the rules are simple mr. anderson

rule 1. making lists of internet memes are illegal like this:
your the man now dawg
star wars kid
that's illegal
rule 2.memes should only be used in stories
what is legal is if you do it like this:
the numa guy walks into walmart to buy a pair of socks when the star wars kid entered the place and the both of them got into a fight to see whose base are belong to us over a can of tuna that dave after dentist was craving after listening to "chocolate rain" cause dave loves tuna that's over nine thousand calories
and rule 3. you cannot use the same meme twice in one story to refer to it being someplace else as if the story was edited badly
like for example
the numa guy walks into kroger to buy some lunchmeat next second he's outside
that would be confusing
you have to explain the purpose of the meme being there
it's pretty complicated, ik but when you understand it, it'll be easier
anymore questions?