I will continue to be sporadically active in order to keep up with PMs, trades, news, etc on here...
To begin my discourse,
Over the last 3 weeks I have averaged going to sleep at about 4am every night. I have been on homework over load, and in addition, have several huge decisions in front of my regarding my education, if I should get an apartment, my career decision, etc. I am also feeling the pressure of finances, as I am virtually broke, relying on Him to pay for the rest of school.
To stoke the fire, me and my girlfriend of 2 years, have had a very very rough couple weeks. My dad and grandpa both had surgery in the last 2 weeks. My sister got engaged a week ago to a guy that my dad....
disagrees with. And I just found out my best friend's boyfriend just slept with another girl, and she decided not to break up with him (we are kinda prayer and advising buddies, so it's stressful/sad to hear about). Anyways, my prayer list is starting to resemble the thickness of my Bible, so that is to say, please bear with me folks, and shoot a prayer skyward for me

God bless,