Author Topic: its that time again...  (Read 7169 times)

Offline Master KChief

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its that time again...
« on: October 22, 2010, 04:46:00 AM »
another year with my girlfriend, another birthday to buy gifts for. thankfully due to the input of the community last year, i was able to buy her an awesome ring which she still wears to this day. now im burdened with the task of finding something as cool/endearing or cooler/endearing(er?) than last year. its a difficult task, as her birthday is always nestled firmly on the day when the newest installment of the best selling first person shooter in videogame history launches (november 9th), and i must always fight the temptation of getting her a gift that pretty much is for me (this pretty much happened last year when i also got her the limited edition version of said fps game console for her birthday, knowing full well shes not that much into said fps ;D).

so far the best i've got is getting her a black nintendo wii (or 25th anniversary red wii, which coincidentally drops on november 7th) from my store. she has expressed fond memories of playing the donkey kong country games for the super nintendo when she was younger, so i woud probably also preload DKC 1, 2, and 3 from the Virtual Console on it, as well as i dunno, maybe get her a gift card for donkey kong country returns which comes out on the 21st? the only problems with this is me, as well as her sister, already own a wii...and, i dunno, is it a bit cheesy or unthoughtful getting her videogame gifts when i work at gamestop? does it seem like im taking the easy way out?

her bday is in a little over 2 weeks, so i have a little while. any and all brainstorming ideas would be greatly appreciated. especially if its from rawrlolsauce and it involves sheep, sandwiches, or refrigerators.
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Re: its that time again...
« Reply #1 on: October 22, 2010, 04:49:19 AM »
make her a nice romantic dinner at home. always works for meh...
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Re: its that time again...
« Reply #2 on: October 22, 2010, 05:09:09 AM »
yeah, that kinda goes without saying...dinner, movie, pampering, the whole spiel. but the gifts are an integral part too! :)
"If it weren't for people with bad decision making skills, I'd have to get a real job." - Reynad

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Re: its that time again...
« Reply #3 on: October 22, 2010, 08:43:23 AM »
You're worried about your gift being unthoughtful, so you ask the internet what it should be XD At least you're not asking on /b/

Does she have an SNES? Keeping the idea but actually getting the original system and games would have way more endearment factor and less danger of "oh you got this at your store" because last time I checked, Gamestop doesn't carry SNES.
I am not talking about T2 unless I am explicitly talking about T2. Also Mayhem is fine now somehow!

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Re: its that time again...
« Reply #4 on: October 22, 2010, 08:59:23 AM »
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Re: its that time again...
« Reply #5 on: October 22, 2010, 09:13:12 AM »
+1 to Pol, that's some originality and retro quality. I'm thinkin' she'll like it because "you" put some thought and creativity into it.
I'm sorry I crammed 11 cookies in the VCR.

Offline Prof Underwood

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Re: its that time again...
« Reply #6 on: October 22, 2010, 10:02:39 AM »
I hate to jump on any bandwagon, but I also agree with Pol.  Going with the original is the way to go.

Typically I wouldn't recommend video game anything as a present for a girl.  But if this girl is going to be the one for MKC for the rest of his life, she better have a pretty strong appreciation for video games.  Therefore, if she hates the present and dumps him over it, then she wasn't the right one anyway :)

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Re: its that time again...
« Reply #7 on: October 22, 2010, 10:53:30 AM »
lol prof said it best xp...
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Re: its that time again...
« Reply #8 on: October 22, 2010, 11:35:33 AM »
Well she didn't dump him for getting her the limited edition FPS, so looks like he's golden.
Mind not the ignorant fool on the other side of the screen!-BubbleBoy
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Re: its that time again...
« Reply #9 on: October 22, 2010, 12:36:12 PM »
Well she didn't dump him for getting her the limited edition FPS, so looks like he's golden.

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Re: its that time again...
« Reply #10 on: October 22, 2010, 12:44:30 PM »
I'm not so sure about the going back to the old system idea.  After you've played today's games, the old games are great to play and think man this used to be awesome, but it fades pretty quickly.  The replay value goes down to about 0 after a couple plays. My favorite games used to be Mario 64 and Goldeneye.  Thought, hmm, i'd be cool to get a 64 and play those old games on the old system.  Played them twice I think, and haven't touched them since.  Another thing you can think about is screen size.  Donkey Kong used to look awesome on the 19inch TV.  On bigger TVs, DK is just a big brown dot.


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Re: its that time again...
« Reply #11 on: October 22, 2010, 12:54:49 PM »
Buy her a goat.

Offline Josh

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Re: its that time again...
« Reply #12 on: October 22, 2010, 12:57:45 PM »
make her a nice romantic dinner at home. always works for meh...
make her a nice romantic dinner at home that involves rawrlolsauce!, sheep, sandwiches, refrigerators, and a goat
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Re: its that time again...
« Reply #13 on: October 22, 2010, 01:02:55 PM »
I can prepare a delicious meal of TV Dinners for the low price of $50 per hour.

Offline Josh

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Re: its that time again...
« Reply #14 on: October 22, 2010, 01:09:18 PM »
I can prepare a delicious meal of TV Dinners for the low price of $50 per hour.
Deal.  Where do I send my name, SSN, address, and credit card info?
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Offline The M

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Re: its that time again...
« Reply #15 on: October 22, 2010, 01:09:53 PM »
Wait until she leaves the room.
Put in a recording of a commercial about diamonds or something.
Give her diamonds or something.
(Make sure the recording and what you give her are the same thing.)


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Re: its that time again...
« Reply #16 on: October 22, 2010, 01:10:23 PM »
You can just message it to me. You also need your mother's maiden name.

Offline Cpt.Jaeger

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Re: its that time again...
« Reply #17 on: October 22, 2010, 01:30:22 PM »
1) beware of jewelry....
if you don't have much money now, don't buy her a diamond necklace thinking you can always buy her a better one down the road. women prefer sentimental value to upgrades (usually) and consider you buying her a better one taking away from the first one

2) obviously dinner/ pampering/ etc is expected, so however you go about satisfying these expectations, try and make it surprise her and surpass her expectations which will likely grow by the day until then :P
-for example- tell her you are taking her to a casual laid back cafe 20 minutes away and to wear something comfortable. instead drive her to a field/park/woods/pre-arranged site for a just-after-dark candle lit picnic under the stars. bring lot's of blankets :)
-since the example relies on clear skies and good weather, have a back-up plan (reservations at a fancy restaurant (and a dress hidden in the back seat)

3) start the evening with a massage. women generally stop thinking (to some degree) when receiving a good massage. Thus, you will lower her expectations and pause her excitement, creating a lull in the day, which you will shatter with the evening festivities :D

4) the gift itself should be something unexpected, thoughtful, and as good or better than what she expected. It should also be something that can be used for a long time and remains visible in her everyday life (ex- picture/frame). that way she is reminded of what you got her and of the birthday you spent together.

5) if you get her a card, i highly recommend making it yourself and put a lot of time into it. it shows time commitment and thoughtfulness. it doesn't have to have great artwork, or be funny. However, the more you write and spoil her with your loving words, the more she will melt

if you want more specific ideas, feel free to ask, but i recommend taking this and all the other comments here as no more than a suggestion/outline/example, and not perform any of the specifics.
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Re: its that time again...
« Reply #18 on: October 22, 2010, 01:44:14 PM »
I can prepare a delicious meal of TV Dinners for the low price of $50 per hour.
Deal.  Where do I send my name, SSN, address, and credit card info?
By the way, Sauce lives in Nigeria...

Offline The M

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Re: its that time again...
« Reply #19 on: October 22, 2010, 01:45:25 PM »
1) beware of jewelry....
if you don't have much money now, don't buy her a diamond necklace thinking you can always buy her a better one down the road. women prefer sentimental value to upgrades (usually) and consider you buying her a better one taking away from the first one

2) obviously dinner/ pampering/ etc is expected, so however you go about satisfying these expectations, try and make it surprise her and surpass her expectations which will likely grow by the day until then :P
-for example- tell her you are taking her to a casual laid back cafe 20 minutes away and to wear something comfortable. instead drive her to a field/park/woods/pre-arranged site for a just-after-dark candle lit picnic under the stars. bring lot's of blankets :)
-since the example relies on clear skies and good weather, have a back-up plan (reservations at a fancy restaurant (and a dress hidden in the back seat)

3) start the evening with a massage. women generally stop thinking (to some degree) when receiving a good massage. Thus, you will lower her expectations and pause her excitement, creating a lull in the day, which you will shatter with the evening festivities :D

4) the gift itself should be something unexpected, thoughtful, and as good or better than what she expected. It should also be something that can be used for a long time and remains visible in her everyday life (ex- picture/frame). that way she is reminded of what you got her and of the birthday you spent together.

5) if you get her a card, i highly recommend making it yourself and put a lot of time into it. it shows time commitment and thoughtfulness. it doesn't have to have great artwork, or be funny. However, the more you write and spoil her with your loving words, the more she will melt

if you want more specific ideas, feel free to ask, but i recommend taking this and all the other comments here as no more than a suggestion/outline/example, and not perform any of the specifics.

Jaeger wins. I can't help but agree with all of that. He must have had a lot of practice.

Offline Master KChief

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Re: its that time again...
« Reply #20 on: October 22, 2010, 03:43:01 PM »
yes, jaeger is most definately the resident love guru, having helped me tremendously during my 'get out of the doghouse' period.

i thought about getting a star named after her through the international star registry, but then i learned that none of the star names are recognized by any official astronomical organization. what a brilliant way to make money...millions of stars in the sky, the potential to make millions of dollars just for sending people an unofficial piece of paper. :P

any other specific ideas?
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Offline Sean

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Re: its that time again...
« Reply #21 on: October 22, 2010, 03:57:07 PM »
now im burdened with the task of finding something as cool/endearing or cooler/endearing(er?) than last year.
Stop buying into consumerism.  Get her something that shows that you love her.
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Re: its that time again...
« Reply #22 on: October 22, 2010, 03:59:37 PM »
+1 with Sean. Something like a car, jewelry, or a goat.


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Re: its that time again...
« Reply #23 on: October 22, 2010, 04:07:58 PM »
+1 with Sean. Something like a car, jewelry, or a goat.
Yeah! That'd help the economy!


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Re: its that time again...
« Reply #24 on: October 22, 2010, 04:13:39 PM »
*A german car.


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