Author Topic: Is Redemption Really Biblical?  (Read 3130 times)

Offline sepjazzwarrior

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Is Redemption Really Biblical?
« on: September 20, 2011, 07:48:00 PM »
I am trying to start a playgroup at my church for the first time.  While explaining the game to the pastor he brought up some good points regarding aspects of the game and if they were Biblical or not.  I would like to ask the Redemption community what your opinion is on how Biblical Redemption is and how much Biblical authenticy has been lost in the process of progressing the game and making Biblical stories and ideas fit in to a card game.  Also, any advice on starting a play group and working with parents and a church in regards to Redemption would be greatly appreciated.  Thanks and Godbless

Offline Irish_Luck

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Re: Is Redemption Really Biblical?
« Reply #1 on: September 20, 2011, 08:14:45 PM »
I feel that for the most part that Redemption is still mostly biblical. There are some cards that are controversial like Falling Away and the Emperors but can still be justified biblically. The only unbiblical card would be Saint Patrick but that's just one card in there more just for fun. Also wether it's biblical or not it does teach people a lot about the Bible and has been helping me in my Old Testament Literature class.
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Re: Is Redemption Really Biblical?
« Reply #2 on: September 20, 2011, 08:55:37 PM »
Why would any Christian try to prevent somebody from being redeemed?
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Re: Is Redemption Really Biblical?
« Reply #3 on: September 20, 2011, 09:03:46 PM »
I am trying to start a playgroup at my church for the first time.  While explaining the game to the pastor he brought up some good points regarding aspects of the game and if they were Biblical or not.  I would like to ask the Redemption community what your opinion is on how Biblical Redemption is and how much Biblical authenticy has been lost in the process of progressing the game and making Biblical stories and ideas fit in to a card game.  Also, any advice on starting a play group and working with parents and a church in regards to Redemption would be greatly appreciated.  Thanks and Godbless
Sorry, but this is just too vague.  Can you ask SPECIFIC questions about what aspects of the game are biblical?  Obviously the word "Redemption" is a bible word.  There is a bible verse on almost every card.  God and Jesus are glorified and all-powerful.  Bad guys in the bible are generally bad guys in the game, and the same for heroes.  So it's already "biblical" in these senses.  What exactly are you wonderingif it is "biblical" or not?

Offline sepjazzwarrior

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Re: Is Redemption Really Biblical?
« Reply #4 on: September 20, 2011, 09:11:49 PM »
I left it vague on purpose to see what people would come up with.  My pastor's questions were referring mostly about lost souls what what it means to rescue them (is it the hero recusing them or just the hero leading them to Christ?  if it is leading them to Christ, then how do OT heros rescue souls?)  He had several questions just from a quick explanation of the game, so I wanted to see what other people would come up with as to unBiblical aspects of the game.  I am looking more for game mechanics that seem to be unBiblical, like the lost souls and the dual nature of the land of bondage/redemption as a place for both the spiritually lost and the physically bound.

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Re: Is Redemption Really Biblical?
« Reply #5 on: September 20, 2011, 09:19:22 PM »
The game is based on biblical characters, events, places, etc. from the Bible. There is also some loose theology involved. I would say that, while the game is based on the Bible, it is not, inherently, biblical. Obviously, the apostle Paul never removed The Serpent from the game. I believe that making the distinction between "is the hero rescuing them or merely leading them to Christ" is just splitting hairs in regards to a children's card game.

Offline sepjazzwarrior

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Re: Is Redemption Really Biblical?
« Reply #6 on: September 20, 2011, 09:25:33 PM »
It may be a Christian card game, but we are teaching our children Biblical truths through the game, so it is important to make sure we are teaching them the correct theology through the game, or at least come as close as possible and make sure we explain where the game strays.  It makes a huge difference who is actually doing the rescuing.  If it is the hero, then that is saying all it takes is people to rescue others and that salvation can be found through people.  This is not Biblical and it is something that should not be taught.

Offline Irish_Luck

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Re: Is Redemption Really Biblical?
« Reply #7 on: September 20, 2011, 10:03:30 PM »
By rescuing it is signifying that the soul is redeemed or found God (which happened in the Old Testament). Land of Redemption should not be the same as Land of Bondage. All the battles represent a what if scenario instead of actual encounters
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Re: Is Redemption Really Biblical?
« Reply #8 on: September 20, 2011, 10:15:17 PM »
Old Testament Heroes and New Testament Heroes are all part of God's plan of redemption. Also, if no one tried to prevent a Lost Soul from being rescued.... What fun would that be? It is a GAME, remember? Shall we invite unsaved people in to play the bad guys? Each player tries to save souls on his turn, and PRETENDS to be the bad guy on his off turn. If your heart still smites you, everyone could play all attack decks, I guess. In the final estimation, if you get this game established in your church, kids will be thinking and loving Bible concepts, and God's Word does NOT return to Him void!
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Re: Is Redemption Really Biblical?
« Reply #9 on: September 20, 2011, 10:55:55 PM »
My pastor's questions were referring mostly about lost souls what what it means to rescue them (is it the hero recusing them or just the hero leading them to Christ?

More importantly, we as Christians are competing with each other to rescue the most souls. I am obviously a better Christian than you if I have a higher Lost Soul count. Give me my crown in heaven, and 50 booster packs please.
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Offline theselfevident

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Re: Is Redemption Really Biblical?
« Reply #10 on: September 20, 2011, 11:14:39 PM »
It may be a Christian card game, but we are teaching our children Biblical truths through the game, so it is important to make sure we are teaching them the correct theology through the game, or at least come as close as possible and make sure we explain where the game strays.  It makes a huge difference who is actually doing the rescuing.  If it is the hero, then that is saying all it takes is people to rescue others and that salvation can be found through people.  This is not Biblical and it is something that should not be taught.

I don't think this game or any other game should be in any means a thesis to biblical interpretation/teaching... You should use the Bible for that. Its a fun game and some people use it as a way to get a foot in the door to explain their faith.... Teaching people from the game I think is somewhat not the best idea.


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Re: Is Redemption Really Biblical?
« Reply #11 on: September 20, 2011, 11:19:58 PM »
ITT: People trying to make a card game way to serious, no matter what it's based on it's a game no it's not going to follow the Bible exactly (see Christian martyring every OT hero, Goliath repeatedly beating David (i did it twice in a game just a few games ago) using Son of God to rescue lost souls from the Old Testament, and generally any battle ever in redemption, it's very rare that you actually have two people from the same time frame or that ever even MET eat other. For that matter we are all trying to STOP other people from rescuing souls when [if in the case of olijar] we use defense)

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Re: Is Redemption Really Biblical?
« Reply #12 on: September 20, 2011, 11:28:50 PM »
What I recommend is to view the game as a game and have fun with it. If your pastor is uncomfortable with the idea, then think of another venue to have your potential new play group meet at and respect your pastor's point of view for sake of preventing any rifts. Keep it light and fun and see it for the game it is and not so serious.

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Re: Is Redemption Really Biblical?
« Reply #13 on: September 20, 2011, 11:29:28 PM »
"Is Redemption Really Biblical?"

Yes.  Inasmuch as it is a game.  It has limited mechanics that simulate Biblical scenarios to a point, but I would suggest you liken it to Scripture only so far as you would want a game to take the place of your Bible for discerning doctrine and forming your life philosophies.

My pastor's questions were referring mostly about lost souls what what it means to rescue them (is it the hero recusing them or just the hero leading them to Christ?

Does your pastor feel that humans have a role in God's plan of Redemption or not?  As a pastor, I would imagine he feels there is a part for us to play.  Redemption has never espoused that humans are capable of directly sanctifying other humans from sin, I can tell you that much.

if it is leading them to Christ, then how do OT heros rescue souls?)

Again, the existence of the Old Testament among the Scriptures leads to the conclusion that their stories are part of the Grand Design as well.  Hebrews 11 doesn't seem to think their efforts were for naught.

Again, this is a game, one that simulates Biblical scenarios and principles in broad strokes.  There are going to be departures due to the dynamic nature of the game, something the industry calls "emergent gameplay".  If there is irreconcilable theological problems, they tend to get weeded out (e.g. the recent ruling stopping people from capturing a demon and then redeeming its soul).  That may or may not be enough for some boards - I've been turned down as many places as I've been accepted - but I think for a game, it's sufficient.

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Re: Is Redemption Really Biblical?
« Reply #14 on: September 21, 2011, 12:12:45 AM »
I think Schaef nailed it. It is a game, a biblical game, which can be used to teach (conversion = God can redeem anyone OR (for good to evil) satan can use even christians to push people from God), learn (So many times I saw a card, wondered why is this ability what it is, or why is he evil, etc. and ended up reading the bible for a while to understand, that and when you start reading the bible, its hard to stop.), and soul winning. I actually got one of my unsaved friends to play (at a regionals, with Rob no less!) and he actually enjoyed redemption a lot, not only because of its fun gameplay, but he didn't get auto curb stomped because his deck wasn't the best. This can lead to more conversations on the bible because of this (and it has). Is the game 100% biblical? By no means, I never read Goliath beat down David, or Peter, BUT it is as close as I've seen in any "christian" game I've played.
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Re: Is Redemption Really Biblical?
« Reply #15 on: September 22, 2011, 06:55:24 PM »

I don't think this game or any other game should be in any means a thesis to biblical interpretation/teaching... You should use the Bible for that. Its a fun game and some people use it as a way to get a foot in the door to explain their faith.... Teaching people from the game I think is somewhat not the best idea.
Well, that's very orthodox and uncompromising, but with some kids, you'll lose them. If that's ok with you, then fine.
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Re: Is Redemption Really Biblical?
« Reply #16 on: September 22, 2011, 07:00:25 PM »
To clarify, Son of God rescuing OT lost souls is COMPLETELY Biblical. He died for everyone, not just those born after his death. His death sanctified the dead that had been unable to reach heaven, in Abraham's bosom.
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Offline theselfevident

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Re: Is Redemption Really Biblical?
« Reply #17 on: September 22, 2011, 08:02:54 PM »

I don't think this game or any other game should be in any means a thesis to biblical interpretation/teaching... You should use the Bible for that. Its a fun game and some people use it as a way to get a foot in the door to explain their faith.... Teaching people from the game I think is somewhat not the best idea.
Well, that's very orthodox and uncompromising, but with some kids, you'll lose them. If that's ok with you, then fine.

I'm not a very orthodox person. I'm just saying, I think its good for opening the door for expressing your faith, but the game isn't the best example of true biblical events/principles (if that's what you are trying to teach). If you are trying to teach virtues such as patience and good sportsmanship and fellowship and friendly competition and the concept of salvation, then I think the game is good for that.

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Re: Is Redemption Really Biblical?
« Reply #18 on: September 22, 2011, 10:52:21 PM »
Yes, good. Just sayin it's a good opening, conversation starter, and really fun for fellowship, but of course you'd have to go deeper to get into becoming a disciple. All I'm saying is don't throw out the baby with the bathwater! "Of course, here's how it really went" would fix everything, in my mind.
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Re: Is Redemption Really Biblical?
« Reply #19 on: September 27, 2011, 01:55:49 PM »
If you want a game that exactly represents what the Bible says/theology, try real life.  If a pastor won't be happy until it's perfect, then go sow your seed elsewhere.
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