Author Topic: Ending a long lasting debate  (Read 2244 times)

Offline New Raven BR

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Ending a long lasting debate
« on: December 05, 2013, 12:48:41 AM »
Ok, after going through a thread and being reminded of how Colin said I smelled like tacos. well I will end that and be calm and as mature about it as possible

and Westy, I found a comment you had posted 3 years ago but I never saw it til now


I. Raven smells like tacos.
I realize how childish this discussion was and how immature I was towards it and I had felt very insulted and put down and took it as offensive and it really wasn't how I should have reacted being then.

but now as 2013 is coming to a close very soon to start the new year. I would like to put this debate to rest, once and for all the way I should have a while ago. Colin had started a lil "trend" where he thought I smelled like tacos well in my defense, I don't know what he was smelling by that time but rest assured, the morning of the day he started saying that, I DID have a shower that day before the local back in 06-07. most of us would agree that tacos smell good but daggumit, I never knew someone would say I smelled THAT good!

how I feel about it now is, it's nothing more then some silly joke that some people just cant help but say. but it all depends on what the person's intention is. I don't know how a person intends on using the phrase but God does know.
whether a person intends on using it to build me up or try to tear me down it doesn't matter, some may have the intention of tearing me down with it and to retort I say; just because it's hip and cool to say it and be cruel about it, doesn't make it ok for you to do the same and be cruel about it as well. that's just as bad as cyberbullying. but for those who do say it regardless, I thank you for the compliment, it's better to smell like tacos then to smell like all various kinds of bad smells such as skunks, piles of garbage, and horse poo.
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Re: Ending a long lasting debate
« Reply #1 on: December 05, 2013, 01:54:45 AM »
Bringing things back up again doesn't end it, it just, well, brings them back up again. When was the last time anybody mentioned something like this? Probably that comment. And it won't happen again, as I'm sure the moderation team will make sure of. We've stepped up our game since then.

If this brings you closure, go for it, but I'm pretty sure there's no debate here. It was a childish "joke" that was blown out of proportion by childish people, and it wasn't handled well. Everybody else has let it go.

FWIW, I apologize for my behavior from three years ago. I didn't really mean anything by it, I'm sure, but it was an immature thing to say, and it IS cyber-bullying.

Offline New Raven BR

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Re: Ending a long lasting debate
« Reply #2 on: December 05, 2013, 03:39:44 AM »
If this brings you closure, go for it, but I'm pretty sure there's no debate here. It was a childish "joke" that was blown out of proportion by childish people, and it wasn't handled well. Everybody else has let it go.

FWIW, I apologize for my behavior from three years ago. I didn't really mean anything by it, I'm sure, but it was an immature thing to say, and it IS cyber-bullying.
as a matter of fact, closure is just it other then I get a sense of victory when I step up and say, im not gonna let it bother me anymore. if anything, it'll just be a compliment. and posting this thread is just my way of finally just being the bigger man in it and letting it go. and after I posted this thread I felt a whole lot better about myself
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Re: Ending a long lasting debate
« Reply #3 on: December 06, 2013, 03:08:13 AM »

So in order to demonstrate how "mature" you've become, you're responding to a 6-7 year old joke that 99% of the people on these forums have forgotten about?
Makes sense.
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Re: Ending a long lasting debate
« Reply #4 on: December 06, 2013, 08:34:07 AM »
So in order to demonstrate how "mature" you've become, you're responding to a 6-7 year old joke that 99% of the people on these forums have forgotten about?

This is the difference between being the one who bullies, versus the one who is being bullied. The one who bullies just posts his remarks with no concern for anyone else, and then soon afterward forgets what he said. The person who is being bullied will likely never forget. Although some of the wounds may be self-inflicted by not forgetting, thus is the life of those who actually feel pain.

The fact that Andy can overcome this pain is indeed a victory, even if it is years later. I'm sure many of us still have painful memories that seem to never go away, even though the incident was more than 7 years ago. As Christians, or anyone really who gives a care, we should celebrate these victories rather than mock them.

Westy, I feel that your post was more of an attempt to come alongside Andy, especially with how you ended it. I felt that was remarkably bold to admit publicly, and was an admirable stance to take. I hope I can say that I am proud of you without sounding condescending, since I am old enough to be your dad.  ;)

Andy, take your victories over the past and let the past no longer define (or refine) your future. Over time you will be able to brush off the words of the careless, and take hold of the words from loved ones instead. Keep up the victories! God will give you strength!  ;D
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Offline New Raven BR

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Re: Ending a long lasting debate
« Reply #5 on: December 06, 2013, 09:12:43 AM »

Andy, take your victories over the past and let the past no longer define (or refine) your future. Over time you will be able to brush off the words of the careless, and take hold of the words from loved ones instead. Keep up the victories! God will give you strength!  ;D
I will :). and jsb, I just felt I needed to be the bigger man in it and say im not gonna let it bother me and if someone still was to say I smell like tacos then I would thank them cause to me, that's a compliment even if one intends on bullying me with it. God is in control, and he'll be the judge of those who've inflicted emotional damage to me years ago. but as far as what I say about it now compared to then, I say I forgive everyone of those who've used that phrase to bully me, including colin and you too westy :)
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