Author Topic: How come barely any girls play Redemption?  (Read 13735 times)


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Re: How come barely any girls play Redemption?
« Reply #75 on: May 23, 2012, 09:51:03 PM »
@Eyes on Zion

Sorry we can't all be like u and be surrounded with so many girls we need  time to get away from them and bro
It up at redemption tournaments lol jkjk

But in all honesty I think you can be silly and fun and act normal around girls idk y guys would feel the need to change anything.  The only thought I would have would be tht potentially your inferring that there are some remarks that shouldn't be said around girls including things like flatulence ect ect.

However truth be told as I guy I'm not really trying to be in the middle of some of the "joking" many males enter into anyways.
haha its all good bro. Well my girl was a funny, witty, strong willed and head strong women who was willing to play. She was definately beautiful but she was like one of the guys. We played video games too and that is when i would bring like 8 of my recruits from my youth group and we were really close so they all knew my girl and were comfortable around her. I guess it really depends on how willing the girl is and how accepting the play group is but all in all we shouldnt forget that this game represents someone who died for all.

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Re: How come barely any girls play Redemption?
« Reply #76 on: May 27, 2012, 05:25:12 PM »
Well, Pol, if we're ever at a tournament together, I'll be sure to stay out of your "bro-ing it up," if that's how you feel about us womenfolk. Seriously, how rude!  :P

In all honesty, I tell my female friends all the time that Redemption tournaments are great places for girls to hang out with real gentlemen. It's so nice to have a place to go and have fun with guys who are respectful and gentlemanly but don't lower their competitiveness when playing me. That being said, if I hadn't grown up in a Redemption community, I probably wouldn't find the game all that appealing now because the complex strategy, costliness, and male player dominance would be huge turnoffs.

That's my two cents.


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Re: How come barely any girls play Redemption?
« Reply #77 on: May 27, 2012, 05:54:28 PM »
Good for you. Spread the word. ;)
To the Pain!


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Re: How come barely any girls play Redemption?
« Reply #78 on: May 28, 2012, 01:15:38 AM »
complex strategy, costliness, and male player dominance would be huge turnoffs.

That is the problem.  While costliness per say isn't a draw, collectibility is and some of the efforts to reduce costs to the average player make it not as collectible.  Even more important imo is that complex strategy is a big draw to a lot of players.  The efforts to make T2 more "fair", level the playing field, etc. have lessened the complex strategy and made it less interesting for some.  Just to clarify, I don't mean that more complex rules are good; I don't know anyone that wants more complex rules just because you can have them. 

So of course you have different groups of people with opposite interests; what makes the game better to one also makes it less to others.  Sometimes you just have to pick your target audience and go for that.  I don't see any way to appeal to all groups equally.  The only option I do see is that you have different categories designed to appeal to different types of players.  I used to think that was largely what sealed, type 1, and type 2 were for.  Sealed was the less complex, less costly option.  Type 2 was the more costly, more complex option.  But it seems like they've tried to move away from that and make them equally accessible.

The way things currently are, I think it could be good for the game to have a faster playing (best out of 3 in 45 min?) simpler version, that is more accessible to new players.  At the same time that kind of play will eventually bore me and others who enjoy things like long chess games, Axis and Allies, etc.  For comparison, I have played multiple Magic games with up to 7 people in the commander format (100 cards, no duplicates) and they can last up to 5 hours.  I know my wife would fall asleep or tear her hair out but for me it was great fun.

P.S. the reason my wife stopped playing was because of all the rule changes.  It was challenging enough for her to learn the rules once and it wasn't worth her time or the frustration to have to keep relearning the rules. 

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Re: How come barely any girls play Redemption?
« Reply #79 on: June 01, 2012, 07:02:39 PM »
Well, Pol, if we're ever at a tournament together, I'll be sure to stay out of your "bro-ing it up," if that's how you feel about us womenfolk. Seriously, how rude!
Well, just like a womenfolk to fly off the handle :p But seriously, it's not the girls I have a problem with (from the little I know about you, you can hang), but the way the guys act when y'all are present. No, I don't mean no longer joking about (admittedly hilarious) bodily functions, but trying to flirt and failing in that special way only true nerds can. Which is in and of itself amusing, but only for a little while before it just becomes sad.
I am not talking about T2 unless I am explicitly talking about T2. Also Mayhem is fine now somehow!

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Re: How come barely any girls play Redemption?
« Reply #80 on: June 03, 2012, 06:52:22 AM »

Well, Pol, if we're ever at a tournament together, I'll be sure to stay out of your "bro-ing it up," if that's how you feel about us womenfolk. Seriously, how rude!
Well, just like a womenfolk to fly off the handle :p But seriously, it's not the girls I have a problem with (from the little I know about you, you can hang), but the way the guys act when y'all are present. No, I don't mean no longer joking about (admittedly hilarious) bodily functions, but trying to flirt and failing in that special way only true nerds can. Which is in and of itself amusing, but only for a little while before it just becomes sad.

It's like Raj in Big Bang Theory who can't talk whenever girls are in the room. Like, there are some girls at my university who can bro it up with the guys no problem, but there's some guys who are speechless in the presence of a woman.


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