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Re: Cussing #$%&!
« Reply #50 on: September 03, 2009, 09:03:18 PM »
That's exactly what I'm saying. But you are putting words into my mouth
I'm confused by this statement.  If I have properly ascertained what you were saying, how is it that I have put words into your mouth?

You (in the general sense) are stuck in your little Christian world and can't argue reasonably without allowing your bias to show. Don't get me wrong, everyone is bias, but it should not be the basis of your argument.
That's absurd.  God's Truth as the basis of my argument is the best basis to have.

I wish that we could argue in a formal manner without letting the basis for a casual argument be "Well I believe...".
I'm not arguing what I believe, I am arguing by showing God's Truth.  I am putting forth Scripture, which is God's Truth.  Are you saying that God is wrong?
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Re: Cussing #$%&!
« Reply #51 on: September 03, 2009, 09:03:51 PM »
Colin bores me.

If you were arguing with an Atheist about this same topic and were to say "God says to guard your heart, to speak no evil". Well, do you really think an Atheist is going to care what our God says? No, which is why I wish that we could argue in a formal manner without letting the basis for a casual argument be "Well I believe...".

When I was teaching in the Virginia Beach Public Schools, I had a student who was swearing in class. I reported him and we eventually had a parent conference. The student's mother was an atheist who told us that she encourages swearing in her home, so she felt we had no right to stop him in school. My principal, who was an atheist homosexual, told the mother that the school's Code of Conduct specifically states that swearing is not allowed in school.

If your argument is that swearing is becoming more socially acceptable, then the Virginia Beach City Public Schools disagree with you, and I guarantee that they are not religiously motivated.
« Last Edit: September 03, 2009, 09:08:27 PM by YourMathTeacher »
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Re: Cussing #$%&!
« Reply #52 on: September 03, 2009, 09:06:22 PM »
Whenever you say "God says" or "I believe" you are showing your emotions are interfering with your judgment and you are therefor biased and discrediting yourself. If your going to casually debate over this know the facts and never let your emotions play a should only be going by intelligent creditability. "I believe" is the worst thing you could use.

Yay logic class.
EDIT: instaposted with YMT oh wells
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Re: Cussing #$%&!
« Reply #53 on: September 03, 2009, 09:08:06 PM »
Now YMT's argument is completely off subject that was a matter of bucking authority set by the board of counsel's is irrelevant in my opinion to this argument.

Show me a kid under four who hasn't heard the H word or the D
 word its inevitable they will hear it because society as a majorit accepts it now
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Re: Cussing #$%&!
« Reply #54 on: September 03, 2009, 09:09:08 PM »
Now YMT's argument is completely off subject that was a matter of bucking authority set by the board of counsel's is irrelevant in my opinion to this argument

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Re: Cussing #$%&!
« Reply #55 on: September 03, 2009, 09:09:41 PM »
How is that biased?

I said in my opinion because I don't have any credibility to force it so yeah its bias...but I wasn't trying to put up a debate against it I was merely stating my opinion...Sean seemed to be debating...correct me if I'm wrong
« Last Edit: September 03, 2009, 09:11:54 PM by xCaLeBx »
"Someone died in the bathroom, didn't they." -Dwight

Offline Lawfuldog

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Re: Cussing #$%&!
« Reply #56 on: September 03, 2009, 09:15:41 PM »
Whenever you say "God says" or "I believe" you are showing your emotions are interfering with your judgment and you are therefor biased and discrediting yourself. If your going to casually debate over this know the facts and never let your emotions play a should only be going by intelligent creditability. "I believe" is the worst thing you could use.

I agree to a point. But all three (ethos, logos, pathos) are all important when persuading someone or convincing them. You can't just vomit informational facts, you must add in pathos or it's very dry and whoever you are arguing with is not going to give you as much recognition.

Oh and Logic was my favorite class Freshman year, just sayin'. It was the only class that year that I excelled in, besides Geometry.

YMT: That is a school system. I go to a Private Christian academy, and cursing is obviously not accepted in the least sense. By socially accepted I meant in the average "day out at the mall" setting. Everytime I walk around my mall, I hear random people cursing as if it's nothing. I can't stand it, it's not used appropriately.

Sean: You are arguing God's Truth. You must believe in God's Truth for you to argue for such. Therefore your bias as a Christian believer is the basis of your argument. I'm not talking about whether or not cursing is a sin (I don't believe it is, but even if it is, we have a God who is forgiving and merciful), I'm saying it's alright when used appropriately and never around girls.
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Offline Alex_Olijar

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Re: Cussing #$%&!
« Reply #57 on: September 03, 2009, 09:16:32 PM »
Caleb your amking an epic fail of an argument. Please quit repsonding as you are making people who have no problem with cussing look ridiculous. Your bias is having the bias that everyone else has a bias. You are presdisposed to think YMT has a bias, and thus are bias, and therefore you are no more legitimate to answer any questions than YMT.

As for your point, "God says" is not a terrible thing to use in the context of a debate with Christians if Scripture follows the use of "God says". It is, however, a terrible idea to claim that invoking God's mandate among Christians is bad argument. It is great argument within context. Obviously invoking biblical mandate among athiests is bad, but are we athiests?

As foir the main point, I personally have no problems with Christian cussers so to speak. I personally attempt not to use the words (and I would be a fool if I said I succeed), but I don't find a biblical mandate. In my opinion, the passages used to support a no cuss position have much more to do with things such as That's what she said jokes and other jokes of a sexual manner.

Offline YourMathTeacher

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Re: Cussing #$%&!
« Reply #58 on: September 03, 2009, 09:28:20 PM »
YMT: That is a school system. I go to a Private Christian academy, and cursing is obviously not accepted in the least sense. By socially accepted I meant in the average "day out at the mall" setting. Everytime I walk around my mall, I hear random people cursing as if it's nothing. I can't stand it, it's not used appropriately.

You can't dismiss evidence because you want to. A public school system decided that swearing was not appropriate in school. Why would it not be acceptable if it is viewed okay by the public?

Also, if you walk down the beach in Virginia Beach, you will see signs posted that have the title of this thread with a big red circle and slash through the middle. The city decided that swearing was inappropriate in a public setting and that it was a deterrent to tourism. Why would they decide that if swearing was viewed as okay by the public?

Clearly even the general public views swearing as inappropriate. What is worse is that Christians spout out profanity in earshot of non-Christians who then view them as hypocrites. Why?

Because swearing is not okay to the general public.
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Offline Lawfuldog

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Re: Cussing #$%&!
« Reply #59 on: September 03, 2009, 09:34:22 PM »
YMT: That is a school system. I go to a Private Christian academy, and cursing is obviously not accepted in the least sense. By socially accepted I meant in the average "day out at the mall" setting. Everytime I walk around my mall, I hear random people cursing as if it's nothing. I can't stand it, it's not used appropriately.

Also, if you walk down the beach in Virginia Beach, you will see signs posted that have the title of this thread with a big red circle and slash through the middle. The city decided that swearing was inappropriate in a public setting and that it was a deterrent to tourism. Why would they decide that if swearing was viewed as okay by the public?

Clearly even the general public views swearing as inappropriate...

Because swearing is not okay to the general public.

I find it funny how you think just because of a sign that says no cursing, that people aren't going to curse.

Stealing is against the law, yet it still happens.
Murder is against the law, yet it still happens.
You get my point.

Just because you stick a little red line through something and say it's bad doesn't mean people aren't going to do it anymore. In fact, to teenagers that is all the more reason to do it. Saying that the general public views swearing as inappropriate because of a sign and view of a certain state is illogical. It would be like me saying murder is not okay to the general public, which is FAR more serious than cursing (law enforcement wise, not as a sin), yet it still happens and will continue to happen everyday.
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Re: Cussing #$%&!
« Reply #60 on: September 03, 2009, 09:48:21 PM »
Oh, I thought this thread was about whether cussing was okay, not whether it was occurring in the world. My mistake. Like I said earlier, I have not read this whole thread.

I apologize for the confusion.
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Re: Cussing #$%&!
« Reply #61 on: September 03, 2009, 09:51:28 PM »
Swearing increases your level of pain tolerance.

Only superficially related to the topic, but an interesting factoid.

Offline Lawfuldog

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Re: Cussing #$%&!
« Reply #62 on: September 03, 2009, 09:52:52 PM »
Oh, I thought this thread was about whether cussing was okay, not whether it was occurring in the world. My mistake. Like I said earlier, I have not read this whole thread.

I apologize for the confusion.

Mature, very mature...

If you really think that's what I'm arguing about, then I would accuse you of just spittin your bias of the topic at me and not even reading my comments. I'm saying that it is generally accepted by today's society that cursing is okay. Do you not agree that more and more people are cursing? Is that not proof that it is becoming more acceptable? Which goes to prove my point that EVERYONE is influenced by those around them that curse, and it could lead them to possibly curse without thinking.
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Offline Alex_Olijar

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Re: Cussing #$%&!
« Reply #63 on: September 03, 2009, 09:54:23 PM »
Swearing increases your level of pain tolerance.

Only superficially related to the topic, but an interesting factoid.

Are you telling me if I constantly repeat X during my running for soccer tommorow, my pulled back muscle won't hurt as much? That's amazing.

Offline Lawfuldog

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Re: Cussing #$%&!
« Reply #64 on: September 03, 2009, 09:55:13 PM »
Swearing increases your level of pain tolerance.

Only superficially related to the topic, but an interesting factoid.

That's... interesting... haha.
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Re: Cussing #$%&!
« Reply #65 on: September 03, 2009, 09:58:47 PM »
I'm saying that it is generally accepted by today's society that cursing is okay.
Maybe that's because more people are hurting today and they need to increase their pain threshold.

Are you telling me if I constantly repeat X during my running for soccer tommorow, my pulled back muscle won't hurt as much? That's amazing.
That would appear to be the claim made in the study.

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Re: Cussing #$%&!
« Reply #66 on: September 03, 2009, 10:11:15 PM »
Cussing is unnecessary. By not cussing I have set myself apart from others I work around and it is noticed. I have said my share of cuss words in the past, but decided it was unnecessary and contradictory to being a good witness. I enjoy holding my tongue to a higher standard and having it be noticed. There are plenty of descriptive words in the English language to use instead of cussing. I have read the entire thread and see alot of posts attempting to justify cussing as socially acceptable and situationally useful, but those just come across as a cop-out rather than a legitimate reason to cuss. Many things that are socially acceptable (cussing) and situationally useful (condoms) do not line up with being a child of God. We are people set apart from the world and we are to be different and it is supposed to be noticed. Draw a line in the sand, get a backbone and start saying this is where I with it. Quit arguing/debating, whatever you want to call it,  about whether cussing is a sin because is it simply a dog chasing its tail mentality at this point. Those who want to cuss will find justification for it and those who do not cuss are justified. I will agree to disagree with those who want to justify cussing and mine will always be the sounder position because I choose to bridle my tongue NOT find justification to loose it. Draw a line in the sand and be set apart from the world as a child of God. I will not argue this and I will not debate this. I am simply showing where I have drawn the line in the sand and have said "No more will I do this, I am different."

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Offline Sean

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Re: Cussing #$%&!
« Reply #67 on: September 03, 2009, 10:25:15 PM »
Quote from: Lawfuldog
I'm saying it's alright when used appropriately
You said it would be ok in "the heat of the moment".  I gave you another "heat of the moment" situation.  If the situation I put forth is not ok, then neither is any other "heat of the moment" situation.  You're basing your argument on what the world around us says.  I'm basing mine on what God says in Scripture.  Tell me which of us stands on rock and which of us stands on sand?

Quote from: Lawfuldog
I'm saying that it is generally accepted by today's society that cursing is okay. Do you not agree that more and more people are cursing? Is that not proof that it is becoming more acceptable?
Just because something is acceptable by today's society doesn't mean it is right.  The original post asked if cussing was right.  God says it isn't.  As a Christian, what more proof do you need that we shouldn't cuss?

Whenever you say "God says" or "I believe" you are showing your emotions are interfering with your judgment and you are therefor biased and discrediting yourself.
I disagree.  My emotions have nothing to do with how I'm arguing.  The fact that I am using God's standard as my own doesn't interfere with my own judgment, it shows that I am attempting to have my judgment be the same as God's on this issue.  If agreeing with God discredits me then I will gladly be discredited.
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Re: Cussing #$%&!
« Reply #68 on: September 03, 2009, 10:36:50 PM »
Mature, very mature...

 ???  I guess I am confused by your previous post, then.

I find it funny how you think just because of a sign that says no cursing, that people aren't going to curse.

Stealing is against the law, yet it still happens.
Murder is against the law, yet it still happens.
You get my point.

No, then, I do not get your point. Are you saying that murder and stealing are acceptable then, just like swearing?

Just because you stick a little red line through something and say it's bad doesn't mean people aren't going to do it anymore. In fact, to teenagers that is all the more reason to do it. Saying that the general public views swearing as inappropriate because of a sign and view of a certain state is illogical. It would be like me saying murder is not okay to the general public, which is FAR more serious than cursing (law enforcement wise, not as a sin), yet it still happens and will continue to happen everyday.

Again, the little red line means that it is not okay, which is what I thought we were debating.

Their is no heirarchy here. I agree that police may not enforce certain laws as much as others, but that does not determine right and wrong. Police rarely enforce shoplifting laws, but I would still argue that stealing is viewed as inappropriate to the general public, and is obviously wrong for Christians.
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Re: Cussing #$%&!
« Reply #69 on: September 03, 2009, 10:43:48 PM »
Do you not agree that more and more people are cursing? Is that not proof that it is becoming more acceptable?

More and more people are kidnapping children, molesting them, and killing them.
More and more people are registered sex offenders.
More and more people are viewing child pornography.
More and more people are going on killing sprees before committing suicide.
More and more people are committing adultery.
More and more married teachers are having sex with their students.

The "more and more people" mentality is probably what got Sodom and Gomorrah into trouble.
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Re: Cussing #$%&!
« Reply #70 on: September 03, 2009, 11:20:21 PM »
if someone were to say, have their foot ran over by a car accidently
Oddly enough, that happened to me (and I didn't cuss btw)

my brother still uses it against me whenever I try to witness.
That's exactly what I'm talking about.

Cussing is ...unnecessary and contradictory to being a good witness.
Again, notice how people who have been around long enough to know, have seen the truth of this.

You are correct that I wouldn't try to convince an atheist to stop cussing by telling them that God doesn't like it.  But this is a Christian forum and scripture is generally accepted as authoritative here (barring my buddy Colin of course).  Know your audience.  In this setting, Biblical truth isn't considered bias.

You are incorrect that society as a whole is getting more accepting of cussing if secular cities and school boards are banning it.  And even if your younger generation is getting more accepting of it, that doesn't mean that they are accepting of it from people who claim to be Christians.


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Re: Cussing #$%&!
« Reply #71 on: September 04, 2009, 12:41:40 AM »
Cussing is unnecessary. By not cussing I have set myself apart from others I work around and it is noticed. I have said my share of cuss words in the past, but decided it was unnecessary and contradictory to being a good witness. I enjoy holding my tongue to a higher standard and having it be noticed. There are plenty of descriptive words in the English language to use instead of cussing. I have read the entire thread and see alot of posts attempting to justify cussing as socially acceptable and situationally useful, but those just come across as a cop-out rather than a legitimate reason to cuss. Many things that are socially acceptable (cussing) and situationally useful (condoms) do not line up with being a child of God. We are people set apart from the world and we are to be different and it is supposed to be noticed. Draw a line in the sand, get a backbone and start saying this is where I with it. Quit arguing/debating, whatever you want to call it,  about whether cussing is a sin because is it simply a dog chasing its tail mentality at this point. Those who want to cuss will find justification for it and those who do not cuss are justified. I will agree to disagree with those who want to justify cussing and mine will always be the sounder position because I choose to bridle my tongue NOT find justification to loose it. Draw a line in the sand and be set apart from the world as a child of God. I will not argue this and I will not debate this. I am simply showing where I have drawn the line in the sand and have said "No more will I do this, I am different."


 +1 :amen:

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Re: Cussing #$%&!
« Reply #72 on: September 04, 2009, 01:40:24 AM »
Besides addressing this issue from a Scriptural context, which has been discussed already, think about these situations.

1. Would you cuss in front of your parents?
2. Would you cuss in front of a girl/guy you are interested in?
3. Would you cuss during an interview or a business transaction?

I know there are room for exceptions, but I believe it is best to avoid cussing.  I have only cussed twice in my life.  I said two curse words back during my sophomore year in high school, and I have always regretted that moment, as it greatly hurt my witness to the three non-believers in the room.  I have also had the chance to share my faith on a number of occasions because I don't cuss.  I would rather have a chance to make a positive impact for the Kingdom than potentially sabotage a chance to make an impact for the Kingdom.

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Re: Cussing #$%&!
« Reply #73 on: September 04, 2009, 01:58:22 AM »
1. Would you cuss in front of your parents?
Curse words frequent casual conversations with my father.
Would you cuss in front of a girl/guy you are interested in?
I'm only interested in girls, but typically a girl who would have a problem with me cursing I wouldn't date. It's a sign of immaturity, in my eyes.
Would you cuss during an interview or a business transaction?
Depends on whether or not they curse first. After they curse first, not-overdone swearing on the same level of "badness wordiness" is actually a good strategy.

To the scriptural arguments, I say that you're making scripture say what you want it to say. There were not words that were considered "bad" and "unusable" at that time.

I'm also guessing none of you guys have spent much time in England or Ireland. Cursing is just the way of talking there.

Colossians 3:8
"But now you must rid yourselves of all such things as these: anger, rage, malice, slander, and filthy language from your lips."
Ephesians 5:3-5
"But among you there must not be even a hint of sexual immorality, or of any kind of impurity, or of greed, because these are improper for God’s holy people. Nor should there be obscenity, foolish talk or coarse joking, which are out of place, but rather thanksgiving. For of this you can be sure: No immoral, impure or greedy person—such a man is an idolater—has any inheritance in the kingdom of Christ and of God."

People give words meanings. Words also have many different meanings. If you are using a curse word in a non-dirty context, you are not using filthy language. If you use a curse word in a filthy context, then you are going against this, not because you cursed, but because you used filthy language. The F-bomb only has a sexual meaning when used to denote sex, in itself it is just an casually used adjective similar to "uber".
Ephesians 4:29
"Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen."
Once again, it is not the words themselves that build people up but the "use" of the words. Curse words can be used to bring people up, for sure. I don't see any problem with saying "I _ love that song" and don't see why saying "I _ hate you" is any worse than saying "I hate you".

I definitely don't think there is a problem with cutting back on cursing. I personally cursed quite often in casual conversation by senior year of high school (just because everyone I hung around did, I even accidentally dropped one in a casual conversation with my principal, who I don't think noticed). When I came to Trevecca, I stopped cursing (because uber-conservative Freshman would giggle, which shows how sheltered that school is). There have been a few words that have stuck in my vocabulary as the word I go to first for a specific meaning. A lot of these are British words. Since I've transferred from Trevecca to a much better and bigger college (one where dancing isn't considered a sin), I can imagine that my use of swear words will unintentionally increase, depending on who I'm around.
« Last Edit: September 04, 2009, 02:07:43 AM by Colin Michael »
αθαvαTOι θvηTOι θvηTOι αθαvαTOι ζwvTεs TOv εKειvwv θαvαTov Tov δε εKεivwv βιOv TεθvεwTεs -Heraclitus


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Re: Cussing #$%&!
« Reply #74 on: September 04, 2009, 02:29:51 AM »
I don't understand why it's so hard for Christians to understand that living a Christian life means surrendering our rights. Jesus Himself said to count the cost (Luke 14: 27-29). We are to be in the world, but not of the world (John 17: 15-17); we are told not to conform to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your minds (Romans 12: 2), and that the world would hate us (John 15: 18-20). The world is not going to hate us if we're exactly like them. The word "Christian" literally means "Christ-like". If you're not willing to die to yourself and follow Christ, living the way He wants us to live, then you have no business calling yourself a Christian. That's the long and short of it. Joshua would tell you to choose whom you will serve (Joshua 24: 15). God is not fire insurance. If you are to be His child, then we must forsake the world and live a holy life. There's no getting around that. If you don't want to live as Christ commanded, then Christ is not for you. C.S. Lewis wrote, "If we insist on keeping Hell (or even earth), we shall not see Heaven; if we accept Heaven we shall not be able to retain even the smallest and most intimate souvenirs of Hell" (The Great Divorce, Preface, p. VIII).

The Christian life is as disciplined a life as anyone can imagine.


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