Welcome to the Official Redemption® Message Board!
Girls, huh? Pretty to look at but painful on the wallet.
It's funny since this 'solid chunk' only happens once a year for this game. That's a normal weekend for any competitive MtG player traveling to a SCG Open or GP. The average price to play a top tier deck in Standard is around $200. $3000 to $4000 for Legacy. Let's not talk about 'solid chunk's for this game just yet.
What it this scripture change that I missed? As for 2014 I'm currently in the process of selling because funds are getting short with college and stuff.
And honestly I think that's one of the great things about Redemption--compared to other CCGs, it's affordable. Not saying it's cheap, but when a parent can get a starter deck (two decks) and a couple packs for around $20 for their kids, that's a good deal. Most smaller tournaments are free, and with the numerous generous hosts we have around the country who invest their time and resources into acquiring cards that the younger members of their playgroups wouldn't be able to get, Redemption becomes more like a family playing a family game.
Honestly, 'Forums' should be given its own tab at the top of the home page.
Quote from: lp670sv on August 21, 2014, 01:01:31 PM/guyWhoDoesn'tPlayAndRarelyComesHereAnymoreI'm guessing you quit playing because you were upset about the scripture change?
The version of the verses on cards changed from KJV to NASB.
IMO, It is easier for the east/mid eastern states to grow than the western states due to the size of the states themselves. Within four hours, you could probably cross an entire state. That will help people stay more connected and help new groups bring in veterans of the game to help their playgroup. On the west coast, the groups are too far apart for them to help each other. In Cali, I would dive around four hours one way to reach the closest playgroup to me (besides the small one I used to host). The next closest one was around six+ hours away (and I live roughly in the middle of the state).It is great to hear groups forming and growing. This is a great game to teach our children Bible characters.