Author Topic: How Do You Store/Sort Your Cards?  (Read 3931 times)

Offline Lampy 2.0

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How Do You Store/Sort Your Cards?
« on: June 02, 2012, 09:06:29 PM »
Title says all.
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Re: How Do You Store/Sort Your Cards?
« Reply #1 on: June 02, 2012, 09:09:39 PM »
Currently my cards are all in random piles of cards throughout my room except for my decks and some of my trade stock.  This is a bad way to organize.
The user formerly known as Easty.

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Re: How Do You Store/Sort Your Cards?
« Reply #2 on: June 02, 2012, 09:16:18 PM »
For me, I store my higher-quality cards in a binder, sorted by type, then brigade, then alphabetical.  I put in the binder only cards worth more than 25 cents (TLG), or that I like, or that I see in actual use.

Then I have booster boxes filled with the other cards, neutrals + good in one, and evil in the other.  They're sorted the same way, and I have all non-Original cards in those boxes.

Currently my cards are all in random piles of cards throughout my room except for my decks and some of my trade stock.  This is a bad way to organize.

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Re: How Do You Store/Sort Your Cards?
« Reply #3 on: June 02, 2012, 09:20:58 PM »
I sort my cards by the color on the border, and then aphabetically by the last letter in the verse.
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Re: How Do You Store/Sort Your Cards?
« Reply #4 on: June 02, 2012, 09:25:51 PM »
I don't.

Offline The M

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Re: How Do You Store/Sort Your Cards?
« Reply #5 on: June 02, 2012, 09:28:41 PM »
I usually sort them into categories of similar cards such as:
Cards with awesome artwork
Cards with verses relevant to the card
Cards that changed the game
Cards that have something to do with the Bible
Cards that have anything to do with the Bible

Other (Usually Angel Wars cards)
« Last Edit: June 02, 2012, 09:30:52 PM by The M »

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Re: How Do You Store/Sort Your Cards?
« Reply #6 on: June 02, 2012, 09:35:11 PM »
I store and sort my Promos/Rares/UltrasTexp/Di/new FoOF & RoA along with my other decent cards sorted by brigade in a binder. I also have a pretty good sized plastic box filled mostly with cards I'll never use, with a few cards I need easy access to for my deck, and some others that I'm too lazy to organize. I also have cardboard box about ≈1 foot long stuffed with bucket cards.
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Re: How Do You Store/Sort Your Cards?
« Reply #7 on: June 03, 2012, 06:54:40 AM »
I have them in the box for the original Cingular itunes phone.

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Re: How Do You Store/Sort Your Cards?
« Reply #8 on: June 03, 2012, 08:13:03 AM »
My actual sorting routine:

Super Box (holds 5,000 cards)

This box has all single-color character and enhancement cards, sorted by brigade (using dividers). Within each brigade, I have characters separate from enhancements. Within each group, I have them sorted in descending order by the strength. If there is a tie for strength, I sort in descending order by toughness. If there is still a tie, I sort by how many I have of each card. My final tiebreaker is by order of usefulness in modern decks. I keep no more than 10 copies of any one card in the Super Box. If the card is not very useful, then I only keep up to 6 copies. If the card is likely to never be used (i.e. enhancements from the first two sets), then I only keep 1 of each just for show.

Long Box (holds 1,000 cards)

This box holds artifacts, covenants, curses, fortresses, and multicolored enhancements. I also have a slot for extra promos that do not fit in the binder. Each group is separated by dividers. The artifacts are sorted by how many I have of each card. Covenants and curses are sorted by brigade and then numbers, just like the Super Box. Fortresses are sorted by good/evil and then by quantity on hand. Multicolored enhancements are sorted by good/evil and then by numbers. For the dual-colored Angel Wars & Priests enhancements with no  numbers, I sort them by quantity on hand.

Medium Box (holds 750 cards)

This box holds all single-color sites (sorted by brigade then quantity), extras of the basic four dominants, and all Lost Soul cards. One group of lost souls are extras of the special ability LSs that do not fit in the binder. One group of LSs is for Booster Draft. I have 20 sets of 8 identical LSs that are marked with a letter from A-T. The final group of LSs are just extras for deck-building. These are sorted by picture and then by quantity on hand. Once I have more than 8, I add them to the Booster Draft group with the next letter in the alphabet.

Large Black Binder (using 9-card plastic pages)

This binder currently holds (in order) all 2011 cards (in oder of tin #), all Disciples cards (sorted by card number), all ultra rares, promos, multicolor sites, valuable rares, and any C/UC that are valuable or extremely useful. This binder is my primary trading binder, as well as the most likely place to find modern deck regulars. The sleeves in the 9-card pages only safely hold about 4 cards, so extras go into the Super Box.

Medium White Binder (using 9-card plastic pages)

This binder holds all FoOF and RoA cards (in order of tin#), and all TexP cards. Extras of these cards are very few, so I put them onto extra 9-card pages in the very back.

Small Blue Binder  (using 9-card plastic pages)

This binder holds the most valuable cards in the game, as well as two copies of most ultra rares and rares that would be useful in modern decks (one each for me and my son).

Hard Plastic Blue Collector's Box with handle

This box holds NM-M copies of one of each card and variant from the first set through FoOF. This was my "collector" set until I decided to stop. I will probably break this apart soon to have more trading possibilities. This also insured that if I ever needed a card for deck-building, I knew I had at least one. This case is sorted just like the others.

Large White Extras box (holds 5,000 cards)

This box is about half full of extras from the Super Box. This is mostly made up of original set and prophets cards that nobody uses, but there is fair mix of all other sets up to Priests (including Women and Warriors). These cards are not sorted.
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Re: How Do You Store/Sort Your Cards?
« Reply #9 on: June 03, 2012, 09:39:54 AM »
Everything is sorted by release date then alphabetically.

Two sets of binders. One set with a (mostly, some cards that are in two T2 and a T1 deck like AutO are missing) complete set so kiddies can look at cards. The other has two of every card (or that's the goal at least), and is generally used for easy deck building if needed and rushed. The sets are divided into release date, so we have a binder with Foof/RoA/TexP/Disciples/RoA2, a Kings/Angel Wars/Priests, etc. They're really big binders.

All ultra-rares not in binders go into a small hard case carrier.

Then those one plastic ones are used for anything else, and are sorted between whichever individually set they're from, separating the rares and the commons. The FooF/RoA/TexP/Disciples is in a factory set box though. FooF takes up about half of it.

Finally, a bunch of common cards that I probably won't ever need are in a suitcase in my room.

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Re: How Do You Store/Sort Your Cards?
« Reply #10 on: June 03, 2012, 11:17:22 AM »
A book with the more decent, and two big boxes that I made store all the other stuff quite nicely.

Offline wyatt_marcum

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Re: How Do You Store/Sort Your Cards?
« Reply #11 on: June 03, 2012, 08:53:53 PM »
if i sort mine, i sort by price then brigade. i havent gotten very far yet though.

Offline EmJayBee83

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Re: How Do You Store/Sort Your Cards?
« Reply #12 on: June 03, 2012, 09:47:16 PM »
I sort my cards by the color on the border, and then aphabetically by the last letter in the verse.
YMT, I am fairly certain he was not asking how you sort them for deck checking purposes.  I think he asking about more long term solutions.

Personally I sort my cards by weight. Using a fine microgram scale, you can easily separate between the cards based on the ratio of various color inks used. A full description of my method can be found here.

I used to sort cards by smell using the physicochemical metrics proposed by Haddad, Lapid, Harel, and Sobel [reference]. Unfortunately when they switched the Priests printing process the new printers apparently chose inks that have some sort of octopus or squid ink as its primary ingredient. One known side effect of cephalopod* ink is that they temporarily paralyze the sense of smell.

*One note to the admins...During the creation of this post the word "cephalopod" was showing up with the squiggly red mark denoting a misspelled word, which I can assure you it most certainly is not. This should be remedied in an expeditious manner.
« Last Edit: June 03, 2012, 09:52:04 PM by EmJayBee83 »

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Re: How Do You Store/Sort Your Cards?
« Reply #13 on: June 03, 2012, 09:57:23 PM »
I sort mine alphabetically in two four-foot tall cabinets that each hold seven 5,000 card boxes. Then there are the cards that don't fit... Makes it tough to bring to tournaments. ;)


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Re: How Do You Store/Sort Your Cards?
« Reply #14 on: June 03, 2012, 10:22:12 PM »
I have a gray monster binder where i keep my ultra rares, foof and roa cards that are for sale/trade. In a silver see through monster binder i hold all the disciples and txp cards for sale/trade (they are in order by card number). I have a black ultra pro where i keep all of the commons for trade/sell. I put nine of the best characters from that brigade in the front of every page and the nine best enhancements of that brigade in the back of each page. Since i play type two i make sure that for every card i have 4copies of each or 2if dual colored. For deck building i put all of the best cards of each brigade with four copies in a foof tin marked on top of the tin cap to tell me what is inside the tin.(ex: if i wanted to make a genesis deck to look for heroes i would look for the tin that says "blue") I have all colors, artifacts, fortresses etc all in foof tins that i keep in a shoe box. The ultra rares, disciples, txp, foof and roa cards that i have atleast four copies that are for deck building are in a 5000cards box where i hold decks already made for type1, type1 multi, type 2 and type 2multi. All of my extra commons that i reload into the common binder are in another 5000 box seprated with dividers for easy flip through access.

Offline wyatt_marcum

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Re: How Do You Store/Sort Your Cards?
« Reply #15 on: June 03, 2012, 10:24:43 PM »
I sort my cards by the color on the border, and then aphabetically by the last letter in the verse.
YMT, I am fairly certain he was not asking how you sort them for deck checking purposes.  I think he asking about more long term solutions.

Personally I sort my cards by weight. Using a fine microgram scale, you can easily separate between the cards based on the ratio of various color inks used. A full description of my method can be found here.

I used to sort cards by smell using the physicochemical metrics proposed by Haddad, Lapid, Harel, and Sobel [reference]. Unfortunately when they switched the Priests printing process the new printers apparently chose inks that have some sort of octopus or squid ink as its primary ingredient. One known side effect of cephalopod* ink is that they temporarily paralyze the sense of smell.

*One note to the admins...During the creation of this post the word "cephalopod" was showing up with the squiggly red mark denoting a misspelled word, which I can assure you it most certainly is not. This should be remedied in an expeditious manner.
are you serious?

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Re: How Do You Store/Sort Your Cards?
« Reply #16 on: June 03, 2012, 11:49:42 PM »
My actual sorting routine:

Super Box (holds 5,000 cards)

This box has all single-color character and enhancement cards, sorted by brigade (using dividers). Within each brigade, I have characters separate from enhancements. Within each group, I have them sorted in descending order by the strength. If there is a tie for strength, I sort in descending order by toughness. If there is still a tie, I sort by how many I have of each card. My final tiebreaker is by order of usefulness in modern decks. I keep no more than 10 copies of any one card in the Super Box. If the card is not very useful, then I only keep up to 6 copies. If the card is likely to never be used (i.e. enhancements from the first two sets), then I only keep 1 of each just for show.

Long Box (holds 1,000 cards)

This box holds artifacts, covenants, curses, fortresses, and multicolored enhancements. I also have a slot for extra promos that do not fit in the binder. Each group is separated by dividers. The artifacts are sorted by how many I have of each card. Covenants and curses are sorted by brigade and then numbers, just like the Super Box. Fortresses are sorted by good/evil and then by quantity on hand. Multicolored enhancements are sorted by good/evil and then by numbers. For the dual-colored Angel Wars & Priests enhancements with no  numbers, I sort them by quantity on hand.

Medium Box (holds 750 cards)

This box holds all single-color sites (sorted by brigade then quantity), extras of the basic four dominants, and all Lost Soul cards. One group of lost souls are extras of the special ability LSs that do not fit in the binder. One group of LSs is for Booster Draft. I have 20 sets of 8 identical LSs that are marked with a letter from A-T. The final group of LSs are just extras for deck-building. These are sorted by picture and then by quantity on hand. Once I have more than 8, I add them to the Booster Draft group with the next letter in the alphabet.

Large Black Binder (using 9-card plastic pages)

This binder currently holds (in order) all 2011 cards (in oder of tin #), all Disciples cards (sorted by card number), all ultra rares, promos, multicolor sites, valuable rares, and any C/UC that are valuable or extremely useful. This binder is my primary trading binder, as well as the most likely place to find modern deck regulars. The sleeves in the 9-card pages only safely hold about 4 cards, so extras go into the Super Box.

Medium White Binder (using 9-card plastic pages)

This binder holds all FoOF and RoA cards (in order of tin#), and all TexP cards. Extras of these cards are very few, so I put them onto extra 9-card pages in the very back.

Small Blue Binder  (using 9-card plastic pages)

This binder holds the most valuable cards in the game, as well as two copies of most ultra rares and rares that would be useful in modern decks (one each for me and my son).

Hard Plastic Blue Collector's Box with handle

This box holds NM-M copies of one of each card and variant from the first set through FoOF. This was my "collector" set until I decided to stop. I will probably break this apart soon to have more trading possibilities. This also insured that if I ever needed a card for deck-building, I knew I had at least one. This case is sorted just like the others.

Large White Extras box (holds 5,000 cards)

This box is about half full of extras from the Super Box. This is mostly made up of original set and prophets cards that nobody uses, but there is fair mix of all other sets up to Priests (including Women and Warriors). These cards are not sorted.
I think you should create stickers that have each of these titles on them and put them on the box/holder. That would be awesome.

I have two boxes (one evil and neutral, the other good) full of cards that would be useful in a modern deck sorted by type and that's pretty much it...

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Re: How Do You Store/Sort Your Cards?
« Reply #17 on: June 04, 2012, 12:28:08 AM »
are you [me--mjb] serious?
With the exception of the statement that the word "cephalopod" should be added expeditiously to board's dictionary, I am moderately certain I was not.

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Re: How Do You Store/Sort Your Cards?
« Reply #18 on: June 04, 2012, 12:34:51 AM »
k. good. i was thinkin that was kinda weird.

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Re: How Do You Store/Sort Your Cards?
« Reply #19 on: June 04, 2012, 01:39:34 AM »
I am a fan of the grab bag.

Step 1: Have a Bag
Step 2: Get a Starter C/D is my fave + 6 Blue packs + 6 Green Packs
Step 3: Put Cards into bag then shake the bag.
Step 4: When bag has been well shaken take 7 lost souls and 49 random cards from bag
Step 5: Sort random cards into deck and check into tourney
Step 6: Win tourney. Open winnings and throw them along with deck into bag.
Then you rinse and repeat going from step 3 to step 6.

The End

Note that this is what I have been doing for the past year and it has worked out pretty well ;D Its fun playing with a random pile of cards its a new game every time!
3 Prophets Packs ftw


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