Author Topic: Gaming Ministries?  (Read 2396 times)


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Gaming Ministries?
« on: December 09, 2009, 11:44:06 AM »
Hey all,

I know that some of you run gaming ministries or playgroups at your churches. We're trying to start a gaming ministry at my church, but have hit a wall. Here is the concern that the youth ministry we're working under brought up:

"The event, as described, isn’t really tied to our mission as a youth ministry. Is there a way to intentionally design the event to make it serve the purpose of either connecting unreached students to Christ and one another, or helping them grow in their relationship with Christ, or (this one may be a stretch) helping them serve or share Christ?"

Please, I really need some advice. Why are some of your ministries successful? How did you approach the leadership to be able to get it approved? What kind of template/outline do you guys follow?

We (my friends that are doing it with me and myself) are meeting with the youth ministry leaders on Tuesday. I'd love some info as soon as you can.

Thanks so much guys,

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Re: Gaming Ministries?
« Reply #1 on: December 09, 2009, 12:37:14 PM »
i'd like to know also
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Re: Gaming Ministries?
« Reply #2 on: December 09, 2009, 12:44:46 PM »
Although I never have successfully started a gaming ministry I have tried a few times. I had to move right after I got the go ahead.... Oh wells.


From what I see (Using redemption only):

(1)Redemption reaches unsaved youth by being shared by the youth. Card games, at least in my day, brought all my friends around. This included unsaved youth. When I taught my friend how to play redemption he tried to show his friends. It didn't go over well because of it being "christian" (Which they had figured by that point in their life meant cheap knock off) but it still opened an oppertunity to share.

(2) Redemption helps youth not only grow in relationship with each other but with the bible and visa vi with God. I'm 100% sure many people on here can give you testimony after testimony on how much this game has taught them. Myself personally it has given me a great springboard into teaching the word and learning more from it.

(3)Ironically enough, You answered this concern. You're trying to serve Christ by using redemption to help your youth group.

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Re: Gaming Ministries?
« Reply #3 on: December 09, 2009, 01:03:25 PM »
Honestly I think that many people in the leadership of churches don't realize how neglected and marginalized gamers have been in relationship to the church. I mean if you think about the past and even now, gamers who play things like D&D and MTG are seen as less than because of the themes of the games they play. Ironically, these message boards forbid the discussion of them because of their demonic themes; even though Redemption certainly has demonic themes as well. All of that to say that Jesus loves gamers too and if the youth ministry is not willing to support and believe in that kind of assertion then maybe you should just do it on your own with those other people you know who love Jesus and sense the same need. (Remember: the chruch is not a building but a gatering of believers) For me it has been easier since I am technically part of the leadership team. I have been able to nurture our Redemption players and train them (ongoing process) to use the game to reach out and love other gamers. We currently have really awesome friendships with several guys at Schumer's whom I may never have had any relationship with had it not been for games we have in common, which happens to include Redemption now as well. If you want it to be a "ministry", that's fine. I have found though that if you just go and make friends and love people, that "ministry" will happen without you having to work it in. Our "Redemption Ministry," if you want to call it that, was initially supported by me, then by the church for a while under the guise of my normal youth ministry spending, and now it is completely supported by guys who are part of our Tuesday night group. God continues to bless us even though we were considered a little iffy...

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Re: Gaming Ministries?
« Reply #4 on: December 09, 2009, 01:04:54 PM »
What Redemption groups provide:
1.  Fun - Though not a goal in and of itself, it brings people though the front door (many of whom would not come otherwise), so they can experience the real benefits below:
2.  Christ-honoring fellowship - Getting together to play Bible-based Redemption is a great way to teach kids that meeting together with believers and discussing things from the Bible can be fun, and does not need to be saved for a Sunday School class.  Kids learn about sharing, being a good sport, humility, grace, and kindness.  In our group, several friendships that began in Redemption clubs have lasted for years after the players stopped playing Redemption.
3.  Increased Bible knowledge - Players learn to recognize Bible books as O.T. or N.T., learn to recognize characters as prophets, judges, deacons, priests, etc., and learn about groups of people who appeared in the same book of the Bible.  Redemption players typically outperform non-players when it comes to knowing facts about the Bible.
4.  Increased interest in the Bible - Many stories are brought to life with art and card effects that illustrate Bible stories in ways that trigger interest in reading the story.
5.  Constant reminder of the Great Commission - The point of Redemption is rescuing Lost Souls.  Heroes attempt to rescue lost souls, and sometimes do so at great risk or with great cost.

Just some ideas.  Others will come up with more and better ones.

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Re: Gaming Ministries?
« Reply #5 on: December 09, 2009, 04:23:13 PM »
For my "Redemption ministry" things all started when there were a large number of students play Yu-Gi-Oh on a regular basis.  The leadership at my school didn't feel like this was a very positive activity for them to be involved in, and I suggested that perhaps teaching an alternative game might be preferable to simply banning it.  Redemption quickly caught on, and Yu-Gi-Oh quickly disappeared, and we didn't have to create or enforce any new rules to accomplish it.  It was a win-win situation for everyone.

In time, the leadership also recognized a couple other benefits of having Redemption on campus.  It does seem that the students who play are more familiar with Biblical people and events.  It also seems to meet a need for certain students to connect that wouldn't otherwise.  Many of our students connect through sports (basketball or volleyball teams).  Other students connect through music groups (choir or worship team).  But often times there are students who don't readily identify with these things, and it seems like many times Redemption is something that they really get into.


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Re: Gaming Ministries?
« Reply #6 on: December 10, 2009, 02:43:09 PM »
Thank you all for your suggestions and encouragement thus far.

Couple questions/comments:

First: Redemption isn't going to be the focus of it, but rather, a component of it. We will also be using video and board games. There are some suggestions I have already received regarding this. Any other thoughts on it?

Second: I wish I had the access and ability to host this elsewhere (approaching what Travis said), but we do not have any local gaming stores, or anything of the like, so finding something like that would be difficult.

Third: What do you guys actually do on the nights you have these events? Do you have any resources that I could use to bring this to a more "spiritual level" if that's what needs done for this to be approved?

Thanks so much guys,

Offline Soundman2

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Re: Gaming Ministries?
« Reply #7 on: December 10, 2009, 08:53:18 PM »
with in the permitters set.

1. "connecting unreached students to Christ and one another."  Approach it as family game night like thus fulling the latter connecting to one another. the former is lumped in with 2 

2. "helping them grow in their relationship with Christ."  What we do at min-camp is Bill "every Tribe" will have a "card of the day" that he'll talk about and have a quiz about (the questions being about the story where its found the card SA and the like) thous getting the kids into there bibles.  He'll also take a song and talk about the themes in the song usually it will have some thing to do with the cards.
in the end love wins I can hear the rhythm of the lion of the tribe of judah.He's alive he's coming!

Offline New Raven BR

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Re: Gaming Ministries?
« Reply #8 on: December 10, 2009, 10:22:58 PM »

1. "connecting unreached students to Christ and one another."  Approach it as family game night like thus fulling the latter connecting to one another. the former is lumped in with 2 

well soundman i need to say, when ya plan times like "family game night", it's also family game night when you gather in one place with your brothers and sisters in christ to play card games,video games or board games, cause all of us who are in the family of God are family with each other regardless of whose bloodline we have.
just thought i'd bring up a point
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Offline Soundman2

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Re: Gaming Ministries?
« Reply #9 on: December 11, 2009, 12:24:24 AM »

1. "connecting unreached students to Christ and one another."  Approach it as family game night like thus fulling the latter connecting to one another. the former is lumped in with 2 

well soundman i need to say, when ya plan times like "family game night", it's also family game night when you gather in one place with your brothers and sisters in christ to play card games,video games or board games, cause all of us who are in the family of God are family with each other regardless of whose bloodline we have.
just thought i'd bring up a point

I felt that if I just said family game night some smart donkey would say that is topic is about a play group not family game night
in the end love wins I can hear the rhythm of the lion of the tribe of judah.He's alive he's coming!

Offline New Raven BR

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Re: Gaming Ministries?
« Reply #10 on: December 11, 2009, 12:50:56 AM »

1. "connecting unreached students to Christ and one another."  Approach it as family game night like thus fulling the latter connecting to one another. the former is lumped in with 2 

well soundman i need to say, when ya plan times like "family game night", it's also family game night when you gather in one place with your brothers and sisters in christ to play card games,video games or board games, cause all of us who are in the family of God are family with each other regardless of whose bloodline we have.
just thought i'd bring up a point

I felt that if I just said family game night some smart donkey would say that is topic is about a play group not family game night
but balaam's donkey has been long gone for a long time  ;)
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Re: Gaming Ministries?
« Reply #11 on: December 14, 2009, 01:40:20 PM »
Any other thoughts on this?


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