First to answer correctly gets the points.
100 points: The best medicine.
What is laughter? Points awarded to The Warrior
200: A roomful of toddlers can cause this.
What is Mayhem? Points awarded to Ring Wraith
300: You see these at the racetrack.
What is Swift Horses? Points awarded to RED
400: One reason for the conflict in the Middle East.
What is Land Dispute? Points awarded to Ring Wraith
500: This is often created by tabloids.
What is Idle Gossip? Points awarded to Ring Wraith
1000: Redemption Elders try to be this.
What is Of One Mind? Points awarded to RedemptionAggie/Ring Wraith (As Ring Wraith keenly observed, Aggie did not answer in the correct format--I will let it slide one time since Aggie is such a nice guy and these points are highly subjective anyway...)
DOUBLE JEOPARDY!!!200: This can lead to a failed exam.
What is Forgotten History? --Master Q
400: This describes the majority of Redemption players at Nationals.
What is Lacking Sleep? --Red
800: This happened to the referees in last year's NFC Championship game.
What is Struck with Blindness? --browarod
1000: This occurs when a specific Elder is not given a chance to speak.
What is Jordan Interrupted? --RDT
1200: This can lead to cranky Redemption players.
What is Hunger or Without Food? --Red (for both, nice job!)
1400: Where some Redemption players can be found on their way to Nationals.
1) What is Highway? --Polarius
2) Where is In the Clouds? --Prof A.
1600: This is a lot easier to do during winter in Minnesota.
What is Walking on Water? --Polarius
2000: Another name for Redemption Tournaments hosted by Bill Voigt.
What are Wild Parties? --Somekittens
300: Yankees fans went through this today.
What is Great Mourning? --D-man
600: Spilling your organized Redemption cards all over the floor could lead to one of these.
What is an Outburst of Anger? --D-man
900: Hopefully they do not live in a glass house.
Who are Stone Throwers?--browarod
1200: Hilary Clinton, Oprah Winfrey and Martha Stewart to name a few.
Who are Prominent Women? --Red
1500: What you end up with when you haven't done laundry in awhile.
What are Filthy Garments? --The Warrior
1800: A canceled flight usually results in this.
What are Angry Travelers? --Ring Wraith
2100: A tasty plain steak may have this.
What is No Need for Spices? --browarod
2400: You go yours and I'll go mine.
What are Separate Ways? --browarod
2700: What stock traders who short sell stocks are doing.
What is Benefiting from Troubles? --Master Chi
3000: The upcoming holiday may lead to some of this.
What is Masquerading? --Ring Wraith
REMEMBER: One guess per person per answer so choose carefully!
I have card titles in mind for these but bonus points if you give an answer I consider more creative than mine.
BONUS POINTS- 50 points to RDT for "Sleep" as the best medicine.
- 75 points to Sauce for "Son of God" as a reason for conflict in the Middle East
- -74 points to Sauce for "Drunkness" (Drunkenness) as the best medicine
- 500 points to Polarius for "Confusion of Mind" as what happened to the referees.
- 500 points to Prof A. for "Partners with Demons" as what happened to the referees.
- 300 points to RDT for "Answer to (Saint's) Prayer as what happened to the referees.
And begin!