Author Topic: Christmas (Happy People Do Not Read)  (Read 5427 times)

Offline BubbleBoy

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Christmas (Happy People Do Not Read)
« on: December 25, 2009, 09:44:00 PM »
I hope I don't smash anyone's spirits, but...what the heck happened to Christmas? I remember it being such a magical time, but especially this year it has simply lost all its charm. I remember not too long ago feeling rich with all the presents after Christmas, and then spending all the next day playing with everything and just being happy. Now, Christmas feels like a chore. We have to clean the house to prepare for everyone to come, and cook the dinner, and go to the same shallow church service in a room packed to the ceiling, and then after eating and opening presents, we have to stay for some boring, meaningless gossip, then clean up again. No one is even nicer to each other than usual.

What makes this even worse is that I don't really have any kind of interest. I never have anything that I can ask for, especially since each Redemption set comes out in the summer, and so my presents are reduced to mainly clothes, candy, and this year, jumper cables and a windshield scraper (turning 16). I would almost rather not celebrate Christmas, since it's such a letdown. If this is just what growing up is like, I don't think I'll survive through college.

Now I'm just completely depressed. :P I'm not asking anyone to respond, but I have no one else to tell this to, so I'm putting it here.
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Re: Christmas (Happy People Do Not Read)
« Reply #1 on: December 25, 2009, 10:27:28 PM »
i'll tell ya what happened.
people are making it less about Jesus and more about what YOU want and about showing off how much you love christmas by putting up a ton of lights but some people i have to hand it to them, the guitar hero for example was a good video.
we clean,cook and shower and such cause it's the time when families spend time together and is a golden oppertunity to do the chores you'v been needing to do for the past 2 months (just saying)
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Re: Christmas (Happy People Do Not Read)
« Reply #2 on: December 25, 2009, 11:51:31 PM »
I remember it being such a magical time, ...

Come to Walt Disney World.  ;D

I went to Hollywood Studios so my daughter could watch the Beauty & the Beast show (which she has memorized all the songs for), the Little Mermaid show (which she also has memorized all the songs for), the Playhouse Disney show (which she often gets hand-picked from the crowd to participate in), and finally the Meet & Greet to get a hug from Micky Mouse wearing a Santa suit.

My son and I got Fastpasses to Rock n' Roller Coaster and The Tower of Terror, then he ran around in the Honey I Shrunk the Kids playground set for about an hour playing hide-n-seek with kids from all over the world. We also did some Christmas shopping for my wife since I get a 50% discount.

That is what "growing up" is like for me, mostly because it's not about me. I truly cannot put into the words the feeling I get when I see my kids smiling from ear to ear.  ;D
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Re: Christmas (Happy People Do Not Read)
« Reply #3 on: December 26, 2009, 12:02:50 AM »
I know what ya mean YMT. I got to see my brothers face light up a few times because of God providing money to us for presents. IMO christmas isn't for me, its for my bro and sis. Also, my brother started playing redemption for my christmas present. Spending time with my lil bro playing an awesome card game with me and not only wanting to play, but READING THE SCRIPTURE makes me so happy, I can't express it.
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Re: Christmas (Happy People Do Not Read)
« Reply #4 on: December 26, 2009, 12:12:33 AM »
I had the same problem at your age. To fix it, I decided Christmas is just a holiday and nothing more. I can celebrate Jesus being born and dying everyday, by living for him. If Christmas makes other people happy, then I'll participate enough to satisfy them, because I don't think Jesus based his decisions just on his preferences, but also on what his witness would look like. I also stopped asking for gifts (and this year even encouraged my parents not to get me anything since they know how I feel). With the advent of my 18th birthday and my current job, I pretty much buy stuff if I want it, so I felt no need to have a Christmas. However, Christmas in many ways never was about me, so while I did not necessarily want gifts, it made my parents happy to give things to me, so I had to learn to accept in its own way. Even though I feel the money probably could have been used better, or that Christmas was being used as an excuse to get people stuff, they find meaning in it that is positive and biblical, so I feel it would be wrong to deny them that.

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Re: Christmas (Happy People Do Not Read)
« Reply #5 on: December 26, 2009, 01:53:18 AM »
Solution: Think of how you are blessing your mom by helping with chores, and stop only wanting gifts. You know what I got? Board games, socks and a basketball. But I played basketball a few hours ago, and my family and I played board games for hours. After cleaning up the kitchen, of course.  ;) You have as much fun as you try to have. My motto is that if you are bored, you're boring. I'm not saying you're a boring person but it's gonna be as much fun as you make of it.

Basically Christmas is about sharing your joy and celebrating the birth of Christ.

Sorry if I sound like "holier than thou" but this is how it is.

Also I'm kind of surprised at some responses like "well Christmas stinks, I can celebrate God whenever I want." Christmas represents the birth of Christ. Whether you think about his birth every day anyways or not at all, Christmas is still the MOST Christian holiday (has it been dumbed down to "happy holidays," yes but not by Christians) and I think as Christians we should all celebrate it.
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Re: Christmas (Happy People Do Not Read)
« Reply #6 on: December 26, 2009, 02:50:21 AM »
For me, the best part of Christmas has become the religious anticipation and reflection that occurs during Advent, the four weeks preceding Christmas Day, which all culminate in the Christmas Eve Mass and/or the Christ Mass on the morning of the 25th. The incarnation of an eternal, unchanging God into a human man is so theologically baffling and beautiful that it seriously makes me weep. Behold: our King is come! Take joy in that, and the occasional drudgery of preparing for the holiday, and the unfulfilled expectations from suddenly being too old to be satiated by toys, all fades into the background.
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Re: Christmas (Happy People Do Not Read)
« Reply #7 on: December 26, 2009, 06:26:52 AM »
For me, the best part of Christmas has become the religious anticipation and reflection that occurs during Advent, the four weeks preceding Christmas Day, which all culminate in the Christmas Eve Mass and/or the Christ Mass on the morning of the 25th. The incarnation of an eternal, unchanging God into a human man is so theologically baffling and beautiful that it seriously makes me weep. Behold: our King is come! Take joy in that, and the occasional drudgery of preparing for the holiday, and the unfulfilled expectations from suddenly being too old to be satiated by toys, all fades into the background.
I'm pretty sure, by the way we all laugh at board/card games, none of us are too old to be satiated by toys ;)
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Re: Christmas (Happy People Do Not Read)
« Reply #8 on: December 26, 2009, 09:45:29 AM »
Yeah I know I am not too old to play with some toys. Believe me....ask all my friends....I can keep myself entertained for hours with something as simple as a paper clip or a piece of string. But yo-yo...and you won't see my until tomorrow XD

As far as the christmas this...I feel the same way as some of the people. It is just another holiday to me. I can celebrate his birth/death every day of my life. But When christmas comes along some of my friends expect something from me. Honestly, I don't know how somebody can expect gifts...I told my mom and my friends not to get me anything this year. It was for two reasons. One, because I don't want them to waste money on me when they could spend it on something more inportant, like bills and such...Two, I don't want people spending an arm and a leg on me. See i don't mind spending for other people because I get a joy out of seeing my friends, friends who are like family, and actual family happy. It is more to me than any other gift than they can ever give me...  ;D
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Re: Christmas (Happy People Do Not Read)
« Reply #9 on: December 26, 2009, 11:11:52 AM »
Also I'm kind of surprised at some responses like "well Christmas stinks, I can celebrate God whenever I want." Christmas represents the birth of Christ. Whether you think about his birth every day anyways or not at all, Christmas is still the MOST Christian holiday (has it been dumbed down to "happy holidays," yes but not by Christians) and I think as Christians we should all celebrate it.

Why would this surprise you? Christmas is any other day, except that someone hundreds of years ago decided Christ was born on it, even though he in reality had no idea when Christ was born. Oh, and it happened to be on the day of a Roman festival. Just a coincedence.

Christmas is a man made tradition. As a funny demotivator says, Just because we have always done it that way doesn't mean it's not incredibly stupid. While Christmas is not stupid, it is certainly not bad, sacreligious, or evil to not celebrate it or not want to celebrate it. It is simply a man made holiday created to celebrate a historical event that occurred on an unknown date.

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Re: Christmas (Happy People Do Not Read)
« Reply #10 on: December 26, 2009, 04:51:12 PM »
There's nothing wrong with you and there's nothing wrong with Christmas. Sometimes, you just don't feel festive. And that's ok. The last few Holidays were like that with me. This year, it's a big deal again. You'll never find the simple happiness you knew when you were a kid ever again. That's part of growing up. But someday, you'll get to see your own kids go through the same kind of happiness, and I imagine (and know to some extent with a sister 11 years younger than me) that it's better than your own trip around that block.

Don't think you're doing something wrong, or looking at things the wrong way, or not this that or the other. You're just not feeling it this year. Maybe something will happen by new years that will change it up, maybe not. Feelings come and go, but if you're living your life right, they'll never go without eventually coming.
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Re: Christmas (Happy People Do Not Read)
« Reply #11 on: December 26, 2009, 05:46:19 PM »
I was kindof upset on wednsday.. my grandma gave me a bunch of wierd kid things i didnt like or need... but now i just realize it is the thought that counts. And Bubbleboy, try to find a new hobby such as guitar (always something new you could use for them trust me ;) ) I hope you feel better soon.
Watch home alone or ernest saves Christmas.

Offline BubbleBoy

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Re: Christmas (Happy People Do Not Read)
« Reply #12 on: December 26, 2009, 10:58:32 PM »
I hope I didn't put too much emphasis on "I hated all my Christmas presents," or even Christmas specifically, but it seems like that's what a lot of your advice is directed at so maybe I should reword some stuff.

What I really meant to emphasise was the spirit of the world in general, Christmas being the best example. I mean, when you're a kid, or at least when I was, everything was just beautiful, and seemed to have so much potential. Learning new things was fun, because I wanted to understand and to develop ideas. I lived in the clouds as a kid. But mankind is in the habit of bringing people down to earth, am I right? I hate earth. Earth is full of people who spend their lives working, never having enough money. Kids are encouraged to pursue whatever job pays the best, regardless of what they enjoy doing. Earth is a planet of taking and destroying as much as you can, and discriminating against those who see things differently. Christmas is supposed to be the time where we all take a step back and try giving for a change, but doing so grudgingly defeats the whole purpose. After living in this muck for so long, I feel like I can't see beauty in anything anymore, and it really scares me.

Which brings me to something very strangely related. I just recently saw the movie Avatar. Great movie, awesome graphics, a little too much like Atlantis, but I would highly recommend it. The thing is, that movie depicted almost exactly what I wish would happen to myself in my own life, and brooding over it the past few days has just made me sick to my stomach. I wish there was just a life restart button. If I could find such a thing, I would press it immediately.

Anyways, end rant here I guess. Last thing I'll say, am I crazy?
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Re: Christmas (Happy People Do Not Read)
« Reply #14 on: December 27, 2009, 02:17:49 AM »
Also I'm kind of surprised at some responses like "well Christmas stinks, I can celebrate God whenever I want." Christmas represents the birth of Christ. Whether you think about his birth every day anyways or not at all, Christmas is still the MOST Christian holiday (has it been dumbed down to "happy holidays," yes but not by Christians) and I think as Christians we should all celebrate it.

Why would this surprise you? Christmas is any other day, except that someone hundreds of years ago decided Christ was born on it, even though he in reality had no idea when Christ was born. Oh, and it happened to be on the day of a Roman festival. Just a coincedence.

Christmas is a man made tradition. As a funny demotivator says, Just because we have always done it that way doesn't mean it's not incredibly stupid. While Christmas is not stupid, it is certainly not bad, sacreligious, or evil to not celebrate it or not want to celebrate it. It is simply a man made holiday created to celebrate a historical event that occurred on an unknown date.
Man-made holiday because they are all man-made. God never uses the word "Holiday." But I think that no matter what the entire world accepts as the day for Christ's birth, we should celebrate it. I'm sure God had his hand on that.
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Re: Christmas (Happy People Do Not Read)
« Reply #15 on: December 27, 2009, 09:09:21 AM »
Also I'm kind of surprised at some responses like "well Christmas stinks, I can celebrate God whenever I want." Christmas represents the birth of Christ. Whether you think about his birth every day anyways or not at all, Christmas is still the MOST Christian holiday (has it been dumbed down to "happy holidays," yes but not by Christians) and I think as Christians we should all celebrate it.

Why would this surprise you? Christmas is any other day, except that someone hundreds of years ago decided Christ was born on it, even though he in reality had no idea when Christ was born. Oh, and it happened to be on the day of a Roman festival. Just a coincedence.

Christmas is a man made tradition. As a funny demotivator says, Just because we have always done it that way doesn't mean it's not incredibly stupid. While Christmas is not stupid, it is certainly not bad, sacreligious, or evil to not celebrate it or not want to celebrate it. It is simply a man made holiday created to celebrate a historical event that occurred on an unknown date.
Man-made holiday because they are all man-made. God never uses the word "Holiday." But I think that no matter what the entire world accepts as the day for Christ's birth, we should celebrate it. I'm sure God had his hand on that.
He did have several holy days (Holidays). The feast of trumpets, booths, pentecost, passover, day of atonement, etc.
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Re: Christmas (Happy People Do Not Read)
« Reply #16 on: December 27, 2009, 01:08:11 PM »
Actually, it's man made because it's not God made. God didn't command Christmas, so why should I feel it necessary to celebrate it?

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Re: Christmas (Happy People Do Not Read)
« Reply #17 on: December 27, 2009, 03:03:59 PM »
I wasn't meaning christmas. You said they are ALL man made, I was pointing out not ALL are ;)
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Re: Christmas (Happy People Do Not Read)
« Reply #18 on: December 27, 2009, 04:33:12 PM »
Actually, it's man made because it's not God made. God didn't command Christmas, so why should I feel it necessary to celebrate it?

i feel the same way. the only holidays i feel one should celebrate are the ones mentioned in the old testament (the ones TKP mentioned, plus a couple more...i think theres 7 total a year).
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Re: Christmas (Happy People Do Not Read)
« Reply #19 on: December 27, 2009, 04:38:08 PM »
What about woman-made holidays? Are they okay? i.e. National Send-a-Flower Day, Susan B. Anthony Day, etc.
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Re: Christmas (Happy People Do Not Read)
« Reply #20 on: December 27, 2009, 04:52:46 PM »
I wouldn't be brash enough to say that. Ninja thinks they're all man made. Woman made holidays are probably worse. ;)

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Re: Christmas (Happy People Do Not Read)
« Reply #21 on: December 27, 2009, 09:44:42 PM »
I wouldn't be brash enough to say that. Ninja thinks they're all man made. Woman made holidays are probably worse. ;)
So do you guys celebrate all of the 7 holidays that God describes?
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Re: Christmas (Happy People Do Not Read)
« Reply #22 on: December 27, 2009, 10:04:24 PM »
jews do.
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Re: Christmas (Happy People Do Not Read)
« Reply #23 on: December 27, 2009, 10:08:48 PM »
jews do.
Sorry was this an answer? You said you don't celebrate man-made holidays because they're just that, man-made. But then you also don't celebrate God's holidays?
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Re: Christmas (Happy People Do Not Read)
« Reply #24 on: December 27, 2009, 10:14:59 PM »
really? where did i say i dont celebrate man-made holidays? where did i say i dont celebrate gods holidays festivals?

it might actually help to think before one types.
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