New Redemption Grab Bag now includes an assortment of 500 cards from five (5) different expansion sets. Available at Cactus website.
So my roommates and I were bored in the dorm, and decided we would be the most unsuspecting pranksters for our hall. Naturally, we want to prove everybody wrong, so we've been trying to think of some pranks.We're looking for things that preferably won't be too expensive (but the sheer size of the hall tends to make things $100-$300) and we won't get in trouble for even if we do get caught.So far we plan on posting pictures of David Hasselhoff everywhere, filling styrofoam cups up with water and covering the entire floor with them, and putting wrapping paper over everybody's door.And we plan on doing this on a random weekday so nobody will be up and around, so hopefully they also won't cause too many problems (like the styrofoam one undoubtedly would do).Ideas?
Attach a wire on a timer to a bit of steel wool to go off in the middle of the night when you're sleeping elsewhere. It'll create enough heat to set off the alarms without posing any threat of an actual fire, and everyone will have to wake up and go outside.
I just don't think we could get away with it...
*EDIT*Post ponies everywhere in the hall.