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I'm not lover of Apple products, but I see more people use that term than actually own Macs. It wasn't funny at it's conception, let alone now.
I'd never heard the term before. Not claiming I was the first to come up with it, but it makes sense that it's already a thing.I have nothing against apple products. iPods and iPhones are great. The real computers notsomuch.
Quote from: Minister Polarius on October 20, 2011, 01:25:11 AMI'd never heard the term before. Not claiming I was the first to come up with it, but it makes sense that it's already a thing.I have nothing against apple products. iPods and iPhones are great. The real computers notsomuch.Apple makes real computers? Wow, I've been out of the loop since Steve Jobs retired.
Macs tend to be more economical.
Here's the thing about Macs- they are extremely useful for a musician or artist.
A PC with a mic and Audacity (free) can do this equally well. I will agree Garageband is a nice piece of software.