Author Topic: Card(s) devotionals  (Read 1052 times)

Offline soul seeker

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Card(s) devotionals
« on: September 18, 2009, 12:57:37 PM »
I couldn't find Guardian's topic (through the search feature), otherwise I would have posted there.

I was reading in Isaiah, and I was originally thinking about "Grapes of Wrath."  Unfortunately, I don't have the card in my possession yet, so I don't know it's Scripture reference.  However, Isaiah often speaks of God's wrath because of the people's actions (as described towards the end of 2 Kings).  God's Wrath was coming.  However, it wasn't going to last forever and it would pass.  During this time, I came across a curious part of Isaiah and it got me to thinking of a couple of different cards.  This is the passage (bolding is what I noticed most):
          Isaiah 58:13-14 (NIV) 
    "If you keep your feet from breaking the Sabbath
        and from doing as you please on my holy day,
    if you call the Sabbath a delight
        and the Lord's holy day honorable,
    and if you honor it by not going your own way
        and not doing as you please or speaking idle words,
    [14] then you will find your joy in the Lord,
        and I will cause you to ride on the heights of the land
        and to feast on the inheritance of your father Jacob."
The mouth of the Lord has spoken.

God said his Wrath would pass and they would find Joy in the Lord again if they honor the Sabbath.  What got me to thinking was what did he mean by "doing as we pleased?"  What is my Sabbath?  As a minister, I "work" on Sunday.  Sabbath is technically Saturday which I also often worked on.  If it is the principle of taking one day off, then Monday would be that day for me.  However, I even dictate what I do that day.  Then the chilling thought gripped my soul.  Do I have the typical American "Arrogance"?
    Arrogance is a well-worded Redemption card.  Once played, you can keep playing enhancement after enhancement until you are done.  American Arrogance is the same.  We keep defining what we think is right.  We keep busy.  We keep moving from event to event, theory to theory, moral to moral...never or not really pausing to see what God has to say or what wisdom God's Word can impart.  Have I defined the Sabbath to what I want it to mean based more on my culture or on my full understanding of God's word?  Saturday, Sunday, or Monday:  which one is God wanting me to honor?  This will no doubt start a debate of which brings me to my second point:
    Christian Suing Another is one of the most accurately worded abilities compared to it's name and reality as Redemption can get.  Think about it.  Look around the boards.  Most of us profess Christianity, and yet you find staunch political lines drawn, different interpretations, and harsh words spoken.  It is no wonder that the enemy is winning in several arenas.  Look at what the card does, "interrupt the battle, and 2 heroes fight each other."  How close to home does that hit?  Interrupt trying to win lost souls and spread the gospel, and find another Christian to argue with.  Sometimes I get caught up in it, again, I reflect on our culture and wonder if it is seeping into my religion.  It happened to the Israelites.  Modern day culture affecting their belief system and worship of God.  I find that it is no accident that both of those cards are in the Crimson brigade which represents sin.
     I continue to reflect on how much I let my culture and past affect what I believe.  Or does what I believe affect how I view my culture and my past.  I just thought I would share a little of what I was reading and searching and how it applies to a few Redemption cards.

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Re: Card(s) devotionals
« Reply #1 on: September 18, 2009, 01:08:56 PM »
Get Simply Adorable Slugfest at

Offline soul seeker

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Re: Card(s) devotionals
« Reply #2 on: September 18, 2009, 02:01:02 PM »
that's funny because I typed both "Devotions" and "Devotion" in the Search engine and didn't get it.  I wonder why?
noob with a medal

Offline Cameron the Conqueror

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Re: Card(s) devotionals
« Reply #3 on: September 18, 2009, 02:03:09 PM »
The search engine only searches the portion of the boards you are in.  So, if you were in the Ruling forum, it would only search there.  Maybe that's it.


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