New Redemption Grab Bag now includes an assortment of 500 cards from five (5) different expansion sets. Available at Cactus website.
Quote from: Asahel24601 on May 14, 2012, 10:02:51 PMI Like Meatballs.I like noodles with meatballs on them.
I Like Meatballs.
Quote from: Ring Wraith on May 14, 2012, 02:23:57 PMSkillet is the Nickleback of Christian music.Okay, not quite, but I really don't like them, though at one point I thought they were good (around the same time I thought Nickleback was decent).Skillet is good. I prefer them to TFK even though TFK is good.(Personally my fave "Christian" band is Anberlin) Skillet's best work was Collide or Comatose. Not Awake.
Skillet is the Nickleback of Christian music.Okay, not quite, but I really don't like them, though at one point I thought they were good (around the same time I thought Nickleback was decent).
Quote from: Thomas Hunter on May 14, 2012, 09:44:11 PMQuote from: YourMathTeacher on May 14, 2012, 09:06:54 PMWhat exactly is Legolas the prince of?The elves of Mirkwood.Dude! You broke the chain! The next post is supposed to have nothing to do with the previous post. Get with the program!
Quote from: YourMathTeacher on May 14, 2012, 09:06:54 PMWhat exactly is Legolas the prince of?The elves of Mirkwood.
What exactly is Legolas the prince of?
Quote from: Red on May 14, 2012, 08:19:35 PMQuote from: Ring Wraith on May 14, 2012, 02:23:57 PMSkillet is the Nickleback of Christian music.Okay, not quite, but I really don't like them, though at one point I thought they were good (around the same time I thought Nickleback was decent).Skillet is good. I prefer them to TFK even though TFK is good.(Personally my fave "Christian" band is Anberlin) Skillet's best work was Collide or Comatose. Not Awake.Trevor can sing. Cooper can't.
Saying Cooper "Can't" sing is false. Saying Trevor is more talented isn't as bad. My personal preference is that in rock gravely vocals are better to me. Of course I discount this when I say I'm a huge fan of Anberlin but when it comes to skillet vs TFK I go skillet. /rantthatmakesmelooklikeanidiotbutgiventhefactIliketovoicemyopinionisdoneanywaythusmakeingmelooklikemoreofanidiotbutIdontcare.
This is related to the last post.The desire for gravely vocals is nothing more than a product of teen angst.
Quote from: Ring Wraith on May 14, 2012, 11:36:33 PMThis is related to the last post.The desire for gravely vocals is nothing more than a product of teen angst. Lol okay Professor Wraith, tell us more about the psychology of gravely voices.
I Like Potassium
Can you see the light? Wait... you mean you don't see that giant pretty white light?
Quote from: lp670sv on May 15, 2012, 01:39:39 PMQuote from: Ring Wraith on May 14, 2012, 11:36:33 PMThis is related to the last post.The desire for gravely vocals is nothing more than a product of teen angst. Lol okay Professor Wraith, tell us more about the psychology of gravely voices.History tends to agree with me.