Does anybody else watch this show? My son found it on Netflix and we have been watching them as a family ever since. I must admit that this is probably one of my favorite all-time shows, and I'm old, so that is saying a lot.

The range of appeal is "amazing" to me. Me, my wife, my 15-year-old son, and my 6-year-old daughter all laugh hysterically together on the couch. Even my almost 2-year-old will join us on the couch and laugh at the sight gags.
The show has action and adventure, but the asides from Peter Parker's inner thoughts are absolutely hilarious. The art changes to a Teen Titans style, which my daughter just loves. The jokes appeal to all ages. The show includes a Samuel L. Jackson style Nick Fury, and cameos of Stan Lee.
I highly recommend this show to anyone who has not seen it yet.