Welcome to the Official Redemption® Message Board!
I haven't had a chance to eat all day, so one of the first things I tried to do when I got home was make a 6 egg omelette. I ended up making scrambled eggs.
BY spending time with my friends via Facebook. and by letting the people I love know it with no dought if it gets over 120 degrees outside.[/quoteway to be wyatt
have you seen this?Chevy Super Bowl Commercial End Of World superbowl 46
Lol! "Fred didn't make it... Fred drove a ford.." Even though I prefer Ford over Chevy, it's still funny. Personally though, I'm not exactly a fan of new cars anyways. My car (a 1972 Volkswagen beetle) is the only one thy hasn't had engine problems. It had brake problems when we first got it, but that's it. Oh, it also needed new shocks, tie rods, ball joints, steering box. All those where original. Nowadays computer problems seem to be the case in everything. My dads car is having some problem, my sisters car had a problem, and the truck wouldn't start due to a computer problem. Everything is fixed now except my dads car, but that's it. Another problem with computerized cars, is that they dot check things out, they plug it up to a computer to find out the problem. And if te computer doesn't say what it is, they tell you, "We can't find anything" no, the computer can't find anything. The whole thing with computers, is that thy help with emissions and "Gas mileage" which is false. My car gets about the same anmount of gas mileage as my dads car. They both get about 30 MPG. It's mainly a power boost that helps with emissions, and possibly gas mileage since my dads in an inline 5 style engine, mine is a flat 4 style engine (the inline, flat, V, is the way te cylinders lay. the number is the number of cylinders). I wish they would have stuck to a carb, if they are worried about emissions, they can make the carb the only computerized object in an engine by making it suck in more air or something. The carb used the Bernoulli effect to work, injected cars nowadays use computers. End rant.
They really don't get better gas mileage though. It mainly just helps with horsepower and speed. If you want better gas mileage, you should drive a stick, those are the most efficient ways to drive a car. I guess in other words, they help with emissions, but the computerized parts are expensive, one injector is like $1,200 (for one), a carburetor is like $180 (for my car, but they carry in size). Carbureted cars are also a lot cheaper to work on, cause if something goes wrong, you can pretty much just guess what the problem is and you'll probably be right.
Good to see we're staying on topic.
I like how people only complain about a thread going off topic when the off topic topic is something they don't care about. I'd be willing to bet about 80% of non-rulings CGD threads go off the original topic at least once. No one is forcing you to read the thread.
Welcome to CGD forums, where hypocrisy is the card that really needs to be banned.