reply #53 on: March 17, 2014, 01:55:05 PM »
Interesting. And it actually makes everyone happy, which is quite an accomplishment.
Not everyone. I'd miss MP terribly, lol. I'm much more of a MP fan than a 2P fan due to the differing strategies. I think having the second, limited, format could be a good idea, though.

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Re: New set speculation
« Reply #54 on: March 17, 2014, 03:24:33 PM »
This is kind of like my idea just a lot better. If Redemption did this I would probably buy 200 packs of the new set. Redemption , IMO needs a reboot.
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Re: New set speculation
« Reply #55 on: March 17, 2014, 03:33:56 PM »
I would enjoy the new format.  It would make the games more interesting since it knocks out NJ, FA, Burial, CM, HT, AOCP, etc.  It would also make my families decks even as we would have only a small pool of the same cards (that makes more sense in my head than it does here :P).  I might just dispense with most of my collection to save some space (and help others like before).

The down side for me is the huge amounts of cards I will have to get to make my T2 decks and my T1 decks.

As for MP, though I do enjoy T2 multi (I don't really play T1 anymore at tournaments), I wouldn't miss it that much.

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Re: New set speculation
« Reply #56 on: March 17, 2014, 03:46:09 PM »
I could get behind this. It might even be enough to bring back a few of the players my group has lost. Of course it would make T2 somewhat difficult to play before the next set comes out, but we can wait until it comes out to start.

I will say, Cannot be Negated, while often very powerful, can be used responsibly to keep it under control, however it may not even be necessary without Negate All abilities (like Moses) so it would be really interesting to see what a Redemption Reboot Format would look like.

We also don't have to eliminate multiplayer, just push it to being more casual, like MtG.
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Re: New set speculation
« Reply #57 on: March 17, 2014, 04:50:48 PM »
This is kind of like my idea just a lot better.

The proposal is exactly as you suggested and many of the collected thoughts in this thread. The point of removing playtypes to make room for a new format in tournament play is a given, and the matter of which to remove is more based on subjectivity it appears. I also keep seeing 'set rotation' and 'rotated  format', but I'm unclear what that actually means for a new format as that wasn't expanded on at all. Will there be consistent set rotation? How will it be done? Or is this simply just a Modern reboot starting from I/J?

We also don't have to eliminate multiplayer, just push it to being more casual, like MtG.

Agreed, like Commander. Commander is not a super competitive format, but really popular in casual play.

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Re: New set speculation
« Reply #58 on: March 17, 2014, 06:31:46 PM »
To me, it seems like a Reboot from IJ up which makes sense. It will make it easier for RLKs and n00bs to get into the game. No NJ, no Falling Away, no Mayhem, etc. No sloppily worded cards that are hard to understand , all around a Reboot would help Redemption.
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Offline Drrek

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Re: New set speculation
« Reply #59 on: March 17, 2014, 08:01:25 PM »
I love the pretty much every idea from Olijar's post (though that's totally not set rotation, and it bothers me that you only say it technically isn't set rotation.  It just plain isn't set rotation).  The only reason I'd be opposed to a reboot from I/J would be because of the money and effort I've put into my collection and decks from pre-I/J but an official unrestricted type takes away those concerns.  And while that format might have a terrible unbalanced meta, that isn't really that much different from the current meta and I'd still have fun playing in it anyway.  Also I would love if multiplayer were eliminated as official categories.  It frees up time in tournaments for better categories by eliminating what is in my opinion the weakest of all categories.  Multiplayer might be fun in casual play, but I personally don't think it deserves a place in official categories.  So all in all I am a fan of the idea of a reboot using post-I/J as long as we keep a format for pre-I/J.
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Re: New set speculation
« Reply #60 on: March 18, 2014, 03:02:02 PM »
We could also make the reboot format type 3 because  type 3 is best  :angel:
« Last Edit: March 18, 2014, 06:48:02 PM by AJ »
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Re: New set speculation
« Reply #61 on: March 18, 2014, 03:34:24 PM »
MJB, in response to your post here, the reason I made a distinction between OT and NT prophets is because the game itself does. Simeon and Anna both specifically refer to NT prophets, while Obadiah's Caves refers to OT prophets (I'm sure there are others that make the distinction, but these are the three I knew off the top of my head). Admittedly, NT prophets is extremely underdeveloped, but that distinction still exists. I distinguished between Warriors and Centurions because I'd heard that distinction used before. Looking at the cards again, I agree that there really isn't one. I stick by that point though, especially because the evil brigades follow a similar model.

I also agree that Genesis has a lot of distinct stories, but I also think that the vast majority of them could not support a theme on their own. The Creation account has a lot of potential for cards, but very few characters (Adam, Eve, Seth, and Abel). The interim between Creation and Noah has a lot of characters, but I think that other than a few of them (Methuselah, Enoch, and Jubal are the only three I can think of, though I'm sure there are one or two more), using characters that exist only in a genealogy is unnecessary. Noah is the only story within Genesis that I think could support it's own theme (other than Jacob's sons [who arguably shouldn't even be heroes], and that ship has sailed). While there's a lot of card ideas that could be taken from Genesis, I don't believe that they could really be set up as distinct sub-themes aside from Noah's Ark, and thus, I believe blue brigade could support Genesis, Job, and a Noah's Ark sub-theme, and a NT theme as well, especially when the vast majority of usable blue enhancements right now are Genesis-exclusive.

In regards to Alex's idea, I'm really torn about the idea of a reboot with a legacy format. On the one hand, the idea of starting from scratch is extremely appealing since T1 is basically broken. Learning from nearly 20 years of mistakes and starting fresh isn't a horrible idea. On the other hand, one of the things that makes Redemption fun for me (especially compared to Pokemon, the only other CCG I've gotten into) is the extremely deep card pool. Yes, most of the cards aren't really usable, but occasionally a card that hardly anyone uses suddenly becomes really popular when it's "discovered" (Simeon is the perfect example of that). Not knowing exactly what you'll encounter at high level tournaments is extremely fun and something I find lacking in Pokemon. Yes, there would still be a legacy format, but it would be broken without proper playtesting. I would rather see early sets with weird wording banned, along with a few choice other cards for balance's sake, and the usable cards from those early sets reprinted with proper wording.

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Re: New set speculation
« Reply #62 on: March 18, 2014, 04:15:56 PM »
Simeon and Anna both specifically refer to NT prophets, while Obadiah's Caves refers to OT prophets (I'm sure there are others that make the distinction, but these are the three I knew off the top of my head).
For those of us keeping score, Caves actually says "green prophets" and doesn't distinguish between O.T. and N.T. I don't think there are any other testament-specific prophet cards aside from Baptism of Jesus.


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Re: New set speculation
« Reply #63 on: March 18, 2014, 04:30:58 PM »
Simeon and Anna both specifically refer to NT prophets, while Obadiah's Caves refers to OT prophets (I'm sure there are others that make the distinction, but these are the three I knew off the top of my head).
For those of us keeping score, Caves actually says "green prophets" and doesn't distinguish between O.T. and N.T. I don't think there are any other testament-specific prophet cards aside from Baptism of Jesus.

Everything I know is a lie.

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Re: New set speculation
« Reply #64 on: March 18, 2014, 08:39:42 PM »
Let me see if I've got this correctly. A reboot is in essence a start over. Would there be any objection to using cards from before the reboot. Like,for example,Naomi from the women's set. She had no special abilities just numbers-4/4 I think. Could we still use cards that had no special abilities? Kinda a filler till more sets could be printed.

As for multi-player I'm all for it being removed,I enjoyed one-on-one play better and booster.

A reboot would mean KoT would receive a face lift,plus some new upgrades on old faces. Like 4 brigades on one character,King David anyone?
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Offline jbeers285

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Re: New set speculation
« Reply #65 on: March 18, 2014, 09:21:34 PM »
With no CB-(whatever) and no preblok ignore we may be able to do a 4 brigade David without it being totally abusable!
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Re: New set speculation
« Reply #66 on: March 18, 2014, 11:15:09 PM »
I really like the idea of a reboot. I think it is a necessary thing if we hope to have a vibrant Redemption see its 25th anniversary. I have three items for further discussion...

First,  I see you kept booster and sealed. I assume the booster would be the "unlimited" closed format and sealed would be the reboot one.  Is this correct?

Second, I wouldn't be in such a hurry to dump multi-player. Especially if the primary reason really is solely to make Nats scheduling more convenient. Having a good multi-player capability out of the box is a selling point for the game overall. In games that don't have it (e.g. Legend of the Five Rings) multi-player always ends up being one of the most requested items by the player base.

Third, I hope that any serious consideration of a game reboot would also include taking a fresh look at the distribution model as well. Right now the size of the player base makes Redemption borderline (at best) as a viable collectible game. Couple that with the huge shift in the Christian retail landscape over the past 20 years, and you have a real problem going forward.

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Re: New set speculation
« Reply #67 on: March 18, 2014, 11:56:05 PM »
Third, I hope that any serious consideration of a game reboot would also include taking a fresh look at the distribution model as well. Right now the size of the player base makes Redemption borderline (at best) as a viable collectible game. Couple that with the huge shift in the Christian retail landscape over the past 20 years, and you have a real problem going forward.
I fully agree! The main reason we are getting a expansion in a similar form like TexP is because of cost. Would rebooting the game actually be fiscally smart?

I mean look at what happened when VS rebooted DC and Marvel both died within 1-2 expansions of being rebooted... Decipher games are also a good example of how not to reboot... cough Lord of the Rings TCG, Star Trek Version 2.0 and Star Wars CCG.

On the other hand you can look at Legend of the Five Rings, HeroClix, Game of Thrones or Netrunner. Those four games have never been more popular than they are now!

BTW is anyone even actively working on the new set? At the moment it seems like it's kind of turning into the "Hunters" block for the former Lord of the Rings TCG :'(
« Last Edit: March 18, 2014, 11:59:07 PM by Isildur »
3 Prophets Packs ftw

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Re: New set speculation
« Reply #68 on: March 19, 2014, 12:03:52 PM »
I think redemption would be cooler to kids if the ultra-rares looked like this.

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Re: New set speculation
« Reply #69 on: March 19, 2014, 12:25:13 PM »
I think redemption would be cooler to kids if the ultra-rares looked like this.

It would be cool if the ultra rares were borderless, and actually ultra rare.  :P

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Re: New set speculation
« Reply #70 on: March 19, 2014, 07:26:05 PM »
I would be happy with shiny ultra rares  8)

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Re: New set speculation
« Reply #71 on: March 19, 2014, 08:06:52 PM »
Ultra rares were almost 10 years ago.

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Re: New set speculation
« Reply #72 on: March 19, 2014, 09:13:56 PM »
Ultra rares were almost 10 years ago.

Exactly why the game isn't doing as good as it was 10 years ago.
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Re: New set speculation
« Reply #73 on: March 19, 2014, 09:23:34 PM »
Ultra rares were almost 10 years ago.

Exactly why the game isn't doing as good as it was 10 years ago.
Haha or maybe because there's more high tech things for nerds than card games nowadays

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Re: New set speculation
« Reply #74 on: March 19, 2014, 10:29:25 PM »
Ultra rares were almost 10 years ago.

Exactly why the game isn't doing as good as it was 10 years ago.
My personal belief is that you have cause and effect reversed here.


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