Author Topic: Home School  (Read 8528 times)

Offline AJ

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Home School
« on: March 04, 2014, 08:57:13 AM »
Anyone is or was? I myself think it is a great system that allows parents to teach the Gods word to their kids. Anyone have any thoughts on it. :)
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Re: Home School
« Reply #1 on: March 04, 2014, 11:59:38 AM »
Anyone is or was? I myself think it is a great system that allows parents to teach the Gods word to their kids. Anyone have any thoughts on it. :)
Homeschooler here. Teaching God's Word can be done without being homeschooled just as well. Good for the 1 on 1 attention. Bad for people's ego (tends to make it bigger).

Offline Minion of Jesus

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Re: Home School
« Reply #2 on: March 04, 2014, 12:04:07 PM »
Homeschooling is the best.
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Offline AJ

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Re: Home School
« Reply #3 on: March 04, 2014, 05:06:08 PM »
Anyone is or was? I myself think it is a great system that allows parents to teach the Gods word to their kids. Anyone have any thoughts on it. :)
Homeschooler here. Teaching God's Word can be done without being homeschooled just as well. Good for the 1 on 1 attention. Bad for people's ego (tends to make it bigger).

Depending on your area. It's hard to find good  Christian schools now since a lot of them close down because they do not get enough money to keep it going.

Homeschooling is the best.

Totally agree.  :)
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Re: Home School
« Reply #4 on: March 04, 2014, 05:52:35 PM »
Homeschooling is a very good option, not necessarily in every situation, though. It really depends on the child and what he or she needs. I was homeschooled for awhile since my parents thought grade school was too easy for me. I'm sure it helped my be a holier person than if I attended a public school. Certainly not saying the two can't go together though. Parents are the primary educator regardless. The one down side of homeschooling, IMO, is the potential lack of contact with peers. I would almost always recommend participating in a co-op or something of that nature since dealing with others is essential to being a good Christian.

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Re: Home School
« Reply #5 on: March 04, 2014, 05:57:47 PM »
I was homeschooled m'self until fairly recently. The reason being I got into college! :)
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Re: Home School
« Reply #6 on: March 04, 2014, 06:25:11 PM »
Anyone is or was? I myself think it is a great system that allows parents to teach the Gods word to their kids. Anyone have any thoughts on it. :)
Homeschooler here. Teaching God's Word can be done without being homeschooled just as well. Good for the 1 on 1 attention. Bad for people's ego (tends to make it bigger).

Homeschooling is the best.

Totally agree.  :)

Ironic :)
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Danny Mercury

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Re: Home School
« Reply #7 on: March 04, 2014, 06:38:39 PM »
I was homeschooled.


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Re: Home School
« Reply #8 on: March 05, 2014, 12:42:23 AM »
Anyone is or was? I myself think it is a great system that allows parents to teach the Gods word to their kids. Anyone have any thoughts on it. :)
Homeschooler here. Teaching God's Word can be done without being homeschooled just as well. Good for the 1 on 1 attention. Bad for people's ego (tends to make it bigger).

Depending on your area. It's hard to find good  Christian schools now since a lot of them close down because they do not get enough money to keep it going.
Who said teaching God's Word had to be done in a school setting?

Offline AJ

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Re: Home School
« Reply #9 on: March 05, 2014, 08:56:06 AM »
Anyone is or was? I myself think it is a great system that allows parents to teach the Gods word to their kids. Anyone have any thoughts on it. :)
Homeschooler here. Teaching God's Word can be done without being homeschooled just as well. Good for the 1 on 1 attention. Bad for people's ego (tends to make it bigger).

Depending on your area. It's hard to find good  Christian schools now since a lot of them close down because they do not get enough money to keep it going.
Who said teaching God's Word had to be done in a school setting?

If your child is in a public school and surrounded by sinful behavior it will be harder for them to grow in Christ there are things being taught in public schools I cannot post on these message boards. It is easier to teach your children the word of God if they aren't in school system full lying,bullying,false teaching and tons of other bad things.
Its Stiddy Time


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Re: Home School
« Reply #10 on: March 05, 2014, 10:02:42 AM »
Anyone is or was? I myself think it is a great system that allows parents to teach the Gods word to their kids. Anyone have any thoughts on it. :)
Homeschooler here. Teaching God's Word can be done without being homeschooled just as well. Good for the 1 on 1 attention. Bad for people's ego (tends to make it bigger).

Depending on your area. It's hard to find good  Christian schools now since a lot of them close down because they do not get enough money to keep it going.
Who said teaching God's Word had to be done in a school setting?

If your child is in a public school and surrounded by sinful behavior it will be harder for them to grow in Christ there are things being taught in public schools I cannot post on these message boards. It is easier to teach your children the word of God if they aren't in school system full lying,bullying,false teaching and tons of other bad things.
I went to a Christian school from K through 12 and we still had all of those things except maybe false teachings (when it came to the Bible, we had good Bible teachers, at least when I was there). Just because the school calls itself "Christian" and requires Bible class every year doesn't mean there aren't still people doing drugs or bullying or having sex (and getting pregnant, a girl from my senior year class was expelled for getting pregnant). It's a delusion to think Christian schools are better than public schools just because they have "Christian" in the name. I know plenty of Christians strong in the faith that came out of public schools, and some people that lost faith altogether coming out of a Christian school.

Danny Mercury

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Re: Home School
« Reply #11 on: March 05, 2014, 10:05:04 AM »
a girl from my senior year class was expelled for getting pregnant
That is sad to hear. Christian societies place so much pressure on females, why wasn't the guy expelled too? What a horrible thing for a school to do.

Danny Mercury

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Re: Home School
« Reply #12 on: March 05, 2014, 10:08:50 AM »
I would assume that the school is "pro-life" however what they are doing is encouraging abortion by shaming this poor girl.


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Re: Home School
« Reply #13 on: March 05, 2014, 10:10:31 AM »
It just goes to show that Christian schools are not necessarily a better environment overall, and in some ways can be a worse place to grow up/learn.

Offline jbeers285

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Re: Home School
« Reply #14 on: March 05, 2014, 10:12:48 AM »
I honestly believe the stretching and testing part of the spiritual journey has caused more growth in my life then any Bible class I had during the short window I time I was in private school.

Sometimes we need to be surrounded by darkness in order to recognize light.

Lots of Christian schools and colleges I have seen become grey, everyone blends righteousness with a couple sins they think "aren't that bad" and it's harder to distinguish right from wrong. While in public school or non-religious universities the line between white and black becomes so much more clear cut. Thus making it easier to avoid the black.

This also opens a window for evangelism as well as opportunity to live out your faith. Application of my faith has meant so much more to my spiritual life then increasing my knowledge. Both are necessary but I benefitted from hands on more then extra Bible home work. Besides that Bible homework made the word of God stale to me and I quit doing devotions when I was private school an used "bible homework" as devotions and that was not good for my spiritual journey.
« Last Edit: March 05, 2014, 10:17:30 AM by jbeers285 »
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Re: Home School
« Reply #15 on: March 05, 2014, 10:30:39 AM »
Anyone is or was? I myself think it is a great system that allows parents to teach the Gods word to their kids. Anyone have any thoughts on it. :)
Homeschooler here. Teaching God's Word can be done without being homeschooled just as well. Good for the 1 on 1 attention. Bad for people's ego (tends to make it bigger).

Depending on your area. It's hard to find good  Christian schools now since a lot of them close down because they do not get enough money to keep it going.
Who said teaching God's Word had to be done in a school setting?

If your child is in a public school and surrounded by sinful behavior it will be harder for them to grow in Christ there are things being taught in public schools I cannot post on these message boards. It is easier to teach your children the word of God if they aren't in school system full lying,bullying,false teaching and tons of other bad things.
For full disclosure, I am a product of the NC public school system.  Also, I have hesitated on commenting on this subject because it is hard to accurately communicate all that I feel in a couple paragraphs that you guys will read, but when you made the above comment...I couldn't be silent.  You are right that I had to deal with all those things as a Christian.  However, I have found that those things still exist as an adult. 

As a parent, I have a lot of friends who home school their kids and they wonder what I would do since I'm a pastor.  I chose to put my kids in the public school system for a variety of reasons.
  1. I agree that the Word of God is to be taught at home and not a part of school curriculum.  (Similar to Westy's point)
  2. As broken human beings, sin is everywhere. Satan (or his minions) are not confined to a school building (see browarod's point)
      Also, another good example is the movie "The Village"
  3. Jesus calls us to be salt and light. (Matthew 5:13-16).  We are not to be hidden, but let our good works shine before men for God's glory.
  4. More than school subjects can be learned at public schools.  My kids learn how to interact with our faith interacts with the world's leading philosophies.  As a parent, I'm responsible to apply God's Word to all areas of life (Deut. 6:20, 11:18-20)
  5. It gives me the opportunity to teach my kids how to face temptation, and stand up for their faith and what's right DESPITE overwhelming pressure to do otherwise.  It allows my kids to act on the faith that I give them (I have lots of examples of this.)
  6. It builds good favor with the school and people of my community.  We are a voice in the system.
  7. It prepares my kids to face the same circumstances and people as adults.  (You will run into sinful people eventually.)

These are only 7 of my reasons why I value the public school system.  Are they perfect? No.  Do they need Christians amongst them? Yes.
  My friends respectfully disagree on most of my points...some even agree with me, but they want to try/do something different with their kids because of extenuating circumstances and that is their right.

I disagree with bashing a system because of sinful choices, because sin is everywhere.  We live in a broken world.  Educationally speaking, each system has its pros and cons which in my mind make them all equally valid.
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Re: Home School
« Reply #16 on: March 05, 2014, 10:38:52 AM »
a girl from my senior year class was expelled for getting pregnant
That is sad to hear. Christian societies place so much pressure on females, why wasn't the guy expelled too? What a horrible thing for a school to do.
I agree with this.  Justice should be served equally (if she was willing to "rat" out the guy).

I would assume that the school is "pro-life" however what they are doing is encouraging abortion by shaming this poor girl.
I don't agree with this. Consequences and/or justice (assuming she signed a contract knowing what she should abstain from, which any Christian school I know of has it) should not be withheld because of what it "might" encourage her to do.  In this case, your proposed "encouragement of abortion" argument only shows that the girl would try to avoid the consequences and not repent of the sinful choices.  Abortion is not taught or forced on someone because of "shaming" from Christians, it is another sinful choice to hide a previous sinful choice.*

*Not meaning to derail OP (original post), so I will carry this thought no further in this thread.
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Re: Home School
« Reply #17 on: March 05, 2014, 10:56:38 AM »
I am homeschooled, but I have plenty of contact with public school children. Mostly, it is fine, but other times, I don't like what I see. Also, I am in a christian homeschool group, so I have plenty of social contact. Some people with very social temperaments that I know have chosen public school after being homeschooled so that they will have more contact with people.
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Danny Mercury

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Re: Home School
« Reply #18 on: March 05, 2014, 04:07:06 PM »
I would assume that the school is "pro-life" however what they are doing is encouraging abortion by shaming this poor girl.
I don't agree with this. Consequences and/or justice (assuming she signed a contract knowing what she should abstain from, which any Christian school I know of has it) should not be withheld because of what it "might" encourage her to do.  In this case, your proposed "encouragement of abortion" argument only shows that the girl would try to avoid the consequences and not repent of the sinful choices.  Abortion is not taught or forced on someone because of "shaming" from Christians, it is another sinful choice to hide a previous sinful choice.*

*Not meaning to derail OP (original post), so I will carry this thought no further in this thread.
Are they expelling everyone who has sex at the school or just the girls who get pregnant? What I'm saying is that christians shame pregnant girls and then expect them to view their baby as a gift from god rather than a burden. There's a lack of logic there, especially since the bible has little to say regarding purity.

Offline AJ

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Re: Home School
« Reply #19 on: March 05, 2014, 04:49:06 PM »
All the Christian schools I have been to have been amazing and have helped me in my walk with God .I think it depends on the school some are bad and some are good and you are right there is sin in Christian schools but at least kids have good Christian fellowship outside of church which I think is very important for our kids to converse with their Christian brethren on a regular basis instead of once a week church. Is good for our kids to say to their peers " hey brother I was reading in Peter the other day and I Found this verse i thought you would like since your going through a tough time". In a public school your peers say "to you hey man you should totally watch this R rated movie " . That is why I want to homeschool or put my kids in private school but this is only my opinion and everyone is entitled to their own. :)
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Re: Home School
« Reply #20 on: March 05, 2014, 07:28:32 PM »
I'll point out that when you're home schooled you don't have access to a music program or organized sports... I mean I wouldn't be a Music Major if I was home schooled.
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Re: Home School
« Reply #21 on: March 05, 2014, 07:39:31 PM »
I'll point out that when you're home schooled you don't have access to a music program or organized sports... I mean I wouldn't be a Music Major if I was home schooled.
That's not totally true. I was involved in the middle school music program up through eighth grade, when I dropped out because it sucked and instead joined a regional honors band and took private lessons. Piano was my main instrument, and that's completely not in the school system.  I also participated in soccer through my Junior year, both in the high school and summer soccer.

I'm not sure how it works, but it works.


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Re: Home School
« Reply #22 on: March 05, 2014, 08:04:26 PM »
I'll point out that when you're home schooled you don't have access to a music program or organized sports... I mean I wouldn't be a Music Major if I was home schooled.

The organized sports thing is not true in some areas. In our region (it may be all of PA, actually), home schoolers can play for the sports teams in their local school district. Also, if a school based music group (band, etc) is not offered as a credited class, home schoolers can be involved as well.

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Re: Home School
« Reply #23 on: March 05, 2014, 10:18:36 PM »
I'll point out that when you're home schooled you don't have access to a music program or organized sports... I mean I wouldn't be a Music Major if I was home schooled.

I am in a youth orchestra, and I play trumpet. There is also a homeschool basketball team and cross-country team nearby.
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Re: Home School
« Reply #24 on: March 05, 2014, 10:24:08 PM »
I'll point out that when you're home schooled you don't have access to a music program or organized sports.
False...and false. Both are available to me through my umbrella school.


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