Author Topic: Looking for promotional flyer ideas: Possible Prize for Best Submission!  (Read 1266 times)

Offline TechnoEthicist

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Hey all, on the way home from Nationals I remembered that there is a Christian bookstore near us that had a basket full of Limited packs on sale for 50% off (and no I did not get any as I still have about several 2-liners to sell yet :P). However, I did talk with the owner and told her that the game is still alive and just released a new starter deck. She asked me if I had any posters that I could use to promote Redemption playgroups to the parents and students who enter her store, and that got me thinking about having someone design a good playgroup poster that we can use to promote the game. The types of students I would be working with live in urban areas of Maryland/DC, so it has to be a poster they would be interested in. Does anyone have ideas? Maybe I'll award a free TXP or Disciples pack to the winner, depends on the quality of entries.

Offline Alex_Olijar

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Just PM Lambo and Daniel, that's probably the most productive way to move this along :p


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