The 2019 Redemption National Tournament will feature a new side event similar to John M's Ironman, called PoGoMan (a PvP event). 20%-100% of proceeds will go to Chris F's Nats 2019 financing initiative depending on whether we have prize donations. If no prize donations, 80% will go to a prize pool.
Each registered PoGo account gets a PoGo promo miniature figure.

Champion (1st Place):
1st - winner takes 1st dibs to pick a prize from available prize pool.
2nd - winner takes 2nd dibs to pick a prize from available prize pool.
3rd - winner takes 3rd dibs to pick a prize from available prize pool.
Depending on prize pool $ collected, winners may choose from the following possible prizes:

$5 per PoGo account (a player may register up to 3 PoGo accounts under his/her name)
2nd Chance:
a. If you have only one or two registered PoGo accounts and have lost one or both win card sets you may purchase one more win card set for a comeback chance and use it for one of your accounts that lost, or register a third new account. If you registered 3 PoGo accounts at the beginning you do not qualify for '2nd Chance'. '2nd Chance' sets ONLY available while supply lasts.
a. a PoGo account capable of Great League battle.
a. Great League battles only.
b. No legendaries nor mythicals.
c. Banned mons: Medicham, Sableye, Ditto, Shedinja
d. No duplicate mons in team (evolutions okay ie. Eevee, & Glaceon in the team of three).
e. No remote battles. Players must be face-to-face no more than 6 feet from each other.
f. You may not combine win cards from your different accounts if you registered more than one account -- win cards from your other accounts do not count towards the account you are submitting for a win place.
a. Register your name + unique PoGo account that you will use to battle.
b. Receive 8 unique battle win card set per account.

You must wear your badge (battle card set) to challenge or be challenged. If you wear your badge and refuse a challenge you must surrender a win card to your opponent.
c. Win a battle, get a battle card from opponent. Lose a battle, give a battle card to opponent. Stop battling (lose) when you run out of battle cards on your account (per account). Players may decide to do just 1 battle or up to 3 battles per PvP match, for winner to gain a win card.
d. All win cards must be submitted no later than 12 noon on Saturday 03Aug2019. Winners will be announced during the awarding ceremonies of Nats day 3.
e. 1st, 2nd, 3rd prize winners will be based on who submits the most win cards on his/her PoGo account.
I highly encourage players to pre-register so that we can have a realistic estimate of what to purchase for the prize pool. A $100 total pool minimum should be good enough to supply an exciting decent prize pool.
Cash & prize pool donations are most welcome as well!PM me or Email to pre-register so that I can give you my PayPal, Venmo, or GooglePay account for your fee and donation (if any). I will post a list of pre-registered accounts on the next post.
PoGo players .... UNITE!
Peace and Blessings ya'll.