I have a card game version for 2 players. Used it about once or twice, great condition. I'd be happy to give it to you!!
Maybe you could bring the game with you if you come to one of my tournaments, or if I come to one of yours. Thank you for the offer.
E-bay is also a good place to check for getting popular games like that at less than retail.
Ironically, eBay is not much cheaper in this case. Most of the auctions come close to retail.
I sell the entire Catan series at Covenant Games. I see you are a tournament host, I could set you up as a fundraiser account and sell them to you at wholesale cost. Give me a call to discuss further. My phone is listed in the contacts page on Covenantgames.com
Thank you for the offer. I will look into it and get back to you. Others PM'd me about the possibility of buying through you, so know that you are well loved.

I have one that was purhcased and used once. The box is dented (but not torn) on the bottom, everything else is like new. I could snap some pics and send them to you if you want. What are you looking to send for a used one?
I was trying to go cheap, so no offense. If I can get brand a new one at wholesale, that would seem to be about $25 + shipping. eBay would be at least $30 + shipping. What are you willing to part with it for? I am willing to include Redemption cards and money together if it would benefit you.