Author Topic: how did you find redemption?  (Read 5433 times)

Offline acree3

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how did you find redemption?
« on: November 19, 2009, 07:58:14 PM »
i how did you find redemption? or did redemptionn find you.
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Re: how did you find redemption?
« Reply #1 on: November 19, 2009, 08:12:45 PM »
My sister and her (then) boyfriend Ken (now owner of TLG, but not at that point in time) played it and I got interested. At first she didn't want to teach me, but I begged and begged until she gave in :P

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Re: how did you find redemption?
« Reply #2 on: November 19, 2009, 08:18:55 PM »
for me i originaly played VAH when i was younger and got some real cards from my one of my grandparents... then i loved the game and wanted to play it every day...
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Re: how did you find redemption?
« Reply #3 on: November 19, 2009, 08:28:34 PM »
i how did you find redemption? or did redemptionn find you.

Redemption found me. I was raised in a family of avid card players (Spades, Hearts, Bridge), but my wife's family thought playing cards were from the devil. My mother-in-law tried to help my "condition" when she spotted the original A/B starter Decks in a Christian bookstore in Chesapeake, VA in 1995. She read "Christian Card Game" and figured it was the perfect cure.  ;)

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Re: how did you find redemption?
« Reply #4 on: November 19, 2009, 08:45:02 PM »
Redemption found me and i'v said my story once,twice, three times and i'll say it again.
in fall of 2004 at the time i was playing yugioh and i was spending a weekend in memphis and my older brother got me the E/F starter decks for my birthday and it wasn't til april of 05 that my experiance in redemption had begun and after going to a few meetings in pol's redemption playgroup i started to get more cards and june in the same year i had begun playing runescape thanks to a buddy of mine and it wasn't til later that i had heard about the redemption boards the way they were before the big "LOCKDOWN" lol anyways, i'm not in my 4th year as a redemption player and i own about over 2000 cards possibly and i have plans of getting better but won't be easy and i had a goal of reaching the calibur of those like Gabe and Justin and one day become a redemption national champion.
so there ya go, the story from fall of 04 to today of 2009 and i'm still in the game and hoping to start a spark in Tennesse's fire and possibly make the game as hot in this state as in MN(wonders if brett favre knows about the game) XD
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Re: how did you find redemption?
« Reply #5 on: November 19, 2009, 09:08:39 PM »
My buddy Joe Joiner from Colorado and I were (and are) avid Dragon Dice players. He knew I was a pastor, and told me I should try this great Bible card game called Redemption. I got started around the time of C/D and Warriors, and attended the NE Regional that year and the Nats in Valley Forge the next. Phil Gaudette and I became Redemption New Jersey, and the rest is history. (I never expect to be a National champion, although I did win the NE Regional Sealed Deck one year. D deck and 3 Warriors packs, Job's Wife set aside with Molech worship for nine turns, pulled Wrath of Satan...those were the good old days.)

BTW keep Joe in prayer. He's waiting for surgery on an apparently non-malignant tumor in his brain, but it's pushing on some motor areas and giving him seizures.
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Re: how did you find redemption?
« Reply #6 on: November 19, 2009, 09:24:39 PM »
I learned 4 years ago for my brother :D ;D :D ;) :)
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Re: how did you find redemption?
« Reply #7 on: November 19, 2009, 09:33:27 PM »
I saw the b/c starter decks at a book store and picked them up. at first I thought you just collected the cards and I kept buying and buying. well, that was when I was 9-10. several years later (14) I met a friend. on the boards he is "korunks". he mentioned redemption to my friend and I. we had heard of the cards and had plenty of them. so we started to play. we're not great but we're not bad either. so the 3 of us. (along with korunk's brother in law) made a play group in MD. and are now hosting tournaments.

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Re: how did you find redemption?
« Reply #8 on: November 19, 2009, 10:10:02 PM »
In 2001-2002, I was looking for christian alternatives to games like MTG and Yugioh. I found a game called Timestream and taught it at our church (I was a Royal Rangers Senior Commander and the kids kept bringing Yugioh to the meetings). Darcy Abbott, became our music minister and he taught me the game. I left the church (and the game) after Priests was released and returned in August when my 7 yr old son got interested.
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Re: how did you find redemption?
« Reply #9 on: November 20, 2009, 08:37:20 AM »
I  have been an avid gamer all my life, but at around 12 I found MTG and played that and D&D exclusively throughout highschool.  When I was living with my friends and his family(long story there) I was newly saved, and was missing play ccg's but was unsure of walking back down the MTG path.  My buddy Will heard about redemption and we both bought an E/F starter and some packs.  I liked it so much I sold my 4000+ MTG collection and bought redemption cards.  We played around with it for a bit.  Then I went back to college and Redemption went on the back burner.  When I got hired after college I was moving to MD and was going to sell my collection.  No one was interested locally and I didn't have time for ebay.  After moving to MD I found that some of the youth in my church "collected" redemption cards, but didn't know how to play, I fixed that and well now I have a playgroup. :)

Offline Crashfach2002

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Re: how did you find redemption?
« Reply #10 on: November 20, 2009, 09:05:37 AM »
I guess redemption found me.  My family has always played board and card games when we would get together.  I walked into a christian store one day probably in 95 or 96 and saw the original a/b starter deck, and didn't think twice and bought it.  I opened the box and checked out all the cards before I even got home.  I then started to collect all the cards I could.  Playing it every week with different guys from school and church.  I played until about 2001, and just moved on.  I never quit liking the game, but High School changes old habits (I guess you could say).  Then about 3 years ago I found all my cards under my bed, and then wondered how this game is now.  I was upset to find that Warriors had been retired!  So, I decided to buy the factory set, and here I am now about to host my first tournament today and tomorrow!  :D

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Re: how did you find redemption?
« Reply #11 on: November 20, 2009, 09:15:36 AM »
When I was in college, I was introduced to my first strategy card game.  It was called Spellfire which was based on D&D.  I found the strategy of the game to be interesting and was able to get to know some non-Christian guys who I probably would not have otherwise.  I thought it would be a good chance to witness to them as we would often talk about God together.

However after a while, it became apparent that they were not really interested in growing closer to God or becoming Christians.  I also had a nagging feeling that the game itself was not something that God wanted me to be spending my time with.  At that point I quit playing and the next summer (1995) created my own Bible-based CCG and then discovered Redemption (which at the time wasn't anywhere near as fun as Spellfire).

10 years later, there were many students at my school who were playing Yu-Gi-Oh.  I could have tried to develop better relationships with them by learning their game, but instead I decided to invite them to learn Redemption (which had become a great game).  Most of them were willing to switch games.
I took a few guys to our first tournament at Ben Huntsman's house with the Northern KY playgroup, where I also reconnected with my friend from college, Jon Greeson (SoulSeeker).  We had a blast and have been going to tournaments ever since.  Redemption seems to ebb and flow in popularity here at Oakdale as players graduate or move away, but overall it's been a fun journey.


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Re: how did you find redemption?
« Reply #12 on: November 20, 2009, 09:36:11 AM »
well as for me I have always loved CCG(s).  And for several years I had gotten away from them to play MMO's, but my good friend at work known on here as Crashfach2002, helped get me interested in the game.  Well that was around 4 weeks ago, and I only need roughly 250 more cards to have a full set... LOL SAD I know! :)  God bless!

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Re: how did you find redemption?
« Reply #13 on: November 20, 2009, 09:42:47 AM »
I think Redemption is a game that is always meant for me.  It found me twice!
    1st time was at the National Youthworkers Convention in Cincinnati in 1999.  I love playing games and stopped by the booth to check it out.  I was given a free pack to open and check it out (Goliath being the rare).  I was highly interested but I was also a poor, newlywed, youth pastor.  So I filed the cards away and hoped for a better day.
    Fast forward several years to Summer of 2004.  I am at a Christian concert at King's Island called Spirit Song when I see this cool looking picture of an angel and a card game beneath it.  I check it out and immediately invested $60 to get started.  Later I tell my friend about it (Crustpope) and he gets some cards too.  We play for a bit, until we travel to our first tournament (somewhere in eastern central Ohio) later that fall.  
   Like Mark said above, we got back into contact with each other as well at a local at Ben's house a year later.  Overall, it's been a fun journey.  
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Re: how did you find redemption?
« Reply #14 on: November 20, 2009, 10:07:59 AM »
I played MTG casually and competitively for about 10 years.  I sold all of my cards and quit playing around 2004.  In the fall of 2005 my little brother got interested in Redemption, thanks to a kid at a youth event he attended.  He got some cards for Christmas that year but couldn't figure out how to play the game.

Knowing that I had played CCGs before, he asked me to teach him Redemption (from the rulebook - ouch) when I went to visit my family in January 06.  I was immediately hooked and bought a starter for my wife and I to play.  I'm not really the kind of person that does something half way so I immediately started buying the cards I needed to make a competative deck.  Since Missy got first dibs all all the cool cards, that just meant that we had to get 2 copies. ::)

On April 1st 2006 we traveled to our first Redemption tournament, hosted by Kevin Shride.  I had a FBTN deck and my wife had her "anti-FBTN" deck with Caleb and Joshua banding goodness.  Kevin helped us understand what we were playing wrong (using Holy Grail during battle, activating Artifacts during the discard phase, etc...).  Much to his surprise the two n00bs took first and second.  Better yet we made some very good friends that day - the Shrides and the Kemps. ;D
Have you visited the Land of Redemption today?

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Re: how did you find redemption?
« Reply #15 on: November 20, 2009, 10:32:20 AM »
At Creation 97 (I believe) I stumbled upon the Redemption booth, manned by David Easterling. My dad and I got the A and B decks and some booster packs ("Ooh, Frog Demons, that's a really good one!" - David E), and played and played and played till I went to college. Our first tournament was all the way in Maryland (we didn't know of any closer), where they had the soda Dr. Wow - I haven't seen it since and that makes me sad. For a while plugged into John Mxyzptlk's Massachusetts playgroup, and then I was in Mike Berkenpas' in Pittsburgh during college.
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Re: how did you find redemption?
« Reply #16 on: November 20, 2009, 12:15:00 PM »

I was at Josh Slinkard's birthday party in December 1997 and saw him receive 1st Edition (or rather the only edition) starter decks as one of his gifts.  I went out (or rather talked my parents into taking me out seeing as I was 12 at the time and obviously couldn't drive) and got a starter deck of my own the next week.


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Offline acree3

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Re: how did you find redemption?
« Reply #17 on: November 20, 2009, 01:06:54 PM »
i guees i might as well post. our paster bought a starterdeck( are paster is bredric) and played a few games with stefewefer. after that they shouwed it to myself and hi123. weve been playing for about a year. nothing to do with the topic but don't play speed decks.
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Re: how did you find redemption?
« Reply #18 on: November 20, 2009, 01:30:13 PM »
My friend in 1999 or 2000. Played competitively ever since.
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Re: how did you find redemption?
« Reply #19 on: November 20, 2009, 02:02:10 PM »
In the early 90's I played magic but after the Lord dealt with me about it, I got rid of it but still loved the CCG format. Along came Redemption in the mid 90's and I bought them like crazy. Nobody to play with, so I played decks against myself. Eventually around prophets I was bored playing by myself and the game was much the early days compared to now. So I put it away, until my sons were interested and years later found out they were still making expansions and bought some packs and was astounded to see all the words on EACH card, not just an occasional rare. Found DJ's playgroup nearby to restart playing and enjoy the game tremendously with my sons.


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Re: how did you find redemption?
« Reply #20 on: November 20, 2009, 02:46:07 PM »
Redemption totally found me.  I was given the E and F starter decks for Christmas (Christmas or my birthday, can't remember which) and I really liked it ever since.  Haven't been playing much as I do not have RTS or Hamachai, and I have little to no good structure in my card collection now, but plan on enjoying it very much in the future.

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Re: how did you find redemption?
« Reply #21 on: November 20, 2009, 02:57:50 PM »
In early 1998, a student of mine showed me his Star Trek CCG cards.  I liked the game, and figured my brother-in-law would like them, so I bought him some.  Unlike my brother-in-law, I was not a big Star Trek fan, so I did an internet search and found Redemption.  Saw them on the shelf at the local Christian bookstore, and told my wife about it.  She bought it for me (technically from Kurt, I guess) for my first father's day present (June of 1998).  Played a few games that day and was hooked for life.  :)

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Re: how did you find redemption?
« Reply #22 on: November 21, 2009, 11:49:53 AM »
About 2004 i first saw some cards in a cbd catalong and wanted them, 1 year later dad buys me a 10th anvesany tin and we start playing. Fastfdorward June this year i get 2nd at my first tourny.
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Re: how did you find redemption?
« Reply #23 on: November 21, 2009, 01:16:54 PM »
I got hooked like 3 years ago by my best bud ryupeco11. He gave me the mosed deck and he kept the other so that way if I wanted to play and learn it would be balanced and I could get the basics. I got into it for a few months and then got bored. A year later maybe...probably, I wanted something to occupy my time and I thought that this was great and since I have been more devoted to God at this time I would give it another shot and ever since then, The city boys in MD have been causing a ruckus in this state. Just check the last District. *Shoutout to ryupeco11, Korunks, DZ Top lol*
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Re: how did you find redemption?
« Reply #24 on: November 21, 2009, 02:02:20 PM »
(wonders if brett favre knows about the game) XD

Wouldn't surprise me if he did. A relative of his, a girl named Lauren Favre, goes to my church. I teased her once about her last name, asking if she was related to him, and she said yes. I don't know if she's heard of Redemption, but with how popular it is at our church, that wouldn't surprise me either.

Anyway, Redemption found my brothers first, via a friend of ours from Ohio, where, interestingly enough, I was born. Divine destiny maybe? Anyway, I started collecting when they deemed I was old enough. My first pack was a Women's, of course; Jordan bought it for me. My favorite card at the time was Esther. I remember when Warriors were super popular and were still in good supply. Wow...the time's flown by! I love this game and the great community of players. :)

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