Cactus Web Site special offer: Orders over $75 will receive a free Angel of God 2023 National Promo card while supplies last.
The next Redemption release by Cactus Games will be a starter deck.That starter deck will contain each of the brigades that were not used on a card in the 2011 release.The Dominants used and character counts will not be exactly the same as we've used in the past starters.One old Dominant is probably going to receive a new ability.If nothing changes between now and the final draft, there are 19 enhancements and 19 characters being reprinted into the appropriate brigade for their theme, most with new abilities.
NEW INFORMATION!!!!Rob wanted some super well-known heroes in the starters this year. Players have already guessed Peter and Andrew, and there are a couple more VERY well-known heroes from that theme in that deck. Those are the only human heroes in that deck. Since we wanted the starter decks to be very simple, we have included some characters in each deck that do not have special abilities. There are 3 O.T. heroes with no special abilities in the starter decks - all in the same brigade. Two of those are very well-known Bible characters. But not having special abilities might actually be seen as a benefit in that theme. The second good theme in that deck is a secret.Oh, and there are more than 100 cards being printed this year.
We have been developing and playtesting the new 4th Edition Redemption Starter Decks for months. We were on schedule to have new cards at the Redemption National Tournament in Knoxville in mid August. However, new licensing agreements with Hasbro to produce Cranium and Scrabble in Bible Editions require that we delay the 4th Edition for a couple of months. The good news is that we will have more time to playtest. Thank you for your patience.