Author Topic: Bothersome Verse  (Read 2719 times)

Offline BubbleBoy

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Bothersome Verse
« on: June 06, 2012, 11:57:23 PM »
I was reading my Bible, and I ran across a verse that troubled me particularly, because it seemed to be a contradiction: Mat 24:34 ~ "I tell you the truth, this generation will certainly not pass away until all these things have happened." (NIV) For a little context, this verse comes immediately after Jesus describes the end times. This obviously bothers me, because, well, I'm pretty sure everyone who was alive 2000 years ago is dead, and I have heard no mention of Jesus' second coming. So what is this verse really saying?

I read this article in an attempt to find a satisfying answer to that question, and the best answers I found are ones that assume mistranslations, which doesn't quite satisfy me. So what do you think?

But more importantly, I think this disturbance is just an instance of a larger faith problem that I've been trying to deal with lately, which I'm just now realizing probably merits this thread a position in the prayer forum. See, I've been reading through Matthew, and I've been coming across a lot of verses like 17:20 and 21:21 that say pretty much the same thing: with just a little faith, you can do anything. Well, this leads me to believe that I have absolutely no faith. I doubt absolutely everything, even things like Jesus' resurrection which are vital to the whole Christian belief system. I mean, everything I have to hold onto comes from stories in an old book. Why can't I just read the Bible and say, "Yes! I believe that!" What am I missing? And the thing is, it's a downward spiral. I mean, when I ask for something and don't get it, it weakens my faith even more. I've been praying a lot about this lately, but I haven't received a lot of comfort, or faith, or love. Meanwhile, I'm becoming more and more disconnected from my church, and more and more concerned with earthly matters.

So, I'm looking for some prayer. God knows I don't expect it to do much good, because it never seems to, but I sure hope this reaches someone with faith stronger than mine who can help me. Anyway, It's late, and I'm tired, and I'm going to bed now. Thanks for your input/prayer/interest.
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Offline Prof Underwood

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Re: Bothersome Verse
« Reply #1 on: June 07, 2012, 12:45:50 AM »
1 - The basic answer to your specific problem is that Jesus uses the phrase "Kingdom of God" to mean a couple different things.  Sometimes He is talking about Heaven and the future, but sometimes He is talking about the present, and Christians living out Godly lives right here.  When Jesus talks about that generation not dying before the "Kingdom of God" comes, I think He is speaking of Pentecost and the time after that when God's Holy Spirit came upon the believers and they started living the way that Jesus had taught them to.  This was the Kingdom of God come on Earth.

2 - The basic answer to your general problem of wondering whether you can really believe all this Christianity stuff just because an "old book" tells you so, is that YES you can.  The key is to figure out who God is.  Once you do that, you'll know that the Bible is true.  I recommend reading a series of posts that I made on another forum many years ago.  You can find the first part here.  Then just scroll down to the bottom of the page to find the other parts.

Offline Redoubter

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Re: Bothersome Verse
« Reply #2 on: June 07, 2012, 01:19:16 AM »
Ah, yes, that verse.  It's one of those verses I had (and still have) trouble with.  Also look at Mark 13 and Luke 21.  I've spoken with pastors and elders on this, and some who look to the original Greek, and I've gotten different answers.  I like the explanation just given by the Prof, but I've also had it explained that the part that was to happen was the destruction of Jerusalem, and that happened in 70 (this works especially with Luke 21).

In the end though, this is one of those cases that I think will continue to puzzle us.  Have you read Revelation?  Fascinating book, but not even close to the 'interpretations'.  I like to believe some of them, but you know what?  No one knows.

And I think that's fine, because if we knew everything, that would make us God.  Remember how the serpent tempted Eve, by saying that she would know everything and be as God if she ate the fruit?  I think that God was intentionally vague or confusing, and it has a purpose.  Remember that he makes the wisdom of the world foolish, and makes the wise look silly.  I certainly wouldn't have any problem believing if I was given an easy to read roadmap for the future and I saw the events occur.  If I cannot doubt, then my faith would be meaningless.  But that's just my take.

For your crisis of faith, God allows us to go through those, and He'll give you an opening to come out better for it.  Pray and find something you can do to 'recharge' and find the truth you're looking for.  I've been feeling a call to go back and be a counselor for a youth camp, and that's where I've seen the work of the Holy Spirit with my own eyes.  There will be an opportunity given to you to find the truth and come out stronger.

Offline Jmbeers

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Re: Bothersome Verse
« Reply #3 on: June 07, 2012, 03:21:41 AM »
I would like to share just a little bit of my story with you if that's ok. I was raised in a Christian home and my dad is a pastor so I was alwaysed exposed to the church. But there came a time for me when I needed to decided wheather I believed in God or wheather I even believed in the Christian God. I took a long look at what science had to say about the orgins of the world, how the Bible and other religious texts messered up against history, And I looked at the doctrine of some of the worlds other main religions and came out of the search a firm beliver in Christ. You see for me it was never about the emotion but about the proof. I know that may sound shallow but I have been a rock in my faith ever since my search. I realized first hand that when God said those who seek the truth will find it. So I recommend staying connected to a body of believers but if you find yourself doubting, search for the truth. I have a strong feeling you'll end up where you started but this time around you'll have a faith you can trust in.

I'm going to agree and disagree with Prof, the Key IS finding out who God is, but I believe we can never fully understand him. We have our whole life and then all eternity to understand and then become more like him. And I highly encourage you to try and learn more about him. You see The Bible is just one of the ways God shows us a small picture of himself. I see God in science, history, the Bible and in social acts.

I would love to talk to you in detail. I'll see if I can answer any of your questions. Please Feel free to PM me and maybe we can talk there or you can call me if you'd like.

Best of luck to you and we will all be praying for you.
« Last Edit: June 07, 2012, 03:27:07 AM by Jmbeers »
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Re: Bothersome Verse
« Reply #4 on: June 07, 2012, 07:22:11 AM »
Having doubts about your faith is a good thing. It means your faith really matters to you.

When you really start to read the Bible and think about your faith, you will find conflicts and inconsistencies. In my opinion, you need to accept these things as inconsistencies and conflicts without resolution before you can have authentic faith. If you try to make it "fit" when it really doesn't, you're not having "faith," you're just being naive.
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« Last Edit: June 07, 2012, 07:32:14 AM by michaeljl »

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Re: Bothersome Verse
« Reply #5 on: June 07, 2012, 10:35:00 AM »

I understand that you are struggling with keeping your faith strong.  Sometimes, like now, you are struggling to keep your faith alive.  I have a recommendation that might seem silly or even extreme, but I'd try it before you spend too much time in the doldrums.

In Romans, the Bible tells us one way to gain faith: Hearing the Word of God - specifically the Good News about Christ.  Do you spend any amount of time listening to the radio?  Talk radio, secular music stations, even Christian music stations?  If so, I recommend replacing most of that time with listening to the New Testament on CD or other audio device.  If you can, listen to it daily.  Feed your faith as often as you feed your face.  :)  It will probably do the job.  I'm praying that whatever steps you take, your faith will grow.

Offline BubbleBoy

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Re: Bothersome Verse
« Reply #6 on: June 07, 2012, 12:52:10 PM »
In Romans, the Bible tells us one way to gain faith: Hearing the Word of God - specifically the Good News about Christ.  Do you spend any amount of time listening to the radio?  Talk radio, secular music stations, even Christian music stations?  If so, I recommend replacing most of that time with listening to the New Testament on CD or other audio device.  If you can, listen to it daily.  Feed your faith as often as you feed your face.  :)  It will probably do the job.  I'm praying that whatever steps you take, your faith will grow.
Actually, I spend very little time listening to anything, and the sound on my computer doesn't work right now, and I don't have an iPod or a CD player or any Bible CD's, so I'm not sure how I could get that going. Even if I could, I think I have a pretty good idea what my reaction would be: "I've heard all this before." I read my Bible every night and listen to sermons just about every week, but it's been a very long time since I've actually learned anything new, or even re-heard anything that really changed the way I live. I'll think about this some more, though.

Thanks everyone for the suggestions and input, and especially prayer. I'm going to take some time to mull over all this.
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Re: Bothersome Verse
« Reply #7 on: June 07, 2012, 01:04:21 PM »
If you lived close to me, I'd offer to take you fishing.  :)

But I will pray.
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Offline JSB23

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Re: Bothersome Verse
« Reply #8 on: June 07, 2012, 01:49:12 PM »
If you want to talk, send me a PM and we can get coffee sometime.
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Offline YourMathTeacher

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Re: Bothersome Verse
« Reply #9 on: June 07, 2012, 04:04:48 PM »
Come back to Florida for another visit, and we can get coffee ice cream! I'd love to talk, especially while eating.
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Re: Bothersome Verse
« Reply #10 on: June 07, 2012, 06:38:32 PM »
I always compare two things: the direction my life and emotional state is going when I am and am not living as though everything in the Bible were true. For this reason, you could convince me beyond a shadow of a doubt that one merely ceases to exist upon death and I wouldn't change my lifestyle. Whether or not it's true, it's better. It helps that it also happens to be true.
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Re: Bothersome Verse
« Reply #11 on: June 07, 2012, 07:00:08 PM »
Hey Bubble,
Just wanted to interact with you as well here.  I committed my life to Christ at the age of 8, but then as I got older I strayed.  I, too, had doubts about my faith, God, Jesus, the whole shabang.  It wasn't until recently that I was baptized with my wife and rededicated my life to the Lord.  Throughout high school and college, a total of 15 years, I battled and addiction to pornography.  It wasn't until the Lord opened my eyes and almost lost my wife (then fiance') over it.  He showed me it was time for a change.  It is through my prayer life, devotion time, and just strict bible reading that keeps me on the straight and narrow.  There are times even now that I doubt, but somehow the Lord always shows me an answer with the truth of His Word.  Just wanted to let you know a little bit about my story...feel free to PM me any time and we can chat here or over the phone.  I'll be praying for you, my friend!  May God grant you peace.

In Christ,
Robin Dermo aka dermo4christ

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Re: Bothersome Verse
« Reply #12 on: June 08, 2012, 12:56:57 PM »
God is ok with honest doubt, so ask him what it means.  I also think the Word makes more sense with the Holy Sprit, remember you don't bring the fire to the Word the Word brings the fire to you.
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Offline Alex_Olijar

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Re: Bothersome Verse
« Reply #13 on: June 08, 2012, 05:07:26 PM »
I think you need to strip everything else away. When it gets down to it, the miracles, the evidence, the whatever other proof exists, pretend it just doesn't exist. It's just you reading the word. Are you willing to just read and believe? Are you willing to just accept not understand.

God isn't look for understanding, God is looking for openness, for willing. I struggle myself with the desire to understand, but I think you just need to deny that desire to a point. God in not understandable.


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