Truth is you always struggle with sin somewhere even just as a temptation, and you sin way more than you realize because we don't have a full capacity to understand what is and is not sin.
I understand why you would come to this conclusion from your perspective, but it is not what I believe to be true. I believe that God has the power to change us so thoroughly that we no longer even want to sin. This fits with my understanding of the Bible, and it has also been my personal experience for long periods of time in my life. During those times, resisting temptation has NOT been a struggle. Christ calls us to be perfect even as His Father is perfect, and Christ's yoke is light and His burden is easy.
Thank you for your openness and for your encouragement. I ask that you would pray for me as I seek to grow in wisdom and understanding.
I will be glad to pray for you in this area. God tells us that if we ask for wisdom that He will give it to us. So you're on the right track

So even being entirely sanctified there are still moments of struggle and times of needing to be cleansed again?
Again, this would depend on your theology. My Christian brothers and sisters who believe in Eternal Security would probably dislike the idea of needing to be cleansed again. However, within my own faith tradition and understanding, it is entirely possible for this to be necessary. But when it comes to Entire Sanctification, I'm not sure that the whole cleansing analogy is the most accurate. I think that analogy works more for salvation, and would choose something more akin to metamorphasis for sanctification. C.S. Lewis talks about the idea of a horse turning into a pegasus, and although it is a painful process for the wings to burst out the sides of the horse, that in the end you have a whole different animal. It is not just a horse that can jump a bit higher than before, but rather one that can fly.
I hope that I can draw nearer to God and I hope that I can continue to grow in The Lord. I find myself praying that God would help me to live according to His word, to seek Him with all my heart and that he would help not go astray and that I could dwell on His word.
It's interesting that you mention growing in the Lord, as earlier in the discussion I was thinking about pointing to the passage that talks about how even Jesus "grew in wisdom and stature with God and man". And your idea to seek God first is also Biblical. If you seek Him first, then everything else will come right along.