What T-Shirt would you want printed?
- Mighty Warrior doesn't skip leg day!
7 (9.6%)
- I Hur'd you had a great hand!
3 (4.1%)
- TRIGGERED! (with Music Leader picture)
20 (27.4%)
- Rule 1 of Redemption: You don't know the rules!
8 (11%)
- Justin can't get to 7 if he doesn't get to 1!
5 (6.8%)
- Entire REG printed on shirt (obviously tiny letters)
10 (13.7%)
- Judge!
17 (23.3%)
- After that workout I am feeling like Haman's Plot. . . ripped!
3 (4.1%)
Total Members Voted: 33
Voting closed: June 05, 2018, 09:35:52 PM
Topic: Nationals T shirt ideas (Read 12447 times)