Author Topic: Case of the forgotten Kitten  (Read 11506 times)


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Re: Case of the forgotten Kitten
« Reply #50 on: July 18, 2010, 01:41:12 AM »
back on topic.

my girlfriend grew up on a farm. she said to go ahead and let the kitten get into the henhouse. the rooster and hens will peck it to death. problem solved.
except the kitten/cat still dies?

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Re: Case of the forgotten Kitten
« Reply #51 on: July 18, 2010, 01:45:00 AM »
thats the point. problem solved.
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Re: Case of the forgotten Kitten
« Reply #52 on: July 18, 2010, 02:16:15 AM »
back on topic.

my girlfriend grew up on a farm. she said to go ahead and let the kitten get into the henhouse. the rooster and hens will peck it to death. problem solved.

I suppose that quite literally, curiosity DID kill the cat...... Or hunger. Or maybe the chickens.
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Re: Case of the forgotten Kitten
« Reply #53 on: July 18, 2010, 05:05:55 PM »
Blatantly Saying that I will never see my cat again, and suggesting that other cats may be there in heaven but not mine is an attack on me. (On the feelings and loss that my family suffered. That day was the worst day of our lives. A day that I would not like to live over again. You may or may not know the pain of holding a liveless being but I do and it wasn't fun.)

If my wife were to read what Ring Wraith wrote it would devastate her.  If I wasn't Christian I would have some choice words to say to some of you.  However being the man of faith that I am I will just say how immature some of you are. You have a lot of growing up to do. But I forgive you for your immaturity and hope if I ever meet you in the redemption world that we can have good fellowship in the game.

Back on the main topic, if the cat goes in there and gets itself kill then that is part of survival for the hens. Yes creatures kill other creatures, but as those who have dominion over the creatures we try to find less violent solutions.  I look to the day when God's creation will be restores and death will be no more.


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Re: Case of the forgotten Kitten
« Reply #54 on: July 18, 2010, 05:15:47 PM »
Blatantly Saying that I will never see my cat again, and suggesting that other cats may be there in heaven but not mine is an attack on me. (On the feelings and loss that my family suffered. That day was the worst day of our lives. A day that I would not like to live over again. You may or may not know the pain of holding a liveless being but I do and it wasn't fun.)
I was not intending to attack you, but as Pol said, I was merely pointing out the error in your thinking. and my dog died this past year. I've had it since I was 4, so yes, I do know, but just because I've lost an animal doesn't mean I should irrationally hope for something that won't happen.

If my wife were to read what Ring Wraith wrote it would devastate her.  If I wasn't Christian I would have some choice words to say to some of you.  However being the man of faith that I am I will just say how immature some of you are. You have a lot of growing up to do. But I forgive you for your immaturity and hope if I ever meet you in the redemption world that we can have good fellowship in the game.
would there have been a better way to correct you? I do have a lot of growing up to do, yes, but I fail to see where I went wrong.
and if you'll be at nationals, I'll definitely look forward to meeting you!

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Re: Case of the forgotten Kitten
« Reply #55 on: July 18, 2010, 06:23:36 PM »
"Who knows the spirit of the sons of men, which goes upward, and the spirit of the animal, which goes down to the earth?"  -Ecclesiastes 3:21 NKJV

For a better understanding of the context of this verse, I recommend reading the book of Ecclesiastes (It's my favorite).  However, regardless whether this verse is read in context or not (or whether alternate translations are considered), it is undeniable that it strongly suggests that people and animals have different destinations after death.

Beyond this, I don't think I have much more that I can contribute to this debate.  I have a friend who would likely take the exact same stance as you, robm, on this issue.  She's an animal rights kind of person, and a Christian, I might add.  The emotional connection that people like you and her have to animals is something I will probably never understand, since I'm not a very emotional person in general.  That aside, I highly recommend not letting emotions cloud your judgment; in no way am I suggesting that is what you are doing now, but if you believe that you would be susceptible to such an error, I would recommend that you analyze your motives whenever you feel your emotions are dictating your behavior.  My reasoning for that is that there are many false beliefs and religions out there that use emotional connection to sucker people into them (Mormonism comes to mind).  Just be careful.
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Re: Case of the forgotten Kitten
« Reply #56 on: July 18, 2010, 06:31:21 PM »
I think this situation falls under the "online obscurity" dilemma. Since Ring Wraith and robm were not talking face-to-face, the interpretation of the written words went awry.

I think we have to be careful about what we ssume to be true regarding animals in heaven. There is no way to truly know. We are making suppositions based on certain scripture, but I still have to wonder about Jesus returning from heaven riding a white horse. Wouldn't the horse had to have been in heaven?

I really don't have a steadfast opinion. I had a dog for 20 years. When she died, I was quite emotional. Pets can certainly express love, so there is indeed a place in heaven for that.  ;D

My condolences to your family, robm. Losing a pet is always difficult. Losing my dog was particularly painful for me since I had so few human friends. My dog was always there so I would not be alone. I remember one time that I  had an argument with my parents (I think I was 10). I stormed off to my room crying. A few minutes later, my dog came peeking around the door. I said, "Go away!" She backed off for a moment, then slowly walked up to me and put her head on my lap (I was sitting on my bed). She looked up at me with those... well, puppy-dog eyes. She stayed with me until I stopped crying.
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Re: Case of the forgotten Kitten
« Reply #57 on: July 18, 2010, 07:12:21 PM »
However being the man of faith that I am I will just say how immature some of you are. You have a lot of growing up to do. But I forgive you for your immaturity and hope if I ever meet you in the redemption world that we can have good fellowship in the game.

I was cool with this debate and your side of the argument (which I don't agree with entirely) until I read this. lolwut? Self righteous much.

But being the man of God that I am, I know that you just have an inflated view of self because of sin, so I will ignore your faults and forgive you so that we can fellowship.

Yeah, it sounds that bad.

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Re: Case of the forgotten Kitten
« Reply #58 on: July 18, 2010, 08:05:56 PM »
Robm does that mean you believe that all animals we eat will be in heaven?
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Re: Case of the forgotten Kitten
« Reply #59 on: July 18, 2010, 08:57:09 PM »
However being the man of faith that I am I will just say how immature some of you are. You have a lot of growing up to do. But I forgive you for your immaturity and hope if I ever meet you in the redemption world that we can have good fellowship in the game.

I was cool with this debate and your side of the argument (which I don't agree with entirely) until I read this. lolwut? Self righteous much.

But being the man of God that I am, I know that you just have an inflated view of self because of sin, so I will ignore your faults and forgive you so that we can fellowship.

Yeah, it sounds that bad.

I wasn't try to sound self righteous, I am quite the opposite of that in person.   As someone pointed out communication gets misunderstood from all stand point when face to face communication isn't involved and we type out of emotion, quick response, etc.  We all will continue to grow and be streched by the lord and we all have our own opinions on things.  Ulitimately I leave it up to God, we cannot even imaging what it will be like, so yes we really don't know the answer either way. However we can have faith in whatever we are hoping for.  I too apologies if I offended anyone and hope we can move pass this, because there are many issues in Christianity that we will all never agree on. 

In Christ,
Rob M

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Re: Case of the forgotten Kitten
« Reply #60 on: July 18, 2010, 09:04:22 PM »
However being the man of faith that I am I will just say how immature some of you are. You have a lot of growing up to do. But I forgive you for your immaturity and hope if I ever meet you in the redemption world that we can have good fellowship in the game.

I was cool with this debate and your side of the argument (which I don't agree with entirely) until I read this. lolwut? Self righteous much.

But being the man of God that I am, I know that you just have an inflated view of self because of sin, so I will ignore your faults and forgive you so that we can fellowship.

Yeah, it sounds that bad.
There's quite a difference between being accountable and rude.  You'd do well to understand that difference.
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Re: Case of the forgotten Kitten
« Reply #61 on: July 18, 2010, 09:07:50 PM »
Man.... Didn't we just have this debate..... Robm was probably overly harsh, Alex was probably overly sarcastic, now lets move on.

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Re: Case of the forgotten Kitten
« Reply #62 on: July 18, 2010, 09:10:12 PM »
Oh, I was definately over sarcastic. I have found that in an online setting you do well to exaggerate your tone in order to allow it to be easily understoof,

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Re: Case of the forgotten Kitten
« Reply #63 on: July 19, 2010, 01:50:14 AM »
However, there's a trade off between "easily understood" and "liked by others".  Sarcasm is superbly effective at communicating one point, but the other party may be so put off by it that they miss your point entirely.
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Re: Case of the forgotten Kitten
« Reply #64 on: July 19, 2010, 03:22:32 AM »
uh, isnt that the point of sarcasm? so they dont miss the point?
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Re: Case of the forgotten Kitten
« Reply #65 on: July 19, 2010, 07:12:15 AM »
uh, isnt that the point of sarcasm? so they dont miss the point?

There are many people who do not recognize or understand sarcasm because they never use it. My wife was appalled when she first met my family because every word out of their mouths was dripping with sarcasm. It took her several years to be willing to visit my family because their words would make her break down and cry daily. It also took me several years to "detox" my own speech. I was not well received when I first start attending Liberty University in Virginia. Some wrote off my sarcasm because I was from New England. But others wanted nothing to do with me because they thought I was the most rude person they had ever met, especially for a Christian. Several of my wife's friends tried to talk her out of marrying me. Some of her other friends told me that when I had first met Rebecca, she told them she would never marry a guy like me. Thankfully she could see that I was trying to change, and after meeting my family, she also realized that most of it was habit (and defense mechanism).

In the end, although people may "know what you meant," some still walk away viewing you as rude and unChristlike when you use sarcasm. There are different levels of sarcasm, too. Some of it is just playful banter. But there is some sarcasm that cuts deep and intends to hurt. I have noticed that the latter is more prevalent on these boards, which is not a good report considering the nature and audience of this forum.

FWIW, I am speaking globally here, not just about this thread in particular. Sarcasm was brought up, so I thought I would throw in my  :2cents:  about that specifically.
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Re: Case of the forgotten Kitten
« Reply #66 on: July 19, 2010, 10:40:01 AM »
Sarcasm is saying the opposite of what you mean.  It basically combines insulting someone with making fun of their failing.  Even if you take it to the extreme to make your point clear, it would still be better to just say what you mean to begin with.  That way your point is clear, and you don't offend people as much.

As for the pets thing, I don't believe that pets will go to heaven.  However, I have felt the pain that comes with the loss of a close family pet, and therefore I tread lightly when talking about the subject with others who have gone through that.  I don't think that the posts in this thread have been treading lightly.  I also won't be shocked if I get to heaven and find out I was wrong, and my dog is there.

I disagree to agree to disagree.
On a more positive note, that statement was really funny!

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Re: Case of the forgotten Kitten
« Reply #67 on: July 19, 2010, 12:12:24 PM »
Robm does that mean you believe that all animals we eat will be in heaven?

This wasn' a sarcastic question btw.
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Re: Case of the forgotten Kitten
« Reply #68 on: July 19, 2010, 01:47:57 PM »
I would guess that if animals do go to heaven, it would only be "clean animals." So the animals that we eat now that were forbidden for the Israelites in the OT will not be in heaven, I would guess. But who knows? :)
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Re: Case of the forgotten Kitten
« Reply #69 on: July 19, 2010, 02:59:47 PM »
Mind not the ignorant fool on the other side of the screen!-BubbleBoy
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Re: Case of the forgotten Kitten
« Reply #70 on: July 19, 2010, 03:12:42 PM »
One of my favorite pictures of all times!
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