ok, we have our t shirts but i just wanna stop and discuss for fun for the moment on possible official redemption merchandise.
backpacks with special compartments for card game tools like sleeves, deck boxes, and pockets for dice, snacks and drinks.
playmat used for further learning the game, instructing where to put what card during what step during a turn, as well as a diagram of deck building rules and facedown side showing some in-game terms and rulings.
hoodies; nowadays, players possibly wanna wear hoodies cause i know i would, and hoodies would also be a good way to spread the word of the game to other people and try and grow the game.
diswasher safe waterbottes; i know as well as everyone else that you get thirsty during a long fought game and if you dont have the cash for the church's soda stash, then why not have a water bottle to fill using the church's water fountain thats free and put in your favorite individual drink packets? healthier and quenches one's thirst a whole lot better.
these are just some ideas and i know i've been known to share ludicrous ideas involving the game like "redemption on the go" but now im well aware that, that idea would have been a total flop right from the get-go, and since i graduated TRC, ive grown more mature within those past 7 months. but these idea i feel could work but like i said, this is a "just for fun" discussion, so please share your ideas on possible redemption merchandise, these are mine but i put these for the fun of it. so lets have fun discussing!