Well, the last time I went to a tournament, we(me and my Partner) went after the tournament to a Pizza/Taco Bell. So then we sat down, and he asked me do I like Redemtion, or Bowling better(and I am a huge bowling freak!) . So then I said, Redemtion of Course! Then I said The only thing about redemtion I dont like, is that ya cant get exersize! Then we said, well we could get thoose tredmeals, with the tables, and then while we are runing, we can play redemtion, and get good exersize! But, then we started getting really silly! So then we said , well if your opponent playes falling away on you, then you have to increase your speed, and altitude! Then, we said and if you play Son of God, then you get to decrease your speed!
So, it was a really weird conversation!