Cactus Web Site special offer: Orders over $75 will receive a free Angel of God 2023 National Promo card while supplies last.
I was playing airsoft once with a brand new rifle and I took 3 magazines (Not literature, but the ammunition holders) with me but 1 fell out of my pocket, and the magazine release button was real sensitive and at some point I had "Released" the second magazine so when I went to fire, nothing came out and when I reached for another mag I noticed it too was missing...
Hey everyone I am bored and I like to laugh so post your greatest fails of the past, present, possibly even future on here and everyone have a good laugh. They can even be about your friends. Like....My friend went on a field trip and lost all her money to buy souveneirs and food so she had to borrow for food but no one had any money to give her for souveneirs. When she got home her mom asked her what was wrong and she said I lost my money where did i put it? Did i leave it here? The mom goes Did you check your pocket? The money was in her coat pocket the entire
Played falling away on myself in a multiplayer game where everyone else had Guardian up.
.I've also seen the ability of Of One Mind win a rescue attempt.~Britta
I am pretty sure I was at that table... ...But I dont really feel sorry for you since I am almost positive I got more than my fair share of dom blocks from you since you hate speed decks
I was playing with my friend before a tournament, and I left the Mountain Dew fun card from TLG in my sleeve. IN A 50 CARD DECK!!!! got DQed, (i was in first by a whole 6 soul count). epic fail. the reasons it took a while to figure it out is #1. our deck checker only counts cards. #2. I hadn't decked out in the tourney before this. epick fail. it deserves the k.