Author Topic: Crowdsourcing the NEXT EXPANSION!!!  (Read 3401 times)

Offline uthminister [BR]

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Crowdsourcing the NEXT EXPANSION!!!
« on: March 19, 2014, 03:03:05 PM »
So a thought occurred to me the other day that Redemption has lost a tremendous amount of momentum and interest in the past few months and even more noticeable over the past few years. I feel the main reason is that the game is a niche game, meaning it is something that has a more focused following based on the content of the cards. Because of that, the funds to print new sets is hard to come by for Cactus. Perhaps the solution to both of these problems is crowdsourcing the next set, allowing the Redemption community to created, vote on and ultimately decide the contents of the new set (under the supervision of the PTB of course including Rob, the playtesters, and the elders). Once the set is completed a pdf of the new set would be made available for a small fee on the Cactus website to download (honors system of course but remembering that we are wanting to support Cactus who has given us Redemption). We would all be able to have a new set, print it off on sticker paper and make use of all of our old cards that never see play as backs for the new cards we would stick over the front of them. Obviously we would need to hammer out logistics of artwork, feasibility of something like this actually working to solidify the current Redemption community rather than divide it over who gets their card printed, etc. Just thought this was interesting enough to bring up for conversation.


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Re: Crowdsourcing the NEXT EXPANSION!!!
« Reply #1 on: March 19, 2014, 03:31:34 PM »
The main problem with that is somewhat the main problem with tins, once you buy it, you won't need to buy anymore.

Also, boosters would be a pain (as will the ink costs).


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Re: Crowdsourcing the NEXT EXPANSION!!!
« Reply #2 on: March 19, 2014, 04:54:46 PM »
Just as an FYI, Kickstarter is a form of crowdsourcing, so you can see the discussion we've all been having here:

Offline uthminister [BR]

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Re: Crowdsourcing the NEXT EXPANSION!!!
« Reply #3 on: March 19, 2014, 10:32:04 PM »
Saw it and contributed to that conversation. This is something that would not cost thousands of dollars. It would cost a small amount of ink per player and a few old commons or no special ability lost souls. No packs and no tins...but a new set that might infuse some excitement back into the game. Come on folks...dream with me a little. Would be a temporary thing assuming people cared enough to play again/still.

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Re: Crowdsourcing the NEXT EXPANSION!!!
« Reply #4 on: March 19, 2014, 10:53:23 PM »
One related idea I always wanted to try was to get some sheets of mailing labels, and print a random special ability on each label. Simple generic abilities like "Draw a card," "Character may band with one character of same brigade," or "ALL players shuffle ALL cards in the field of play, set-aside areas and their hands (except this one) back into their draw pile.  Only cards in Land of Redemption and discard piles remain.  ALL players Draw 8 new cards.  Holder may begin a new turn."*

A player would get a sheet of special ability labels and would booster draft with like 4 packs each of Unlimited and Prophets. The player would then create the best deck that he/she could out of the 64 drafted cards and the special abilities.

*Probably not the last one--unless we also wanted to print errata labels. ;)

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Re: Crowdsourcing the NEXT EXPANSION!!!
« Reply #5 on: March 19, 2014, 11:28:16 PM »
What you are suggesting is called a PC aka Players Committee. It is almost to the letter what you described. They make fan made expansion developed by a PTB (many times having former game developers on them) and the expansions are sanctioned by the maker of the game. PC's also have the power to alter the rules ect. since they are the game! Like I said... pretty much our PTB except instead of making physical expansions every year you get digital expansions to print and play :P

Normally PC's only pop up once games have officially gone under. Some notable games that have active PC's that are/were sanctioned by the developers... Star Wars CCG (Decipher), Star Trek TCG (Decipher) and Middle Earth CCG (Iron Crown). I also think Legend of the Five Rings, Netrunner (Wizards) and Game of Thrones had PC's at one point before they were rebooted by Fantasy Flight Games.

A PC would be incredibly easy to set up since our PTB is essentially already a PC. But... what your suggesting isn't really a way Rob can make any money and should really only be a last resort if the game does in fact go under at some point...
« Last Edit: March 19, 2014, 11:38:11 PM by Isildur »
3 Prophets Packs ftw

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Re: Crowdsourcing the NEXT EXPANSION!!!
« Reply #6 on: March 23, 2014, 07:43:46 PM »
With the continued advanced of technology Redemption should never need to go the self print route. Right now there are multiple POD companies who will produce custom cards. (See for example and  If there ever is a crowd sourced expansion it would be easier (not to mention more professional looking) to have the final cards uploaded to one of more of those sites. (The existence of POD will possibly also extend the potential lifetime of Redemption as a formal product.)

A correction to Isidur's post: Legend of the Five Rings was never run under a PC nor has it been rebooted as an LCG under Fantasy Flight. It is a a continuing CCG that has been created by AEG, rolled into WotC, and then re-owned and run by AEG since 2001 or so.

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Re: Crowdsourcing the NEXT EXPANSION!!!
« Reply #7 on: March 23, 2014, 11:15:40 PM »
A correction to Isidur's post: Legend of the Five Rings was never run under a PC nor has it been rebooted as an LCG under Fantasy Flight. It is a a continuing CCG that has been created by AEG, rolled into WotC, and then re-owned and run by AEG since 2001 or so.
oh woops I knew that I just worded it bad... sounded right in my head :P
3 Prophets Packs ftw

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Re: Crowdsourcing the NEXT EXPANSION!!!
« Reply #8 on: March 23, 2014, 11:18:27 PM »
A correction to Isidur's post: Legend of the Five Rings was never run under a PC nor has it been rebooted as an LCG under Fantasy Flight. It is a a continuing CCG that has been created by AEG, rolled into WotC, and then re-owned and run by AEG since 2001 or so.
oh woops I knew that I just worded it bad... sounded right in my head :P
np.  You covered all the salient history.  I just didn't want any L5R's who might find the boards to get a complex.  ;)

Offline uthminister [BR]

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Re: Crowdsourcing the NEXT EXPANSION!!!
« Reply #9 on: March 27, 2014, 02:49:55 PM »
I am aware that "PC" is usually something that is done when a game has "officially" gone under. However, you have mentioned a couple examples of games that went through the PC process and have rebounded and been picked up again. Why can't that process be done while the current producer of the game is involved in order to create the same kind of rebound effect? I mean as long as we have the blessing of Rob and the support of the currently engaged players (especially those who have been involved in developing the previous sets), why not try this. What is the down side? More players being interested in the game for a PC produced set would eventually translate into money when Cactus is able to print a new set and it would assuage the frustration of players who want something new to play with now. Maybe I am missing something. You guys have a lot of knowledge and wisdom regarding this process. I hear that it hasn't been done like this before but our community has a missional mindset when it comes to this game. What I mean by that is we want the game to succeed not just for our own entertainment but because with the game we can touch the lives of people we game with; whether friends or family.
« Last Edit: March 27, 2014, 02:56:21 PM by uthminister [BR] »

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Re: Crowdsourcing the NEXT EXPANSION!!!
« Reply #10 on: March 27, 2014, 03:13:29 PM »
I would probably stop playing the game if it went completely online for a while. The reason I kept playing Redemption was because of the Christian fellowship that comes with playing face to face. My favorite Redemption memories aren't any of my tournament victories, my best memories are the times when I got to have fellowship with my brothers and sisters in Christ and talk about The Lord. If Redemption was only online, one of my friends would not be a Christian right now. This is why I continue to support this awesome game Rob made that I am blessed to play.
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Re: Crowdsourcing the NEXT EXPANSION!!!
« Reply #11 on: March 27, 2014, 03:42:39 PM »
This is not about going online with the game play. Please re-read the above posts. I agree that face to face gaming fellowship is one of the best parts of playing Redemption.

***You may be getting confused by the use of "PC" which was initially introduced in the 6th post down in reference to a Players Committee.

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Re: Crowdsourcing the NEXT EXPANSION!!!
« Reply #12 on: March 27, 2014, 03:58:18 PM »
This is not about going online with the game play. Please re-read the above posts. I agree that face to face gaming fellowship is one of the best parts of playing Redemption.

***You may be getting confused by the use of "PC" which was initially introduced in the 6th post down in reference to a Players Committee.

Oh oops I guess I should finish reading before posting. :P. There is a less than 0% chance that that will ever happen again. ;)
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Re: Crowdsourcing the NEXT EXPANSION!!!
« Reply #13 on: March 27, 2014, 10:23:19 PM »
There is a less than 0% chance...

You owe me a nickel.
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Re: Crowdsourcing the NEXT EXPANSION!!!
« Reply #14 on: March 28, 2014, 07:34:46 AM »
There is a less than 0% chance...

You owe me a nickel.

Correction I owe you :2cents: ;)
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Re: Crowdsourcing the NEXT EXPANSION!!!
« Reply #15 on: March 29, 2014, 06:38:45 PM »
The problem is, the meta has become so toxic that no influx of new cards can change it.
As long as cards like TGT, Mathew, AUtO, Edict, NJ, etc. exist, people will continue to abuse them.

Redemption cannot survive in it's current form. The only hope that the game has is a complete reboot, followed by an overhaul of the playtesting structure. 
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Re: Crowdsourcing the NEXT EXPANSION!!!
« Reply #16 on: March 29, 2014, 08:22:07 PM »
I agree with you that there are cards that are beyond broken. Honestly though, a few bans will fix those problems. Admittedly that will upset some players but that may need to happen for Redemption to continue.

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Re: Crowdsourcing the NEXT EXPANSION!!!
« Reply #17 on: March 30, 2014, 01:42:44 PM »
Honestly though, a few bans will fix those problems

I don't think they will. 
TGT (and to a lesser extent Uzzah and Jacob) were so meta-warping, that every set after FooF and RoA 1, was attempting to catch up with them Rather than fix the broken card, the design team jacked up the power curve of the entire game, hoping that if Disiples/Judges/BTN banding/etc. was even more broken than TGT, people would play something else.

I guess it worked. People aren't playing as much TGT. Too bad the decks they are playing are 10x worse.

At this point the only way to bring the power curve back down to reasonable levels is to ban everything post-Priests. Then go back through and re-release the non-broken cards.
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Re: Crowdsourcing the NEXT EXPANSION!!!
« Reply #18 on: March 30, 2014, 01:56:00 PM »
The problem is, the meta has become so toxic that no influx of new cards can change it.
As long as cards like TGT, Mathew, AUtO, Edict, NJ, etc. exist, people will continue to abuse them.

Redemption cannot survive in it's current form. The only hope that the game has is a complete reboot, followed by an overhaul of the playtesting structure. 

 +1 with this. The game cannot survive when all new cards have to be at the same absurd power level that the cards before them are. I also think they should make the jump from CCG to LCG ( I can't believe I am saying this) because buying APs is a lot easier for the players than buying multiple boosters to get the cards they need. It also makes it easier for veteran players to give advice to new players because instead of telling the to buy thousands of boosters until they get the card they need, the vets can just tell them which AP to buy. Just my  :2cents:
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Re: Crowdsourcing the NEXT EXPANSION!!!
« Reply #19 on: March 30, 2014, 02:03:57 PM »
Actually, games can survive with power creep. Yu-Gi-Oh is a popular example. Some cards may need bans, however the power level of the cards rising is not in itself a bad thing.
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