Author Topic: Game-Playing Memories  (Read 7043 times)

Offline TimMierz

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Game-Playing Memories
« on: April 30, 2009, 05:17:40 PM »
It's high time we shared some good old stories around here. What are some fun moments you've had while playing games? Here are a few that come to mind...

-> It's a holiday at my aunt's house, and we're playing Cranium. One of the people playing is actually someone who had been in jail for several years, and my aunt, having worked at that jail as a teacher for some time, knew him and invited him to spend time with her family. Big imposing guy, no question. And there he was playing a silly party game with us. It was his turn to give a clue, and it was a humming round; we have to guess a song based only on his hums. He reads the card, the timer starts, and he gives two longish grunts. We have no idea what's going on. In response to the silence, he makes the grunts longer, louder, and higher-pitched. The whole time, he just escalates his two-grunt series until it's top-of-the-lungs growling. As time runs out, we learn that he was giving it his all in his stirring rendition of "Downtown."

-> Playing Catch Phrase with my friends freshman year of college, in the dorm elevator (our rooms were all occupied by our roommates and the public spaces were all taken). It's late. We've dealt with a bunch of people worried about the constant beeping coming from the elevator, so we're pretty exhausted. It's Keith's turn. Keith gives us clues... "It's... it's like Saddam Hussein." Iraq, dictator, nothing we're guessing is getting it. Time runs out. "No... it was 'Designated Hitler.'" "Um... do you mean 'designated hitter'?" "OH!"

-> Another game of Catch Phrase, in my room at the very end of my college days. I'm having a real tough time giving a clue, when I see across from me, my sliding window falls out of its rails, and right onto my friend, and grazing another. I think that got me out of having to describe Kathmandu.

-> I wish I remembered more details, but I distinctly remember a game of Bohnanza where I ended up trading a bean for a buckeye - a delicious treat handmade by my grandmother, one of the finest sweets known to man. I don't remember who won the game, but I felt like I truly lost, giving up a buckeye.

-> A personal favorite is when a particularly nonsocial acquaintance had the Malta! card "Hidden Talent" played on him, requiring him to sing a song for 20 seconds (in the deck by special request), and he claimed to not know any songs. Cut to him singing "Happy Birthday" to a potted plant in the room. (Another use of the card was someone playing it on himself, so he could sing "99 Red Balloons" without people stopping him.)

-> Cranium Hoopla had one particularly notorious game for us in college. It started bad enough, by me thinking I could act out breakdancing. You know, it's harder to spin on a floor than I thought. So it appears like I'm having all sorts of convulsions on the ground, and I see I'm getting nowhere. I try to switch it up by doing "break" and "dance" separately. So I take the closest thing and just start trying to destroy it. Then my suitemates (whom I barely know) walk in and see me just going to town on this poor wastebasket. I think at that point I gave up on the word. Still, it's better they walked in on that than when my friend was trying to act out "Honeymoon Suite." Scarred for life, lemme tell ya.
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Re: Game-Playing Memories
« Reply #1 on: April 30, 2009, 07:16:44 PM »
6 hour game of LotR risk we started at 11:00 PM
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Re: Game-Playing Memories
« Reply #2 on: April 30, 2009, 08:27:10 PM »
As 99 red balloons go by!

Malta memories:

I was in a game of malta with a group of people who know I am VERY vocal person. I love to talk quite a bit. The card "Silence is golden" was played on me. The card required me to be quiet till my turn. It was hard and EVERYONE was trying to get me to talk. Including one guy poking me...

I also had a game where someone flipped a tile over and then pulled everyone over to it, then used a move everywhere card on the FIRST TURN OF THE GAME. It was a frantic move to get off it. I made it off but sadly the maker of the black hole did not.

Redemption Memories:

Killing 2 sog and 1 aotl in Sealed deck.

Discarding Sog off the top of someone's deck first game first turn at nats.

Breaking teams with doubt ;)

Playing teams with my girlfriend, Marti and Gretchen? (I am bad with names if it was someone else). We were all at the last place table so we didn't care if we won at all. Me and Marti had the same idea on the decks. One of us would play offense, one would play defense. It happened the defensive players and offensive players were on the same sides of the table. So we were showing hands to each other and laughing having a ball, seemingly so much of a good time, people at the next table were cracking up.

Cutthroat cavern memories:

Edge out+ Micheal hue. 'Nuff said.

Family business:

Most of those games were fun. I loved that I got the (the card stopped by safe house?)(I forget the name of the card but it kills like 3 people from everyone) card on the first turn of my first game.


My aunt is the queen of risk according to her. She is always one of the last two people alive in the games. We played missions to speed it a bit. I was nicely fortified in South A. with the mission to take Africa/North A. Perfect place to be. I launch an all out assault on North A. decimating both my aunt and Capturing all of North A. in one turn. Everyone thought it was over cuz I wiped her out mercilessly when she had not attacked me when she could have. The look on their faces was priceless when I told them that was not my mission. I got ganged up on for the rest of the game. Last Known I am banned from risk at their house.


Hated memory but funny. My friend was the right next to player in a 5? player game of clue. I was plum so I was last. My friend called the accusation correctly on the FIRST turn and I was the one who put the cards in the envelope!

More that I can't think of:

Not quite a ghost...but not quite not.

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Re: Game-Playing Memories
« Reply #3 on: April 30, 2009, 08:40:49 PM »
1. I was playing RR and I got double Sowing the Seeded rofl good times
2. Playing Emjay in the ultimate battle of a 150 card deck vs a 100 card deck hahaha funny stuff
3. Our whole table tied at Natz and I made it into the North!
4. Play testing the Pats set before New Begining got discarded after being played lol
5. Getting all 7 of my Deacons Signed by Rob.
6. Playing A/B Sealed Deck with Warriors packs lol

1. I was playing during a camping trip my church used to do every year, I was the Sherif and I shot my own deputy lol
2. Had Uber crazy Defense of multiple Hatz, Barellz, Pony, and had the guy that had the barellz special ability hahaha
3. 07 Natz Scheaf gets the dynamite card and plays it, yelling DYN-A-Mi-TAY!

Settlers of Cannan:
1. Last years Natz game ahaha fun stuff

May add more :p
« Last Edit: April 30, 2009, 08:44:29 PM by Isildur »
3 Prophets Packs ftw

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Re: Game-Playing Memories
« Reply #4 on: April 30, 2009, 09:12:40 PM »
4. Play testing the Pats set before New Begining got discarded after being played lol
THAT was truly an amazing game.  I think one player had 10 cards left in his deck: Miriam, A New Beginning, and a couple evil characters, a few evil enhancements, and a few Lost Souls.  The Miriam, block, ANB got played DOZENS of times in a row in the same turn, each time igniting more and more laughter, before the opponent finally asked, HOW DO YOU KEEP DRAWING THAT CARD?!?  This isn't working!

So, we suggested that we specify that ANB NOT get shuffled.  :)


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Re: Game-Playing Memories
« Reply #5 on: April 30, 2009, 09:49:23 PM »
4. Play testing the Pats set before New Begining got discarded after being played lol
THAT was truly an amazing game.  I think one player had 10 cards left in his deck: Miriam, A New Beginning, and a couple evil characters, a few evil enhancements, and a few Lost Souls.  The Miriam, block, ANB got played DOZENS of times in a row in the same turn, each time igniting more and more laughter, before the opponent finally asked, HOW DO YOU KEEP DRAWING THAT CARD?!?  This isn't working!

So, we suggested that we specify that ANB NOT get shuffled.  :)

I seem to remember the first few times i played this card shuffleingg in the d/c piles....i dont think i read the card ALL the way through.

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Re: Game-Playing Memories
« Reply #6 on: April 30, 2009, 10:06:46 PM »
Top 10 game memories:

Star Wars: Epic Duels - the game where I was Darth Maul and after a lot of people were killed off (including Maul), I ended up being the lone survivor with my stinkin' battle droid.

Redemption CCG - my first game at my first tournament, when I drew 7 of 8 LS in my deck all on the opening draw.  Amazingly, I came back to win.

Stratego: Electronic Version - the game where I was getting slaughtered and my opponent had all of the top pieces left on the board, but left the piece that I thought was his flag open for a turn.  I was able to sneak attack with my "9-scout" and steal the victory.

Ticket to Ride - the game I played with my 5-year-old daughter recently where she only lost by 1 point.  I was so proud of her.

Shadows Over Camelot - the only game where we successfully defeated the dragon.

RISK - the 6-person game in college where I was squeezed out of all my starting options and ended up with only 2 armies sitting in Japan and no cards.  I ended up coming back to win that one, too.

Diplomacy - the email game where I made a solid Juggernaut alliance that we kept hidden for the first 4-5 moves, and then maintained throughout the game, leading to a race for the solo victory at the end (which I won).

Samauri Swords - the game where I knew that another player was going to throw everything into wiping me out and so I put all three of my armies in reinforced fortifications so that he would have to attack me over water.  Amazingly he still barely pulled it off and won the game.

Fortress America - just about every game that I play of this.  It seems to always come down to the last battle of the last turn, and whether a city holds or falls.  I LOVE that intensity.

Twixt - the first time I beat my Dad.  Growing up I always lost, but I kept trying until finally one day I beat him.

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Re: Game-Playing Memories
« Reply #7 on: April 30, 2009, 10:42:50 PM »
Star Wars: Epic Duels - the game where I was Darth Maul and after a lot of people were killed off (including Maul), I ended up being the lone survivor with my stinkin' battle droid.
With Maul, that is actually quite possible with his defense cards that can result in both people dying. :)

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Re: Game-Playing Memories
« Reply #8 on: May 01, 2009, 12:54:28 AM »
Getting second place at regionals several years ago. First time I had ever placed high before.
Winning 5 games in a row with panic demons.
Losing in 3 turns with panic demons to a garden tomb deck.  :D
As a national champion, I support ReyZen deck pouches.

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Re: Game-Playing Memories
« Reply #9 on: May 01, 2009, 10:09:50 AM »
I guess since this is a Redemption forum, I can add a few memorable Redemption moments. I can only really remember recent ones.

Nationals, final game. Daniel (Minister P) is trouncing me. I finally get to make a rescue attempt with a real powerhouse: Sarah. He blocks with Leviathan. In desperation, I play the only good enhancement I've got, and one that Daniel himself had declared a worthless piece of trash not very long before, a "filler" card that added nothing to the game and was just there to take up space: Buying Grain. It won me the battle, and kept me alive in the game enough to ultimately win.

SE Regionals. I've been having a lousy performance all tournament (in fact, it ended up being the only one I remember getting a 'bye' in), and I'm up against one Mr. Kopp (RR). He knew about my Genesis and Rome deck, and I knew his defense heaviness. Big decks with lots of defense make my deck sad, but I was at least keeping the game close. In fact, I was up 4-0, but I was swiftly running out of offense. His Egyptians were making things miserable for me, but luckily I had a trick up my sleeve: Journey to Egypt! Unfortunately for me, I set aside Benjamin, rather than any of the more moderately-sized Heroes I had at my disposal. As I excitedly went into battle, he blocked with... Panic Demon. My initiative... and I had NOTHING. Failure, failure. He went on to use Sowing the Seed to decimate my poor emperors and achieve a well-deserved victory.

Nationals, 2nd game. I face RR yet again. Same decks, or at least close to it. I'm dreading it. I had just faced Chris McCravy's (I think) Heroless deck and eked out a win after returning his Paul to hand with Chains on Namaan, and using lots of Simeon + Chariot of Fire. I did NOT want to face another, especially in such good hands as his. This was a rematch from a month earlier at Regionals. I had no confidence; I was sure that this would quash my hopes of doing decently well. My morale was not boosted by him discarding Journey to Egypt with his Egyptian. However, as I pestered him with Simeon and friends, he eventually ran out of defense in his almost purely defense deck, and I was able to get an unexpected victory. I don't think I've ever seen a Heroless deck run out of ECs so early.

NE Regionals several years ago, Booster Draft. Abimelech blocked Jephthah, successfully repelling him. Later that tournament, Michael Hue(rter) got name-on-name bonus with Helping Pharaoh's Daughter.
« Last Edit: May 01, 2009, 10:55:53 AM by TimMierz »
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Re: Game-Playing Memories
« Reply #10 on: May 01, 2009, 12:47:42 PM »
I never remember too many details of games but the games I do remember are huge.

1. Type 2-2 player during Nats @ K.C.  Last round, I was in contention to place if I won and won big but I had to make it through Clift Cresell's sin-in-the camp deck.  I was playing a AOCP abuse/False peace Deck.  I ran up a quick 4-0 lead on him.  I had him locked out with no access to any LS's.  and he says, "I'm gonna make a battle challenge"  and I snickered (not knowing that I would never play another card in that game again)  and said, "goahead, whatever"  I wasn't worried too much.

He comes in with ET banded to Claudia and plays 5 copies of Book of Hozai followed by 5 copied of jashar, and 5 reaches.  and with 45+ cards in his hand, he drops his last card in the 'play next enhancement" chain to start a side battle where he put his archers of keddar  banded to absaloms soldiers in a side battle against the last copy of his archers of keddar.  He has a 2k horses so he played the first enhancement which was...wait for it..

arrogance.  (here is where I started to get worreid.)

5 dreams and 4 more copies of 2khorses (for a total of 23 more cards.. he had drawn at least 68 cards..not counting LS's) until he deccked out.  Then came the fun.  three copies of words of discouragement, five copies of confusion, and five copies of Sin in the camp left me with no cards in hand, no way to get any cards in my deck and no way to discard the 5 SitC.

Last card he played was Great image to nuke my offense.

next round he brought in ET +aocp to nuke my defense and he walked in for a 7-4 win.  Brutal beat at my first Nats.

2. My first local tournament win for type 2-2player.  I was playing an defenseless site lockout deck with EMS (before EMS got ruled against)  In the second game my first draw, I drew 6 Dominants and two heros (SoG, NJ, AoTL, Burial, CM, FA, Moses and Cov of Moses)  I won in three turns. 5-0

3. Midwest Regionals 2 years ago, Ben huntsman was going in for a rescue against Josh Moremond.  Josh was blocking with an orange defense.  Ben was rescuing with Michael.  ben fought off 3 sinning hands by discarding first 4, then 2 then 1 card.  Josh moremond then played a battle winner (pride in something), Ben played flaming sword to negate it and Josh dropped his last sinning hand to remove Michael and seal the block.

I cant even remember who won that game, but I remember that block.  That was a brutal block.


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Re: Game-Playing Memories
« Reply #11 on: May 01, 2009, 01:10:59 PM »
Wow, story #1 there... that makes me simultaneously sad and happy I don't play Type II! What a battle.
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Re: Game-Playing Memories
« Reply #12 on: May 01, 2009, 07:16:41 PM »
  play group game last sunday
    dad plays innumble i play yoke of iron
     he plays battlewiner i play denying blame and the bell rings
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Re: Game-Playing Memories
« Reply #13 on: May 01, 2009, 07:35:25 PM »
I know there were many.  I just can't remember.  Or maybe I'm just old.   :D

But seriously, right off the top of my head I recall one amazing game of pinochle.  My buddy, John, his son, Jake (our redemption group), and I played a game of cutthroat (3-way) pinochle.  In 3-way, three hands are dealt with three cards thrown into the "crib".  (whoever wins the bid gets the crib.)  John and I are close to pointing out for the win.  Jake, who likes to bid crazily and therefore loses a lot of bids, is down about 40-50 points to John and I.  So during this hand Jake starts bidding us up on basically nothing in his hand.  John and I each have a run but I have less off-suit support so I bow out after a couple rounds of bidding.  Jake keeps outbidding John (which drives him nuts) so John finally gives up.  Jake turns over the three-card crib: two queens of spades and an off-suit ace.  Here's the kicker that had us all laughing afterwards as Jake filled in a run of spades and a double pinochle (he had both jacks)...he was bidding high thinking he would get the double pinochle!  So he nets like 65-68 meld, wins the hand and the game.  Mind you, John and I were mere points away from winning and jake bids it up on the hunch he'll get double pinochle!  And he gets his run to boot!!
Final ANB errata: Return player to game.

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Re: Game-Playing Memories
« Reply #14 on: May 02, 2009, 08:51:37 PM »
Redemption Memories:

Discarding Sog off the top of someone's deck first game first turn at nats.

I'm glad I made your top memories, but I don't remember it nearly so fondly.  Especially since that SoG would have given me the game.   :P   Man that was brutally bad luck that continued the rest of that tournament. (6-4 finish-->20th something place)  First game...first card.  Yuck.  For the next 6 months, J Tower went in all my decks even with Gabe commenting "you don't need that card." In which I would quickly reply: "yes, I do!"

I have lots of great memories, but the one that tops my list is in....
 ...Loaded Questions
My family came up to visit me in Cincinnati and it was one of my newer games.  I explained the rules that all questions must be at least answered honestly.  The question was:
    "Who would you leave your spare house key with?"
   Which normally pulls answers like: family, spouse, best friend/friend and the sort.  One of my family members gave a specific name!  It clearly gave away who it was as we all rolled on the floor with laughter.

My other memory is pretty unique so I'll share it.
   It is Age of Empires with a custom set up map that me and 2 college buddies were going to play.  After many battles on our hall, I was the top player.  I knew they would conspire against me but never in the way that they did.  The plan was to finish setting it up, and then after I got off work (dinner shift at the cafeteria) we would play the scenario all night.
  I get to my room, and we start the game up.  I go into my normal routine prepping and jumping through the ages.  Because of the years, the age's names are a little hazy, but I definitely noticed one friend jump to the third age a bit fast.  I thought nothing of it but scrambled to catch up but no matter how hard I worked...I was the last one to the 4th age which was not normal.  Next thing I outer defense is being bombarded by both opponents with the top upgraded troops.  I fight off the 1st wave of both of them.  I fight off a second wave.  During the third wave (all within minutes of each other), I see the writing on the wall and send off a group for a new base start (all my forward bases were destroyed during the 2nd wave).  I run into a line of towers which again I thought: "weird."  I fight a nook to begin my resurgence.  I lose the original base during the 4th wave.  I was just getting underway when I lost it too.  I was very frustrated and agitated because I had never been manhandled in AoE in such a way before.  In walks my two friends laughing...I asked how they did it so fast.  The revealed computers gave away their treacherous secret....

....they had changed the custom settings while I was at work.  I started at the agreed 1000 each.  They started at 20000 each.   I basked in the glow of the backhanded compliment that they gave me.
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Re: Game-Playing Memories
« Reply #15 on: May 02, 2009, 09:34:31 PM »
One time i was playing Monopoly with my mom and my dude ryupeco11. *Shoutout!!!* Anyway, I had all of the green with hotels on it; my mom had all the red with hotels and light blues with hotels and ryupeco11 had everything else except for Boardwalk and an orange. It is getting late and I am in last place about to go bankrupt, literally. Nine pm and my mom says she has to go to bed and gives me her stuff since i was getting my butt whooped. WE were cool with it so then after she gave me those, ryupeco11 kept landing on my property and owing me money. I was landing on him like once ever four times around the board. So he is loosing properties and all and all of a sudden it's one oclock and the tides had turned. I had almost all of the property and money. We recorded it just for fun. Everytime he rolled, he would land on my property; because of this he would owe me so I just kept saying "owe me" everytime he rolled just for fun lol. So then he said everytime you say owe me, you owe me 100 dollars if I don't. So i said deal. lol And he was getting my hundreds but kept paying me back for landing on my properties. At the end, like 2 am i had all but the oranges and all but 1 500 bill from the bank. It was good times lol
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Re: Game-Playing Memories
« Reply #16 on: May 03, 2009, 12:25:21 AM »
Loaded Questions, that reminds me...

A few years back, my family was playing LQ with my grandparents (my grandpa's name was Chet). My grandma asks the question from the card: "If you could say 'I love you' to one person right now, who would it be?" I write, just for a chuckle, "Chet." As we're reading her the answers, once we get to "Chet," she asks: "Who the heck would say that?"

Uncontrolled laughter - including the most I've ever seen my grandpa laugh - for a long, long time. :D And we even have that on tape!
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Re: Game-Playing Memories
« Reply #17 on: May 03, 2009, 07:39:42 AM »
One time i was playing Monopoly...

I stopped reading at this point.  ;)

One of my fondest memories is in a game of Battlestar Galactica, a game where all the players cooperate to try and get their ship home before the evil robots on the board destroy it.  The ship has counter wheels for various resources - food, morale, population, fuel - and if any of these drop to zero, we automatically lose.  There are "crisis cards" that simulate evil actions taken against the humans, which they must pass/fail as a team or suffer an ill fate.  Sometimes the crisis card hurts them anyway.  There is also a traitor aspect where one or more of the players can be Cylons (for those unfamiliar: evil robots disguised as humans).  My very first game of this, everybody drew loyal cards, so the ship made rapid progress for the first half of the game.

The second half of the game triggers the Sleeper Phase, where everyone gets a SECOND set of loyalty cards, and someone who was human for the first half could suddenly realize he was a Cylon and even he didn't know it.  That was me.  Apparently I'm not a very sneaky Cylon because I fell under suspicion quickly and was thrown in the brig.  A player who is brigged can petition the other players to let him out, or if he is a Cylon, he can reveal his Cylon-ness and immediately leave the ship to go do Cylony things.  The difference being that I lose the bonus I would get for revealing while out of the brig.  But usually, the smart thing to do from the brig is just reveal and get down to sabotaging the humans' plans.

Instead, I stayed in the brig - for FOUR TURNS - lamenting my unjust imprisonment and continuing to assist the humans whenever possible.  I even let an opportunity escape to hammer them with the evil ships surrounding them, as the ship "jumped" away from the bad guys while I was still in the brig.  Eventually, they said "if he was a Cylon, he would have just revealed by now" and were considering letting me out.  The tipping point was that Redemption_Tom called me at that exact moment, and they were very amused with my Mega Man 2 ring tone.  So I got out.

As a premise, let me say that my character was Helo, whose once-per-game superpower was that if a player has a choice on a Crisis card (most do), I can force them to take the other choice instead.  Galactica only needed one more jump to win the game, but they were also down to their last unit of fuel.  A crisis card comes up: "Option 1: Pass this skill check or lose whatever, 1 fuel and 1 morale or something.  Option B: roll 5 or higher (8-sided die) or lose 1 fuel".  The humans chose Option 1 since they could pass the skill check easily and avoid the bad thingy.  As Helo, I said, "Actually, no, I say you choose Option 2."

"Oh crap, he's a Cylon."
"What kind of jerk Cylon stays in the brig for four turns"

Roll Die.  Result: 3.  Last unit of fuel lost.

"The kind of jerk Cylon that just BEAT YOU!!!"

It's not always best to gamble the whole game on a 50/50 die roll, but when it comes out in your favor, man it's a great story.  The humans enjoyed it enough that they weren't really mad at me - I was just playing the game like it's supposed to be played - but now I have a suspicious eye cast on me in EVERY game.

The other night, in fact, the President revealed himself as a Cylon with a move that managed to put three of the other four players in the Brig simultaneously.  The one guy left was scrambling with us to get even one person out, and eventually we all did.  Until we found out there was a second Cylon, when he revealed himself and got his bonus, which damaged Galactica enough to destroy it.  Humans got creamed in that game.

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Re: Game-Playing Memories
« Reply #18 on: May 03, 2009, 02:06:50 PM »
One time i was playing Monopoly ...

ok I know to many monopoly stories becuase the only time you play monoploy is when you have boat loads of time and it ends up going on till the sun nearly rises and everyone just so tired that anything and everything is funny. (you owe my 26 dollars. here is 20 you be aight. try going to the grocery store and getting 26 dollars worth of groceries then only giving them 20 and sayin "you be aight)
« Last Edit: May 03, 2009, 02:12:02 PM by Ryupeco11 »
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Re: Game-Playing Memories
« Reply #19 on: May 04, 2009, 03:40:43 PM »
I introduced a group of people at my church in Pittsburgh to Slide 5. They got really into it - maybe too into it. I didn't realize they were such a competitive bunch. Quoth Pastor Floyd: "Christian love aside, I want to kill you."
Get Simply Adorable Slugfest at

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Re: Game-Playing Memories
« Reply #20 on: May 04, 2009, 05:00:45 PM »
Here's another more recent memory:

We're playing capture the flag during indoor team paintball.  I have Jake and TJ on my team with Forrest teaming with his dad and Jake's dad.  Both teams are pinned down by each team's sniper in a tower.  TJ turns to me and says, "I'm out."  Just as he says this Jake comes down from the tower and says, "Me, too."  I think "Holy Cow" and initiate a Roy O'Bannon suicide run for the flag.  You could hear the staccato of three paintball markers as I grabbed the flag and fired back while out in the open.  Nary a shot touched me.  As everyone was congratulating me and wondering how three shooters could miss me, I checked my hopper to find that I had just three paintballs left.   :o
Final ANB errata: Return player to game.

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Re: Game-Playing Memories
« Reply #21 on: May 04, 2009, 05:56:10 PM »
I had a great game of airsoft once where two of my friends and I all had medium range weapons and one person had a sniper rifle. I went around the corner of a house and saw the sniper laying there and he didn't notice me so I ran up and tried to capture him but he ran. After that I was chasing him through a wooded yard and I ran into the sniper again and just as I had him I got ambushed and the sniper got away. I took out the guy who ambushed me and chased the sniper into an open field where I shot him a few times and he finally went down 
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Re: Game-Playing Memories
« Reply #22 on: May 04, 2009, 09:49:40 PM »
lol I thought we were just talking board games!  If we are talking about paintball then I got some more.

1. Once I was playing paintball in 12 inches of snow.  It was so cold the tanks were starting to get real weak and taking some distance off of the shots. ( which put us at a distinct disadvantage because one guy had a tippman with a back spin barrel that caused his shots to go at least 100 feet farther and a lot straighter.)  We were playing in a strip of forest with a half frozen creek on one side and an open field on the other.  both were out of bounds.  In between the two teams of three were trees of various sizes and little gullies.

it was three on three and one of my guys was a noob and got nailed pretty much from the start.  I tend to be a crazy "all offense, all day long" kind of guy.  So I start working from tree to tree while my buddy supports me.  Then I lay down some suppressing fire to help him advance.  Well they got two people trained on him pinning him down and he is stuck between a thicket and the open field (I was on the river side) where he cannot advance.  so he basically camps there laying down sporadic fire.

Well I figure, if he has two of them tied up, why dont I just advance and pick of the one guy on my own.  So I begin to advance and I draw the third players fire.  but I was caught in a spot much more open than I thought so I dived headfirst into this little creek... 

Right in front of me is a Opossum.  He looks at me lets out this little hiss and falls over playing dead.  I literally laughed out loud and grabbed him by the tail and carried him with me until the game ended.  then I let everyone see my "surprised" guest.

2. I once played "submission" with my brother.  Submission is where you stand 20 feet from one another and at the same time, start shooting each other until one gives in.  I didnt notice it at the time but my brother placed his extra pods in front of his crotch.  I didnt think that far ahead.  lucky for me, my brother is a lousy shot ( although I did take one in the neck that broke the skin pretty badly)

unluckily for my brother, I am not a bad shot.  I lit him up bigtime.  He had over 2 dozen nickle sized bruises all over his legs arms and torso.

3.One of the most fun games ever was when my youth group played "assault"  20 people outside and only 4 people inside this converted semi- trailer.  the trailer had two entrances ( one on each end) and four windows.  The four people on the inside had to hold off the assault of everyone outside.  It was deafening when everyone opened fire on the trailer.  those of us in the trailer lost..big time.

4. For my bachelor party, we played paintball. ( seriously, I love this game)  it was 3 on three and it was me, some guy I barely knew and my best freind against three "veteran" players...on thier own home turf.  The field we were playing in was mixed scrub, with trees and some patchy tall grass.  througout this field/forest were ATV trails and the out of bouts were a river and a driveway to the N and S and a highway and an open field to the E and W.  along the East boundary ran a Railroad Track (still in bounds) and a deep gully (about 8-10 feet deep.)

They started on the NE and We started on the SW corners and at the appointed time, began to play.  I made a quick dash to the SE corner and began to S L O W L Y work my way forward from tree to tree.  I would wait 3-5 minutes before moving on slowly scanning for movement. 

I saw two of them slowly moving from tree to tree down the RR track.  I was them before they saw me so that was my advantage and I basially let them move into range and then I pulled the trap on them, taking them both out with a few quick shots.

Then, knowing my shots would attract the attention of the third player, I jumped into the creek bed and ran quikly up the creek bed to make some distance and find a good place to set a trap.

I rain straight into the third player sitting in a small rill waiting to snipe anyone moving up or down the creek.  Luckily for me, he was behind some thick cover and the weeds broke up most of his paintballs.  I dived into a small rill on his side, army crawled up the rill fast and then rolled out on top right behind him.  He was still sitting there thinking I would come out and try to advance up the creek.  I lit him up before he knew I was there.

That was a good day.   ;D
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Re: Game-Playing Memories
« Reply #23 on: May 04, 2009, 11:07:25 PM »
I can't believe you mentioned all that and forgot (or failed to inform) the "HO Chi Men Trail" incident.

I'll fill you guys in because it was more sad and historically accurate than we would care to admit or remember.  Same teams...we were walking along the drive way deciding to stay together as a team.  We figured that they set up deep in the woods and decided to run the boundaries to flank them.  Early on the road, we were relaxing and talking as we sauntered along. As we got to the corner of their back boundary, the other team (who decided to stick together as well) pokes up from behind a dirt pile and mows the front two down (we had no cover on the road) which gave me time to dive behind a tree.  Long story short:  I wasn't "alive" 5 minutes later either.  Later, it was a good laugh but a shameful strategic decision.  For some odd reason, they decided to set up in the far corner of their territory on the SAME side that we decided to walk down and flank them from.  Now that I sit here and type this...I'm wondering if one of my comrads was a spy willing to "die" for their loyalties.
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Re: Game-Playing Memories
« Reply #24 on: May 04, 2009, 11:23:11 PM »
Ghosts in the Graveyard... I was the ghost (it's like, 3 am) and I was wearing a white shirt... so I took it off, and hid it kinda obviously on the ground... then I proceeded to hid under (or behind?) a minivan. they all start looking for me, but upon seeing my shirt, they were unsure. "Is that him?" I walked right in the middle of them all... "yeah guys, I think that's him..." after about 5 min. of argueing, I got bored, and just tagged a guy. but I had fun...

redemption. who will ever forget the "you're gonna pay for that."? Booster draft. I battle challenge (unknowingly, he had his lost souls in sites...) against franta012, with Jepthah, and I discarded Job's Wife and King Zimri. "YOU'RE GONNA PAY FOR THAT!" blocks Athaliah (at this time I realized it was a battle challenge) throws down a Haman's Plot and shreds that sucker before anything could be said.

redemption. I converted The False Prophet 3 times before he died... IN BOOSTER! I am Patience. Paul's Girdle. I am Patience. Cage. I am Patience. (don't know how he was killed...)


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