Author Topic: Emperor C Vs ASA  (Read 1653 times)

Offline Minion of Jesus

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Emperor C Vs ASA
« on: August 24, 2014, 07:38:14 PM »
Title says all. Which is better, Emperor Caius Caligula or Assyrian Siege Army? My inclination is that by himself, Emperor is better, because he doesn't need another EC for his ability to work. But ASA plays well with other ECs because he only needs another assyrian.

Could a mod make this a poll, please?
To the Pain!



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Re: Emperor C Vs ASA
« Reply #1 on: August 24, 2014, 07:45:10 PM »
E.C.C - If blocking and all your Evil Characters are Roman, you may negate and discard an Artifact, Site, or Fortress in play or set aside area.

A.S.A - If blocking and another Assyrian is in play, you may negate and discard an Artifact, single color Site, or Fortress in play or set-aside area. Cannot be negated.

Honestly, I think ASA is better for the following reasons:
1. ASA is CBN.
2. ASA doesn't pigeonhole your defense into being 1 theme for it to work, it just requires another Assyrian (which another copy of itself counts for since it's generic).
3. ASA is generic so you can legitimately have 4 of him in a deck in T2. From my understanding, you rarely have more than 2 of a unique character like ECC.

The only thing I can really see ECC being better for is that he can discard any site, including multi sites like Dragon Raid or NJ.
« Last Edit: August 24, 2014, 08:31:19 PM by browarod »

Offline Drrek

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Re: Emperor C Vs ASA
« Reply #2 on: August 24, 2014, 08:02:07 PM »
E.C.C - If blocking and all your Evil Characters are Roman, you may negate and discard an Artifact, Site, or Fortress in play or set aside area.

A.S.A - If blocking and another Assyrian is in play, you may negate and discard an Artifact, single color Site, or Fortress in play or set-aside area. Cannot be negated.

Honestly, I think ASA is better for the following reasons:
1. ASA is CBN.
2. ASA doesn't pigeonhole your defense into being 1 theme for it to work, it just requires another Assyrian (which another copy of itself counts for since it's generic).
3. ASA is generic so you can legitimately have 4 of him in a deck in T2. From my understanding, you rarely have more than 1 of a unique character like ECC.

The only thing I can really see ECC being better for is that he can discard any site, including multi sites like Dragon Raid or NJ.

ECC is more splashable, because you don't actually need another evil character to activate him, and if you are hiding your ECs in hand, you can just plop him down an blow up something.
The user formerly known as Easty.


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