Author Topic: Going to be in New Brunswick NJ March 14-17th, anyone around?  (Read 1058 times)

Offline TechnoEthicist

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Going to be in New Brunswick NJ March 14-17th, anyone around?
« on: February 05, 2013, 09:18:06 AM »
Hey all,

I am going to be near Rutgers University for a conference next month and was wondering if anyone was in that area. I'd love to meet up in the evenings if possible. Also, if someone would be gracious enough to allow me to crash at their place so I don't have to pay for a hotel, that'd be amazing as well. On that note: if anyone ever needs a place to crash when coming to DC, there's usually an air mattress available. We are about 30 minutes Metro ride from the city...Just give me a heads-up.



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