Well, heres my earnings for the day!
Canon SX 120 IS camera (which I did have to pay $100 for, but I'm cool with that) with...
8gb memory card + reader
4 NIMH rechargable AA's and a charger
Cases (camera, battry, memory cards) + cleaning kit
Table tripod
$125 in cash
$25 iTunes and Subway giftcards
new TSO album - Night Castle
new Skillet album - Awake
A Baltimore Ravens Tshirt
All in all, not bad. I like this camera a lot.

I had been using my mom's 20D for a while, but I wanted something smaller, and one to actually call mine. This little camera has full manual functionality (including manual focus), a further zoom than any lenses we had for the 20D, better macro functionality, and higher resolution images. Only tradeoff is that the shutter speed range isnt
as large, and the images have a little more noise (easily fixable with Neat Image), but neither of these are huge problems.