Author Topic: It will cost you over $300 for the first 14 cards in your deck  (Read 6764 times)

Offline bmc25

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It will cost you over $300 for the first 14 cards in your deck
« on: September 12, 2016, 09:37:05 AM »
How do we grow a game built for fun, fellowship, and healthy competition when it will cost you over $300 for the first 14 cards in your deck?

*If you are looking for the condensed “twitter” version please jump strait to the “Conclusion”.

Such a Great Game: Coming back into the game after a long hiatus and attending nationals I saw that the game is at the strongest point I’ve ever seen. The numbers are down, (anyone remember Minnesota Nationals 2005?), but there are more possibilities for fun and success than ever before. Offense: you can run Throne, BOM, Flood survivors, angels, Judges, priests (Z-Temple and Solomon’s Temple), or some type of hybrid. Defense: you can run Babylonians, philistines, animals, demons, Assyrians, Syrians, Greeks, Egyptians, Canaanites, Hand-control, Lost Soul manipulation etc. The game is fun and the type of decks that one can build and be competitive with is endless.

One Expensive Problem: The current Redemption economy is out of balance. I see Redemption as a hobby, and it is quickly becoming an expensive one at that. The gap between being a Great player and a national champion really comes down to a little bit of luck, familiarity with cards, and most importantly one’s ability to make as few as mistakes as possible. But the difference between a good player and a Great player is often the money one has available.

Part .1/4
« Last Edit: September 12, 2016, 09:43:17 AM by bmc25 »
Benjamin Campbell

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Re: How do we grow this great game?
« Reply #1 on: September 12, 2016, 09:37:39 AM »
History: Remember when there was an outcry against the price of Redemption cards when KOT and Harvest Time were $40? It was said that the game was too expensive. Now $40 seems like nothing, when we have the Alternate boarder “The Second Coming” selling for more than 4 times this price!

The Redemption Economy: “Three Lions Gaming” has long been the standard used for trading and selling Redemption cards. Recently, the new “Three Lions Gaming” price list was released and I was completely BLOWN away to see the current state of the Redemption Economy: Dull LS $20.25, Awake LS $18.00, Mayhem $32.75, Hopper $15.25, the Two-Liner $14.75, and most of all The Second Coming $140.00. (Don’t even get me started on the $175.00 borderless The Second Coming).

The Second Coming: The Second coming debuted at $40, I know this because I bought one. Even at the time I thought I was crazy, but it is such a game changer I decided I should get one… (looking back I wish I bought 10 I would be $1000 richer!). But since its release it has risen $100 in price. It is now priced three and a half times more than its debut price. $140 for a card that arguably should be in every deck. I understand economics as well as the next guy.*
*Sarcastically citing my ‘A’ in High School economics.
I understand how supply and demand works, and the demand for “The Second Coming” is very high. It was used in the top three type 1-2 player decks, I used it in my deck. It’s a game-changer. But I think there is a problem.

Benjamin Campbell

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Re: How do we grow this great game?
« Reply #2 on: September 12, 2016, 09:38:11 AM »
My Issue:  I used the prices from Three Lions Gaming to price out what it would cost to put together the Lost Souls and Dominants from the top three decks: 1st Place: $301.75,
2nd place: $342.75, 3rd Place: 283.75. Also Remember what Gabe (1st place winner) said, “I registered three copies of my deck so that I could rip some Haman’s Plots.” (Land of Redemption, Nationals Report Part 3: The BOM Deck). This would bring the total for Gabe to $905.25 for JUST 42 of the 153 total cards in his three combined decks!

How Do we fix this?: In the past Redemption has fixed this issue through a multiplicity of ways: 1) Re-releasing the “expensive” cards as winner promos (Harvest Time, King David, Chariots of Fire); 2) Rereleasing cards in new expansions (KOT Priests, Prince of This World), 3) flooding the market i.e. putting ultra-rares from past sets in the card boxes of the new sets (GOYS, Emperor Nero, DON, Unholy Writ, etc.). But what do we do when we have a single card selling for $140.00? I really don’t know. I do NOT think the answer is limiting someone to a single deck. I personally have nothing against what Gabe did. I actually think it was a great idea, and it shows how the current meta is a nice smoothie blend of the old and new cards.
*I had to say smoothie. I’m a Baptist and the cocktail analogy would have been a little much.

Conclusion: The game has evolved into something spectacular. I have always loved the game, but playing at nationals made it evident that it is the best it has ever been. The number of battles I was involved in at Nationals that did not involve dominants was amazing, The use of interrupts made battles exciting again thanks to Coliseum (you rock Pol!), the innumerable strategies I faced, the reemergence of old cards such as “Hezekiah’s Signet Ring”, “Haman’s Plot”, and the fear of “the Serpent and Confusion”, the battles lost after playing “Christian Martyr” because they had “You will Remain”, The domination of Moses, and yet the easy counters to Moses of Jericho and the Punisher. It is an amazing game that has only gotten better with time, you know like a fine…smoothie.
We have been gifted with the most game-changing set release since Warriors. Don’t believe me? Twenty of Gabe’s fifty-one cards were from the new COW set! “Coliseum”, “Confusion”, “Moses”, the new lost souls, and, you guessed it, “The Second Coming” drastically changed the game for the better. The result is more battles, more fun, and more variety. But Prices of cards continue to rise so high that I am afraid it has become a turn off for new players.
The game is at its greatest point, but the numbers suggest that it is not as successful as it once was, once again I point you to Minnesota Nationals 2005, and the 252 people in attendance! (Covenant The product is not the problem, the game is great. But how do we grow a game built for fun, Godly fellowship, and healthy competition when it will cost you over $300 for the first 14 cards in your deck? You simply cannot.

Benjamin Campbell

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Re: How do we grow this great game?
« Reply #3 on: September 12, 2016, 09:40:16 AM »
Quick Disclaimer: I am not condemning “Three Lions Gaming.” I have been buying cards from them for over a decade, DEFINITELY will be getting more soon. I think it is great for the game. It provides a standard for all Redemption related selling and trading, it assists new players, the new events are awesome, and Travis is obviously doing a lot of good for the game! I am NOT attacking anyone, I don't think "Three Lions Gaming" is doing anything wrong, as it really is just the guide that reveals what is happening in the Redemption Economy. Supply and Demand...and everyone wants these new cards because they are so good! (thank you Redemption Elders).

1st place: Gabe
2-liner 14.75
CBP 9.50
Revealer 9.25
Awake 18.00
Open Hand 2.25
Dull 20.25
Lawless 4.00
Angel of the Lord 3.00
Grapes 21.00
SOG 4.00
TSC 140.00
CM 3.00
FA 20.00
Mayhem $32.75
Total: $301.75

2nd Place: Jones
Doms (7)
The Second Coming 140.00
Son of God 4.00
Angel of The Lord 3.00
Falling Away(W) 20.00
Christian Martyr 3.00
Destruction 6.75
Shipwrecked 80.00
Lost Souls( 8 )
Awake 18.00
Dull 20.25
Forsaken 9.50
Lawless 4.00
Punisher 1.50
Wanderer 2.75
2-Liner 14.75
Hopper 15.25
Total: $342.75

3rd Place: JD
Son of God (I) 4.00
The Second Coming 140.00
Guardian Of Your Souls 3.50
Angel of the Lord (Greek) 3.00
Mayhem 32.75
Falling Away 20.00
Christian Martyr (J) 3.00
Lost Soul (Thorns) .75
Lost Soul (Punisher) $1.50
Lost Soul (Protector) Luke 5:15 15.00
Lost Soul (Hopper) $15.25
Lost Soul (Lawless) 4.00
Lost Soul (Dull) 20.25
Lost Soul Luke 15:15-16 (Pigs) .50
Lost Soul (Awake) 20.25
Total: $283.75

Part 4/4
« Last Edit: September 12, 2016, 09:42:22 AM by bmc25 »
Benjamin Campbell

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Re: It will cost you over $300 for the first 14 cards in your deck
« Reply #4 on: September 12, 2016, 09:49:38 AM »
I believe JD was running Enternal Inheritance which brings his total a little higher.
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Offline bmc25

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Re: It will cost you over $300 for the first 14 cards in your deck
« Reply #5 on: September 12, 2016, 10:11:24 AM »
I believe JD was running Enternal Inheritance which brings his total a little higher.

I only accounted for Lost Souls and Dominants and eternal inheritance is an enhancement. You are correct though, many of the top decks utilize other cards that are also expensive such as; The Serpent $20, Eternal inheritance $25, Holy Grail PC $20 etc.
Benjamin Campbell

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Re: It will cost you over $300 for the first 14 cards in your deck
« Reply #6 on: September 12, 2016, 10:15:00 AM »
Alright, you heard it here first folks, in the next set, we need to put in lots of TSC to drop the price! No but on a serious note, i feel your pain. A lot of the younger kids in our play group are having this problem. none of them can have competitive decks because of this large price. Gabe is nice enough to have cheap boosters, and have a free box with really good cards, but none of them can really get into the game because of this. I know i've spent months saving up money and spend a lot of it on cards like mayhem and COW boxes, and not even get the cards i want from them. I understand why the cards are going up in price, but i don't entirely like where it's going either. Although, i feel like most of these prices will likely drop down to something more reasonable by next year at the soonest, or next summer at the latest.
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Re: It will cost you over $300 for the first 14 cards in your deck
« Reply #7 on: September 12, 2016, 10:38:38 AM »
It is awesome that there are people out there like Gabe and Travis, through his Three Lions Gaming Events that are working to spread the game to any and all. But as you said, it is difficult to become competitive.

To the point you made about the prices dropping in the coming months, history would suggest that in order for the price of cards to drop something else has to take place. I.e. change in rules, change of number of supply, or the change in style of play because of counters.
Benjamin Campbell

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Re: It will cost you over $300 for the first 14 cards in your deck
« Reply #8 on: September 12, 2016, 11:46:42 AM »
I appreciate this thread and the perspective shared. I have to admit that I have been surprised where the supply and demand has taken the value of certain cards. A vast majority of cards are not experiencing the increases that the cards you mentioned are. I could simply do away with the post Nationals price increase next year I suppose. My thought process has been that if a card is used in a couple top decks, then the price should not move. However, if a card is in every top deck, it should go up in value. The irony is that there will be three leveling factors that will be in play in the next year. First, the meta will shift in response to what cards are currently popular and so cards that went up this time may have topped out and begin coming down. Second, the next set should see a reprint of some of the highest value cards to move the supply in a more positive direction. Finally, I adjust prices down twice a year which will be happening in the near future (will only affect cards that have not been selling in the last six months which will be a lot).

One other thing to remember is that your example of previously expensive cards (KoT specifically) has gone down dramatically. When cards are new and popular, they will be more difficult to acquire. At this point, packs should be selling like hot cakes. The more packs the Redemption community buys, the more Rob prints using the on demand print service. The more Rob prints, the more supply goes up and the demand goes down. Solution: Buy more packs!
« Last Edit: September 12, 2016, 12:04:17 PM by uthminister [BR] »

Offline bmc25

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Re: It will cost you over $300 for the first 14 cards in your deck
« Reply #9 on: September 12, 2016, 12:26:16 PM »
Thanks so much for your input! I think you're doing great things for the game. I just want to see Redemption spread and was hoping to engage in conversation that pushes the game forward in the future.

The meta is obviously a great factor toward what drives pricing and I understand why prices would change post Nationals. Nationals exposes the meta. We will see a ton of BOM, Throne, and a mix of the two this year.

I am interested to see how this year's meta influences pricing. I also would love to see some more reprints, and agree that it does help the game.

Something crazy, what if the new starter deck included a remake of many of the most well used Lost Souls, along with Shipwreck and The Second Coming? The Starter Decks could..and would sell for $20-$30. I'm not saying anything that drastic needs to take place. But if it did, everyone would have the cards they need to become competitive rather quickly.
Benjamin Campbell

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Re: It will cost you over $300 for the first 14 cards in your deck
« Reply #10 on: September 12, 2016, 12:38:47 PM »
I really don't see a problem with the current Redemption economy. You don't necessarily need TSC and Shipwreck to have competitive deck as good as they are. If I recall correctly, Chris Egley made top cut this past Nats with NJ instead of TSC. Obviously, a certain number of high-end cards are absolutely needed to be competitive but they have never been easier to acquire than they now are, IMO. And Redemption is still much cheaper compared to most other CCGs.
« Last Edit: September 12, 2016, 02:27:47 PM by Red Wing »
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Re: It will cost you over $300 for the first 14 cards in your deck
« Reply #11 on: September 12, 2016, 12:47:42 PM »
And Redemption is still much cheaper compared to most other CCGs.

Well that goes without saying, but it's a lot more expensive than it has been in the past. I just don't want it to keep going in that direction.
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Re: It will cost you over $300 for the first 14 cards in your deck
« Reply #12 on: September 12, 2016, 12:56:25 PM »
And Redemption is still much cheaper compared to most other CCGs.

They also have a larger player base, which changes factors entirely.
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Re: It will cost you over $300 for the first 14 cards in your deck
« Reply #13 on: September 12, 2016, 01:22:04 PM »
Based on what the meta looked like, I think an argument could be made that Harvest Time would have been a better choice than The Second Coming. Polarius did just fine using both New Jerusalem and Harvest Time and very nearly won his top cut game against Gabe.

Is the versatility of TSC better than using New Jerusalem? Yes. Is it absolutely necessary to have in order to be competitive at the highest level tournament (Nationals)? No.
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Re: It will cost you over $300 for the first 14 cards in your deck
« Reply #14 on: September 12, 2016, 01:31:50 PM »
I really don't see a problem with the current Redemption economy. You don't necessarily need TSC and Shipwreck to have competitive deck as good as they are. If I recall correctly, Chris Egley made top cut this past Nats with NJ instead of TSC. Obviously, a certain number high-end cards are absolutely needed to be competitive but they have never been easier to acquire than they now are, IMO. And Redemption is still much cheaper compared to most other CCGs.

1) It is definitely possible. Pol also made it into top cut and was a NJ away from beating Gabe without using The Second Coming in his deck. It definitely is possible to be competitive without TSC and Shipwreck, but it doesn't change the fact that those two cards alone put you over $200 into the hole.

2) I believe if I remember correctly statistically you have to buy 3 boxes of COW to secure yourself a "The Second Coming". I would not say that is, "easy to acquire."

3) many other CCG have high cash value prizes...excluding the boarderless cards that were handed out to players this year, the prizes are not the reason anyone wants to win.

Still I understand what you are saying, but I think the point is still the same.

Edit for Guardian: I am not so much worried about one card, except for the fact that the price of that card is setting a precedent against which the next great card will be valued. I am not very comfortable with the idea that there is a $140 card, and that is coming from someone who has one and has seen my investment triple.
« Last Edit: September 12, 2016, 01:35:11 PM by bmc25 »
Benjamin Campbell

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Re: It will cost you over $300 for the first 14 cards in your deck
« Reply #15 on: September 12, 2016, 01:52:21 PM »
Edit for Guardian: I am not so much worried about one card, except for the fact that the price of that card is setting a precedent against which the next great card will be valued. I am not very comfortable with the idea that there is a $140 card, and that is coming from someone who has one and has seen my investment triple.

TSC is very special circumstance. While other cards will be great I find it difficult to imagine another card as versatile as TSC. It literally is whatever lamb dominant you want, when you want it and can get you a double use of one of your lamb doms. While I get the idea of precedent I think KoT and maybe At one time the Daniel Promo set the precedent for characters. TSC will not be a general precedent setter for Ultra Rares.
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Re: It will cost you over $300 for the first 14 cards in your deck
« Reply #16 on: September 12, 2016, 02:22:15 PM »
As a whole newer cards cost more. It just so happens that the newest set CoW was game changing. Drastically. Now the core of the set is believe to be adequately priced based on usage demand etc. The problem is when it comes to Dominants and Souls. When you look at cards that tend to hold high value it is those. Simply put you are limited in good options for those 2 and they are necessary for competitivery play. So particularly new, powerful, versatile options for dominants and souls will be highly sought after and priced. One can say that over time as demand dies down the prices will decrease and that is true but players newer to the game particularly younger players often can't afford to get the best cards. I know personally when I was first starting it took me a couple years to aquire lost souls and Dominants that were good. As for a solution I would say something like how MTG has from the vault sets be done for the most used or overcosted cards. The sets could reprint cards to lower cost also circulate older cards that may be less played now as a special release and in addition to all of that if the price point for them is right it can force the cost of the cards down that are seeing high inflation (e.g. second coming). Consider it something like a core set pack or something. Even if it is made to where you aren't guaranteed a certain card but you are guaranteed one of a selection of expensive card along with other lower costed universally useful cards  (maybe with foil/alternate art or something for thing like souls and doms) it would sell well as well as expand the reach of the game by lowering the overall costs of cards. Those are just ideas though.

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Re: It will cost you over $300 for the first 14 cards in your deck
« Reply #17 on: September 12, 2016, 02:54:31 PM »
Great discussion! My initial reaction to the new prices was similar in being surprised and disappointed, but Travis makes a great point that higher prices of certain single cards is good for the game in that they make people more excited for packs, and as more packs are bought the game grows.  In general I think that the current situation with Redemption economically makes it more exciting for new (and veteran) players, as everyone will really appreciate and love to get packs. 

Having these catch cards is just exciting overall- booster drafts, prize packs, box openings, etc just has a lot more excitement which is more fun for everyone and draws more interest and puts more excitement into the game.

As long as these catch cards are not absolutely necessary for being a competitive player, which I agree with others that they are not, then I think this is a good thing for the game. Really, I don't know if there is ANY single card in Redemption, including Son of God, which is absolutely needed for being a competitive player with all of the great options there are in the game... remember Nats 2015? John didn't even use Son of God and won T1-2P!  :o

And so, since these catch cards are not necessary for fun and competition, and no player has a right to own every card in the game just because they want it, and the game grows as a result of there being such cards and economics, I'm in support of the current situation.
« Last Edit: September 12, 2016, 03:00:28 PM by jesse »
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Re: It will cost you over $300 for the first 14 cards in your deck
« Reply #18 on: September 12, 2016, 03:18:54 PM »
Totally agree with Jesse's points.

It's important to remember that many, many people were using the high-end cards and didn't make top cut. A couple people (Chris E. and Daniel H.) weren't using TSC and still made Top Cut. While certain Lost Souls are definitely stronger than others, they have far less to do with the outcome of the game than the in-game decisions made by each player.

If you were a brand new player and wanted a Nationals-competitive deck right away, you are certainly going to need to spend several hundred dollars all at once, and that is perfectly fine for a CCG that has been as successful as Redemption.  :)
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Re: It will cost you over $300 for the first 14 cards in your deck
« Reply #19 on: September 12, 2016, 04:11:32 PM »
personally i'm really happy to see cards which started around 20-40$ be very valuable now! i love being able to tell friends about price increases on valuable cards which also adds to the value of opening packs and playing booster draft! ag shared on the boards his last order of packs from threelions resulted in opening the second coming and shipwreck!! i bet he spent less than those cards are worth!

it is very true that some cards which were once at similar ranges to tsc and shipwreck now are no longer. redemption has always and will always be an accessible game! don't forget that sealed is a competitive category! plus the sealed decks are really fun and what should be shared for beginners for only 10 bucks! :)

this isn't even to mention the astronomical prices of other games and card games. people spend thousands on consoles and console games.. if you are a dedicated redemption player like those who are in top cut at nationals of type 1 any given year, you don't mind dropping some coin on redemption especially when you have been building a collection for years..

speaking of Gabe, he is one of the best redemption players of all time plus he is a play tester.. do you think he just spent 1000 dollars on his decks for nats?? no way!! and i didn't decide to drop 300 all at once on my top 3 deck either.. i built it over time and it came to shape through trading, playing booster draft, and doing what i could over time to win state, regionals, and place at nats! :)

i encourage redemption players to think creatively with the cards you have. don't feel like you have to net deck to win.. the greatest creative aspects of your personality and strategies come out in unique deck forms which are a wonderful aspect of this game.

it's really cool to see how unique national winning decks are from year to year ^^

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Re: It will cost you over $300 for the first 14 cards in your deck
« Reply #20 on: September 12, 2016, 06:40:41 PM »
I think that this is a really important discussion for all the redemption community to have.

The one thing that is bad for the prices is that it makes it harder as a newer player to come into the game and enjoy it fully and become really competitive.

And i know i don't have 300 to drop at once but thats a side note.... ;) ;) ;)


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Re: It will cost you over $300 for the first 14 cards in your deck
« Reply #21 on: September 12, 2016, 09:53:21 PM »
I'm more worried about price discrepancy than high prices. The only cards that are close to it in price are cards that have been out for a lot longer so honestly there is nothing I would trade you for a TSC right now its just not worth anything else beside alt art cards.

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Re: It will cost you over $300 for the first 14 cards in your deck
« Reply #22 on: September 12, 2016, 09:59:19 PM »
I'm more worried about price discrepancy than high prices. The only cards that are close to it in price are cards that have been out for a lot longer so honestly there is nothing I would trade you for a TSC right now its just not worth anything else beside alt art cards.


Even when TSC and Shipwreck were both $80, I would have not traded a TSC for a shipwreck straight up, I would have defiantly wanted more.

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Re: It will cost you over $300 for the first 14 cards in your deck
« Reply #23 on: September 13, 2016, 03:45:05 AM »
While this might not be a popular opinion I'm going to disagree with the OP and say that the current market really isn't a problem. Redemption is in a weird spot right now in that it has two dominants (which is important to point out that they are dominants) which cost $80+. Most card games don't have these super duper deus ex machina cards cluttering up the game.

There have been super high priced cards before... Faithful Servant, AoCP, Soldier of God, Seeker of the Lost, KoT, Harvest Time, NJ (once Warriors went OP) and Falling Away (once Womens went OP) all come to mind. In particular for a number of years Faithful Servant, the magazine promos and AoCP had high prices because they were so hard to get, but at no time were they 100% required to win a tournament.

My point of this rant I guess... is that you aren't exactly correct when you say it costs $300 for the first 14 cards in your deck, that's a bit of a click bait title ::) What your real concern is is that there are currently two cards which are in many top decks which cost $220 together. Honestly the rest of the cards you have listed are very reasonably priced and if you're looking to get into a game where $20 for a top tier card doesn't seem expensive you should check out a LCG instead of a CCG.

I do agree though that $140 is ridonculous for two cards but I also remember the days of the $60-80+ AoCP, try playing Type II back when you needed 5! :o, and $150+ Faithful Servant so ehhhh it's something that just comes and goes with the market.
« Last Edit: September 13, 2016, 03:53:45 AM by Isildur »
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Offline bmc25

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Re: It will cost you over $300 for the first 14 cards in your deck
« Reply #24 on: September 13, 2016, 10:00:05 AM »
speaking of Gabe, he is one of the best redemption players of all time plus he is a play tester.. do you think he just spent 1000 dollars on his decks for nats?? no way!! and i didn't decide to drop 300 all at once on my top 3 deck either.. i built it over time and it came to shape through trading, playing booster draft, and doing what i could over time to win state, regionals, and place at nats! :)

i encourage redemption players to think creatively with the cards you have. don't feel like you have to net deck to win.. the greatest creative aspects of your personality and strategies come out in unique deck forms which are a wonderful aspect of this game.

I definitely did not think Gabe spent $900 at once to build his decks lol He seemed a fitting example because he won, and because he used "The Second Coming" and many of the other cards I mentioned in his decks.

I do appreciate your thoughts on the creative aspect, and the idea that it is a process. I guess for those who are coming into the game it would be good for them to go through the fire and take their time building a wining deck. I can appreciate that struggle, and it makes sense that if parents will pay for video games/board games/card games they will pay for Redemption as well. But I'm sure you have been in a playgroup that has 2-3 competitive players and a bunch of other players who don't have a real chance at winning any of their games. It makes it less fun for everyone. Still I understand where you are coming from, and it does make sense. Thanks for your input.

My point of this rant I guess... is that you aren't exactly correct when you say it costs $300 for the first 14 cards in your deck, that's a bit of a click bait title ::) What your real concern is is that there are currently two cards which are in many top decks which cost $220 together. Honestly the rest of the cards you have listed are very reasonably priced and if you're looking to get into a game where $20 for a top tier card doesn't seem expensive you should check out a LCG instead of a CCG.

I appreciate your opinion (though I think we have different definitions of clickbait) and I definitely remember those days well, (I traded a kidney for Faithful Servant) and I built my sister a Type 2 deck with 4-5 AOC Promos during those days. It certainly was a struggle! You brought up a good point akin to what JD said, many different games come with a cost associated to them, and Redemption is the same. I understand that, and it makes sense. I guess if parents are willing to shell out crazy money for video games/board games/card games Redemption should not be much different. Especially understanding that Redemption is a CCG. Thanks for the input!

I can see both sides to the story, but I do think it is something that needs to be carefully watched, and that there was/is a need for these types of discussions.
« Last Edit: September 13, 2016, 10:06:24 AM by bmc25 »
Benjamin Campbell


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