Author Topic: Gaming Laptop  (Read 11213 times)

Offline Prof Underwood

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Re: Gaming Laptop
« Reply #50 on: March 04, 2012, 10:11:12 PM »
I will not be playing the newest games with it and that's fine.  I usually play games that are a few years old (games like LOTR:BFME 1 & 2, NWN, City Of Heroes, Portal (would love to get Portal 2 after I get my laptop), etc.)  I don't mind if the games aren't on the top uber settings
For the most part, the games I will be playing are:

City Of Heroes
Lord Of The Rings: Battle For Middle Earth (mostly 1 but sometimes 2)
Heroes Of Might And Magic 5 (might get six if my laptop can handle it).
NWN 2 (won't miss it that much if I can't play it)
The Star Wars first person shooter (can't remember the name)

I will probably never play Elder Scroll (or the latest top graphics game out there)
OK, I was just looking back at this stuff from early in the thread, and I think I'm convinced that your best bet is to buy the Lenovo that we've been talking about.  I really think it will meet all the needs that you are talking about here.  I also think that it will save you a TON of money, and that by the time games have advanced to the point that you won't be able to really play them anymore (ie. 5 yrs) that you'll be able to buy a new laptop at that point for another $800 which will be way better than the Asus you are looking at now.  Another thing to think about is how bad it will be if one of your 3 kids breaks the thing while you're playing games around them in the living room :)

for some reason Asus laptops seem to have a relatively high rate of USB port failure.
Speaking of Asus, here's another reason to go with the Lenovo :)

Offline lp670sv

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Re: Gaming Laptop
« Reply #51 on: March 04, 2012, 10:18:59 PM »
I've since done more research and they mostly fixed that problem their USB failure rate is down to about .5% (which is about the same amount of chance any part failure has in any computer) So that's no longer an issue. He may only be playing older games now but that doesn't mean he's never going to be playing new games. In the end it's up to him, with his budget set the way it is (2K) I recommend taking the Asus. End even despite the fact that the USB ports on my Asus laptop have failed i'm still EXTREMELY satisfied with it, and mine was one of the lower end gaming models.

Offline Prof Underwood

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Re: Gaming Laptop
« Reply #52 on: March 04, 2012, 11:02:32 PM »
i'm still EXTREMELY satisfied with it, and mine was one of the lower end gaming models.
The fact that you're "extremely satisfied" with one of the lower end gaming models reinforces the idea that I think he will be too.  I still think the Lenovo is the way to go.

Offline lp670sv

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Re: Gaming Laptop
« Reply #53 on: March 04, 2012, 11:11:01 PM »
Lower end of the republic of gamers series doesn't make it a lower end gaming machine. That's like saying lower ferraris are the same as a Honda civic

Offline SomeKittens

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Re: Gaming Laptop
« Reply #54 on: March 04, 2012, 11:52:41 PM »
I have to vouch for lp here, he really does know what he's talking about.
Mind not the ignorant fool on the other side of the screen!-BubbleBoy
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Offline Prof Underwood

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Re: Gaming Laptop
« Reply #55 on: March 05, 2012, 12:08:34 AM »
I have to vouch for lp here, he really does know what he's talking about.
No argument from me there.  I can tell that lp knows his stuff.  It just seems to me that this is really a question of priorities at this point, and my reading of Ironica's posts is leading me to conclude that with his priorities that the HUGELY less expensive laptop that is ALMOST as good in all areas is the better way to go.

Offline lp670sv

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Re: Gaming Laptop
« Reply #56 on: March 05, 2012, 07:38:32 AM »
It really isn't almost as good but that's not the point. Now I don't evaluate people's priorities very often but it seems to me if someone is looking to drop 2k on something it's a fairly high priority to them....

Offline Prof Underwood

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Re: Gaming Laptop
« Reply #57 on: March 05, 2012, 08:58:32 AM »
it seems to me if someone is looking to drop 2k on something it's a fairly high priority to them....
I get the 2k thing, and you may be right.  I'm just thinking this is an example of a guy who walks into a car dealership to replace his family car, and the salesman first takes him to the sports car sitting in the show room.  It's awesome and suddenly the guy is now thinking of dropping a lot more money than he originally was.  But that doesn't mean that he should.

Ironica originally was looking for a computer under $900 that he could play his games on.  Since then he's learned a lot about computers, and has also gotten a paycheck or two.  But when it all comes down to it, the Lenovo is a GREAT laptop for under $900 and I think he'd be really happy with it.

Edit:  Nevermind, the Lenovo was TOO good of a deal.  It's already sold out now.


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