Author Topic: I think there needs to be a SERIOUS change--all the higher ups please read  (Read 6902 times)

Offline golgotha

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I tend to agree with some of what has been said. My personal thoughts are something like this: if a person misses the first round, think they should get a bye, or tie for that round. that way they don't get a win and still have to compete to place. Maybe give them a win but no lost Souls, idk. Keep in mind, there could be several perfectly plausible explanations for being late to the first had car problems, got lost, misjudged the time it'd take to get to the tournament, overslept, etc. Missing more than the first round...the explanations seem to get less plausible imo...almost to the point where I'd not let them compete because they would have little to no chance to win/place if the rules get fixed.
Not quite sure what I think about those people who have to leave early. Again, there could be some very good reasons. The tournament itself is running behind, a Family emergency, and so on. Again, I'd have to say you get somekind if bye/tie for the last round, and if you miss more you get 0 points and 0 lost souls. I feel there should be room for honest mistakes and what not, but it is up to the players to show up, be on time, and endure to the last round. I don't think the host should ever have to make accomidations for someone who has missed more than 1 round. Yeah, I can see having mercy on someone who has a valid reason for being late or leaving early...much more than that, I'd be like, why you even showing up? Did I hear there was a regional that had 5 rounds? If ya miss two rounds, for whatever reason, thats like 1/2 the tournament and that player shouldn't be allowed to play....just my 2 cents.
Good Ole Golgotha

Offline RTSmaniac

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i agree with bryon.
more than one round late DQ
leave early DQ
and some thing does need to be done with random byes
although i would love to include more rounds to a catagory b/c a bunch of people show up late to it(just to give me more of a chance to win)
This is the way Lackey gave it to me. All hail the power of Lackey!

Offline Minister Polarius

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I just like that every GA Regional I have been to has started extraordinarily late because certain players (different every time, not being snarky) were having to be late. However this decision goes, the SE playgroup (I know TN is technically EC, but as far as I know most of us would place ourselves in SE if we were drawing up the regions) is an example of fellowship and fun over legalism and over-competitiveness. Heck, last Regionals I would have won T-2 2 Player if we had been going strictly by the rules as I was ahead of my opponent when time ran out, in the last game, both of us undefeated, but I assented to more time to finish the game and lost. Best thing is, I don't mind, because I'm not a T2 player anyway and it was my opponent's deck I was using.

All of that to say, I can see why a change in the rules may be good, but what's more important is that people have the right idea about what tournaments should be.
I am not talking about T2 unless I am explicitly talking about T2. Also Mayhem is fine now somehow!

Offline Captain Kirk

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I do think that in any other tournament, we would have been granted extra time anyways due to having that alarm thing go off to waste precious minutes of our time...  That was the most annoying alarm ever!  It went off every hour or something if someone didn't press the button?  ::)

Friends don't let friends play T1 multi.


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