Author Topic: Calendar Feature Test Revival  (Read 1095 times)

Offline MrMiYoda

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Calendar Feature Test Revival
« on: October 20, 2012, 11:07:36 PM »
Peace and Blessings.

We are temporarily reinstating the Calendar feature to test whether:

a.  it does not further slow down access on the boards as it may have done in the past.
b.  we can keep the birthday features displayed or if we should make them invisible (note some birth dates are not accurate because of personal preferences).

I'd like your thoughts about possibly allowing guests to likewise view (not post nor edit) our Calendar events but am leaning towards hiding birthdays if this materializes.

Note that regular members may request events to be posted on the calendar to globals and tournament hosts.  if you are a tournament host but not have been activated as one on the boards, please kindly PM me.  You must have at least hosted a tournament and must be verifiable through Cactus' history of tourneys.

There have been requests to revive the Calendar feature, thus this revival test run.

Thanks and Godbless.
« Last Edit: October 20, 2012, 11:42:06 PM by ReyZen »
"Lord, make me an instrument of Your peace." --- Francis of Assisi


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